Tuesday, March 31, 2009

London High Drama Starring President Barack Obama

London High Drama Starring President Barack Obama

By Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo, Philosopher & Writer

02:20 a.m., London, England, UK, EU – George Soros understands better than almost any person alive today just how dire the circumstances are, not just financially but in terms of global economic and geo-political stability! Within less than 24 hours the world, starting with its key decision-makers, will either breathe a deep sigh of relief and begin to rise constructively out of the muck of financial and economic doom and gloom or the world will begin its final roller-coaster ride of weeks of extreme market volatility and the beginning of what would definitely not only be something far worse than The Great Depression of 1929, but a series of other related disasters that would definitely destroy human civilization as we know it today! Given the kind of weird Global Russian Roulette Situation we have, with every one of the G-20 nations holding a gun to the head of the other, and all the potential for a total meltdown of trust, not to mention the kind of weapons of mass destruction that did not even exist in 1929, we must all hope and pray that these powerful leaders and their advisors will heed the warning of George Soros and others.

In the past few days, just before this G-20 Crisis Meeting is about to convene, France and Germany have decided to stick to their guns in their conviction that what is really needed most is stronger and better regulation of global business and finance practices and activities, and France has even threatened to walk-out if Global Financial Regulation is not significantly strengthened. For in their view this Global Financial and Economic Crisis is evidence, as they say, of the systemic failure of the Anglo-Saxon type of Global Financial Markets and International Finance structures and business activities, with its excessive deregulation, especially during the Bush Administration years. This rather harsh anti-Anglo-American stance is in contrast to the preference of the British and Americans to get the Continental European giants and other G-20 nations to pool and pour more money into government financial-crisis-management programs, including massive infrastructure investment projects and works as well as other business-salvaging programs to reduce and eventually reverse the rapidly growing unemployment rates, efforts to bail-out and prop-up key financial, banking, insurance and securities institutions, efforts to use this crisis as an opportunity to shift production towards alternative, green, transportation and energy technologies, as well as other efforts to not only restore confidence in the global economy but to set a new course for the entire world! France, Germany and a few other key European Union nations think that most of the burden of the costs of restoring global market stability should be born by the key perpetrators of this crisis, namely the United Kingdom and The United States of America. And it seems that if both sides are willing to play a dangerous, ultimate high stakes international Game of Chicken the ultimate losers may be everyone else in the world!

Obviously what is needed is some cool-headed wisdom and the determination to make every effort to find a relatively reasonable compromise, but in such a way that somehow really does end up providing the world most of what either side has wanted in the first place. For anyone sufficiently educated, knowledgeable and informed can see that both sides are more right than wrong. Sure, to blame this Global Crisis on the so-called Anglo-Saxon Financial Markets and International Finance Model is wrong. The idea that rich people and their Big Businesses would never do anything that would significantly endanger the very global stability they depend on is either very naïve or born of short-term malicious greed and selfish-minded foolishness. But such stupidity was not at all part of the original so-called Anglo-Saxon model when it all came into place at the height of The Industrial Revolution. In fact, one could just as well argue that it was actually the extremely aggressive and strict German labor-intensive model combined with the traditional Japanese Corporate Fascism model, where the individual worker is practically owned by the company they work for, which too many greedy businesspersons throughout the world, and especially in America, adopted beginning in the early 80s with Reaganomics and its sick Trickle-down Supply-side excessively consumerist-addicting economic model. Clearly this Era of Careless and Imbalanced Globalization, with its increasingly nasty and excessive competition between nation-state economies, was heavily exploited by the rich everywhere, including, to a great extent, by rich German, French and other Western European businesspersons, as well as by many rich OPEC member state citizens!

While most American and European citizens were not in any significant way the ultimate beneficiaries of the kind of greed- and selfishness-driven, ruthless business practices that made the American-owned markets such lucrative sources of investment- and speculation-based fortunes, not just for the top one percent of Americans, but also for European elite businesspersons, many who are multi-national citizens, and quite a few who are dual American and European citizens, most people in the poorer nations of the world, as well as a significant minority in America and Western Europe were the ones to have to pay the price for such excesses! Not just in terms of jobs and household economies at risk, but in terms of serious job-related health problems, suffering and premature deaths! But we must also remember the cost of AIDS and other preventable epidemics which were not at all helped (and in fact were exacerbated) by the very erroneous and zealous ideals, social strictures and policies of the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, then to a lesser extent Bush Junior’s policies, and the unrealistic attitude of some other major religious institutions. And to top it all, one must not forget to take into serious consideration the very negative financial and economic consequences of the sick terrorist attacks of 9-11-2001, which were exploited for very sinister political and financial interests by the Neo-Conservatives of the Bush Administration, to the added benefit of extreme Rapture-addicted so-called-Christians (mostly of the Neo-Evangelist type). In sum, the current Global Crisis was caused by many things combined which together became the proverbial “perfect storm”. Thus Sarkozy, Merkel and Jean-Claude Juncker, to name just a few, are not as righteous in their condemnation as would first appear to be the case.

Surely President Obama cannot be in any way held responsible for this mess which was caused, in great measure, by the Bush Administration’s rampant deregulatory practices and policies and its Fiasco in Iraq, with its very negative consequences for the rest of the world! In fact both Chancellor Merkel and President Sarkozy would be well advised to listen to Obama and his entourage of experts, as well as to George Soros, whose advice was echoed just the other day by both Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd of Australia and Gordon Brown of the UK. Now would be the very worst time for France to storm out and Germany to stand still, especially as recent events in The Middle East show how desperately and urgently all peoples there need President Obama to be able to restore confidence in the global markets so as to concentrate on using his magnificent talent at bringing diverse groups together and his exceptional skill at talking sense into people, for the sake of lasting peace, global security and a New Era of Prosperity based on real technological, social and environmental progress!

Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo is an Independent Philosopher, Writer and Political Scientist, famous for being The Original New York City Free Advice Man in the late 1980s. He is the author of several books, including “The Most Important Thought” and “Infinitism: Secret Key To The Doors of Wisdom”, and was the first Democrat to accurately predict almost a year in advance the Obama-Biden ticket and its subsequent victory at the US National Elections of 2008. He currently resides in London, England, where he is busy with various new projects, and writing a book about Eccentrics and their Indispensable Role in Healthy Democracies. A movie about his life as The Free Advice Man is in the works He has advised thousands of people directly, including famous celebrities and other VIPs, such as George Soros, Vice President Joe Biden, former President Bill Clinton, former Vice-President Al Gore, The Obama Campaign, Actor and Director Woody Allen, the late Actor and Song & Dance Man Andy Kaufman, and many others. His ideas and indirect advice have influenced the lives of millions.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dehumanizing Your Enemy Serves Only To Dehumanize Yourself!

In the past I have tended to be very specific about what specific incident(s), event(s) or issue(s) I am writing about. While doing so may have been useful in getting people to think about those things more seriously it has often harmed my more universal goal(s). In effect; universal wisdom is very hard to convey without giving specific examples, but by going into specifics one risks being misunderstood and one's universal values risk being perceived as hypocrisy! So, this time I find myself forced to avoid being specific in the hope that a broader and ultimately more important message be conveyed.

A recent event happened that over time will push a certain set of people in the world to re-evaluate things and to make very hard decisions. This event was not only a most complex event, but its root causes are even more complex! To give you a rough idea of what I might be talking about I am going to relate to you a semi-fictional story that has a lot of basis in reality:

The Story of History Island

(by Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo...myself ofcourse)

Not very long ago there was a time when large sailing ships were the only way significant numbers of people could travel from one side of an ocean to another. In those days there were many unchartered, undiscovered and unknown islands, especially in Tropical waters. This is the story of such a ship and such an island.

H.M.S. Wilberforce was a grand Galleon over 120 feet in length and 80 feet in width, fore to aft. It had three decks and could comfortable transport over 300 persons from the coast of England to the coast of Peru in about 2 and a half months.

On May 14, 1748 H.M.S. Wilberforce was caught in a sudden and rather violent storm, and during that storm it went off course nearly 40 nautical miles! By nightfall the storm began to subside but not enough to prevent the ship from hitting a reef and being split into two! Fortunately enough, all but 11 of the 220 passengers aboard managed to swim to the safety of the shores of a nearby, uninhabited island! The ship was transporting 170 ethno-religious fanatics and 50 relatively normal persons! And of the fanatics most were of X Ethno-Religion and only a few were of Y Ethno-Religion. The ratio of each group among the 11 dead was approximately the same.

Within a few days the island had been fully explored, and was found to be as big as London City proper was in 1748! It had everything imaginable for relatively normal living, including several fresh water springs, a few small lakes, a couple of waterfalls, several small dormant volcanic mountains, plenty of tropical fruit trees and berry bushes, an assortment of various wild animals, including fowl, reptiles and rodents, not to mention some poisonous spiders, snakes and what not! It also was surrounded by beautiful soft-sanded pearly-white beaches, brilliantly clear aquamarine blue warm tropical water and inlets, rich in fish and other wonders of the sea! The Captain of the ship tried to keep everyone united, but soon enough two main groups formed, and two smaller groups. The largest group was for those who were religious fanatics of the X Ethno-Religion, numbering some 130 people, followed by the second largest one, comprised of the 50 non-fanatic persons of both ethno-religious backgrounds, but mostly being of the Y Ethno-Religious background, another smaller one comprised of the Y ethno-religious fanatics whose number was 20, and the smallest of them all was made up of the few who were a-religious and who numbered just 9!

Logically the island was divided into four distinct territories, but the proportions were not quite fair! The X fanatics, being the largest number of people, easily managed to force everyone else into much smaller parcels of land, especially parcels of land that were not the nicest ones either! The X fanatics named their 90% of the island "X-ria", the non-fanatic, predominantly of Y background, group named their 4% of the island "Democratonia", the Y fanatics named their 4% "Zealand", and the group of 9 a-religious people named their 2% "Athenia". Already the seeds of conflict were beginning to be sown! Especially because there was a brief time of a few days when the "Democratonians" held at least 10% of the island, including a very viable section which would have made it possible for them to live relatively decent lives, without harming anyone else!

In the first two months that followed there were signs of growing tension and some minor border disputes and fist-fights, but otherwise there was so-called 'peace' without fairness; an obviously false peace that would not last long!

The "Athenians" had also had enough of the situation and decided to join forces with the "Democratonians" in demanding that the "Democratonians" get a full 10%, and they, the "Athenians" get another 2%. The "Zealanders" suffered in their small and poor piece of the island, but refused to risk war!

What happened next was totally unnexpected! One of the women from X-ria fell in love with a man from Democratonia, and left her parents, brother and two uncles to be live in Democratonia with her newfound love! In effect, she had decided not to be a fanatic anymore. Unfortunately this did not go down well with her familials and they attempted to force her back and threatened to kill her lover. When they almost succeeded, causing serious injury to the love-struck couple, the Democratonians and Athenians declared war on the X-rians and after three days of violent conflict, in which ten X-rians, two Democratonians and one Athenian were killed, the Democratonians managed to capture roughly 16% of the island, and awarded 2% more to the Athenians. From that point on things were definitely not peaceful. After ten years of conflict the borders changed little, but the children were born and the total population began to increase, even with a few fatalities every now and then! Then in the 12th year the Democratonians, in an attempt to get back to the 'real world', sent an expedition on a small raft, which discovered another much larger island that was actually inhabited! Its people were called the Restonians and soon enough trade was established between the two islands. The Restonians did not know who their ancestors were or how they had come to live on their island and they had had no contact with any other peoples for longer than they could remember! But the Restonians trade was not exclusively with the Democratonians, Athenians or even the Zealanders. They soon made special and exclusive alliances and deals with each group, and discovered that by exploiting the conflict between the peoples of The Island of Historia they could benefit greatly! After all the Restonians numbered four times the total number of people on Historia!

Now what I forgot to tell you is that in 2% of that extra 4% of the land the Democratonians held a family of X-rians decided to remain and they soon grew in number. These X-rians somehow managed to live under Democratonian rule without much ado, until a group of the originally displaced X-rians decided to exploit this fact and force that family into conflict with the Democratonians. At some point the X-rians began launching suicide attacks, using crude explosives made from the various natural minerals imported from Restonia Island! The situation eventually became so bad that the Democratonians threatened another all-out war with the X-rians, especially after the X-rians began to tell half-truths about the history of the conflict of Historia Island to the Restonian Islanders. The Restonian Islanders were such opportunists that they cleverly managed to play up to each side to the degree that suited them best; knowing that it would always be to their advantage to keep the conflict going while seeming to want all sides to make a lasting peace settlement! The X-rians even tried to turn the Y fanatics of Zealand against Democratonia and Athenia! Such that most of the Y fanatics of Zealand felt forced to leave Zealand and live in Democratonia, leaving a small fraction of Zealanders to actually allow Restonia to use Zealand as their foothold, in exchange for protection from either side! For this to work these few Zealand fanatics who remained in Zealand spoke more and more in favor of the "plight" of the X-rians, even lying about the actual truth of the actual History of Historia's conflict. Thus such a situation began to arise that was to the detriment of all! The X-rians began to subdivide into various clans, some of whose leaders were worse than others, and even a few who made relative peace with Democratonia! The Democratonians were living in constant fear of the suicide attacks by the X-rians in the land they held, which they were more than willing to return to X-ria if all the X-rians would agree to let Democratonia live peacefully on its original 10% of the island's land! Even though the Democratonians had set up, over time, a very strict set of rules and laws governing their military, a small but growing minority within their military began to violate those wise rules and laws, mostly out of revenge for the loss of loved ones to the X-rians, who seemed to have no qualms about using such suicide attacks! Such suicide attack methods were alien to the culture and history of the Democratonians, and to even most of the Restonians! Yet the Restonian leaders, who also had various competing clans, failed to ever point out to the X-rians how totally unacceptable such suicide attacks were, and continued to profit from the conflict! Anyway, as time went on another minority of Democratonians, joined by many Athenians, a few former Zealanders and even some Restonians and X-rians began to express concern over that minority of the Democratonian military which were even killing unarmed X-rians in the occupied part of X-ria. Things were obviously going to get even more and more dangerous as new and more destructive technologies and weapons were invented and any peaceful outcome seemed less and less likely!

That is, until twenty years and countless lives lost later, yet another large island, slightly further away, finally discovered the Island of Historia and The Island Restonia! For on that island, New India, lived a wise man who was their democratically elected leader and knowing that he could use his islands vast wealth and resources for good began to try to point out to all parties concerned just how dangerous the situation was. But the Restonians, who had profited, did not care to take the warning seriously enough, and they argued that if New India wanted to really help they should give a piece of their own island to the non X-rian Historians, especially to the Democratonians! But by now the Democratonians had suffered too much injustice and would never agree to anyone else running their affairs! Even if the New Indians were able to give a part of their island to the Democratonians, which they were not, the Democratonians had a deep historic connection to their land and that combined with their fear of having to rely on outsiders made such a proposition pointless! Thus, because of these very complicated entangled interests and constant half-truths and even outright lies, a situation arose where the Restonian majority actually began to hate the Democratonians, even as they were themselves not fanatics and would never agree to have the X-rians living next to them! Fortunately for the Democratonians and Athenians of Historia Island a growing number of X-rians were also seeking to live in true democratic and non-fanatic communities within X-ria, but these efforts were violently squashed by most X-rian clan leaders. Most but not all! Another important factor was that many of the X-rians living under Democratonian occupation were actually becoming more interested in Democratonian social ideals and the freedom offered by such, such that the majority of X-rians were no longer really interested in their welfare and yet were more than willing to help incite conflict between occupied and occupier, and to provide the means, in effect the weapons, to keep the conflict going on and on and on! And even in Democratonia there emerged a few corrupt and unethical leaders who abused their positions of authority and who understood that their own ability to profit financially from the continuation of the conflict was to insure that the conflict would continue!!!

Still, the problem was that a new and most terrifying weapon, based on parabolic mirrors and the rays of The Sun was about to make the whole mess even more dangerous for all three islands! The Democratonians managed to invent this Sun Ray weapon, but the Restonians were soon able to invent their own version, which they sold to one of the X-rian clans! The New Indians were now forced to make their own Sun Ray weapon and soon enough this super weapon was in the hands of all sides. But to make matters worse it was discovered that an X-rian group of ultra-fanatics were making efforts to get the biological weaponry developed by the Restonians and the New Indians, with which they would be able to unleash utter chaos!

End Of Story -Sort Of

Now, if you do not see the real story behind this fictional story then you are probably not as well educated, informed and enlightened as you thought you were!

End of Blog Article

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Think About This, If You Can!

NOTE: The following words are Copyright & Self-Published by Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Excerpts from my next book, titled: "Light-Time & Other Deepest Thoughts" by Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher Extraordinaire.

Generally speaking; the faster one travels through space the slower time passes/happens! And, until recently, based on the Theory of Special Relativity and Einstein’s famous E=mc Squared equation, it would seem perfectly, i.e. equationally (mathematologically), true to state that someone traveling at the speed of light would not perceive the passing of time at all! But according to Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo’s theory, known to a very select few Theoretical Physicists as “Fenyo’s Theory of Differential Times”, sub-atomic particles, i.e. Quantum Particles, exist in their own types of time, and the time in which Living Organisms exist and which they “experience” is Macro-Atomic or Chemical Time!!! Light’s own time is Micro-Atomic or Quantum Time!!! That is to say; Time is actually not Absolutely Relative, but only Relatively Relative, and there are between two to four possible Different Types of Time! In general time is the measurement of the activity of relatively motionless matter (slow or weak “energy”…in effect Weak Force o) as it is affected by the force of other relatively motionful matter, fast matter or strong energy (the Strong Force)! Since Photons are the Quanta radiations (or emissions) that emanate from the interaction of Matter (Weak Force) and Energy (Strong Force), which are two states of the same Atomic (i.e. Chemical) Realm of Physics, they are not existing within the Atomic or Chemical Time, i.e. Macro-Atomic Time, but in Micro-Atomic Time, i.e. The Quantum Realm of Physics (the study of which is known as Quantum Physics). Light cannot travel exactly at the Absolute Speed of Theoretical Light! The Constant or Speed at which Light does travel will always be less than 100% of it Purely Hypothetical Speed, as no such thing as an Absolute Vacuum can exist anywhere in Reality! Space-Time is subject to the Weakest Force: Gravity, which is also the Fastest Force! Faster than Light! But Gravitation Time, or Intra-Universal Time is also not the type of Time we Bio-Chemical Beings can ever experience! (There exists, in a loose sense of the word “exists”, a Fake “Fifth Time”: Imaginary Time…but that is an Unreal Time and not subjectable to True Scientific Inquiry!)

Absolutely Important Eternal Truths/Axioms to keep in mind:

Absolutely Important Eternal Truths/Axioms to keep in mind:

1. There can be no such thing as NOTHING! Theoretically and logically nothing would be what an Absolute Vacuum would be, if it could be! Which is a good thing, as that would have opened the possibility of a Universe devoid of an Absolute Insurance Against Non-Existentiality!

2. Also; nothing can be Absolutely At Rest or Devoid of Time! NOTHING! Light itself “experiences” (using the word “experiences” metaphorically only) its own passing of events or Light Time, i.e. Micro-Atomic Time, or Quantum Time!

3. Spin (motion of electrons around atomic nuclei) is always happening, even when Chemical Conditions (Macro-Atomic States) are such that almost all Energy is almost totally released! Nothing can ever become totally Absolutely At Rest (so as to be able to become NOTHING…the NOTHING from which Absolute Vacuum would come into EXISTENCE!!!)

4. As Light (Photon Quanta and Waves of Chain-Photon Reaction) travels/moves through the Relative Vacuum of Outer Space (in this case Inter-Stellar and Inter-Galactic Space) it is slowed down over vast periods (Eons) of time, and thus becomes Weak Light! In fact, the Theory of The Big Bang is based on the wrong observations of what is really happening throughout the Cosmos of The Visible Universe! Most of what is observed is less about Red Shift, if about any Red Shift at all, and more about Weak(ened) Light!

5. There are no Absolutely Perfect Spheres of ANYTHING! No Quantum Particle, no Atom, not Planet or Star is ever able to be a Perfect Sphere! Of course, in terms of the kind of balls (spheres) we are able to produce on Earth, under the influence of gravity, the balls (spheres) that are produced in the Near Zero Gravity are far more perfect, but never totally perfectable! This is very important, because this also has to do with another fundamental aspect of Light In Motion! Since Photons are only near-perfect, thus imperfect, spheres they are “shifted” out of any “straight” line of movement over any extent of Space-Time! That is to say, the Light we observe from distant celestial objects (“natural” Super-Atomic Physical Structures, i.e. Stars, Galaxies, etc.) can never convey perfectly reliable images! In effect, the “information” we have about ever-distant objects is less and less accurate! Time is only RELATIVE! Time never truly, totally equals Distance divided by Rate (or Ratio). The equation t=d/r is subject to both The Type of Time we are concerned with (as in Macro-Atomic Time, Micro-Atomic Time, Hyper-Dimensional Spiritual Time, etc.) and the Relatively Factor of The Imperfection of Time-Flow! Time does not “flow” totally coherently or “smoothly”! Time is always DISTORTED! Light is always DISTORTED!

6. No Macro-Atomic Entity, such as an Atom (Element), Compound, Molecule, Organic Compound, Single Cell Life-form, Multi-cellular Organism (includes us Humans), Space Craft, can travel sufficiently close to the Relative Speed of Light in Relative Vacuum of Space without the effects of something that is similar to what we call ‘Friction’! Macro-Atomic objects traveling close to the Relative Speed of Light in Relative Vacuum are increasingly ‘warped’ out of shape and Gravitationally and Electromagnetically ‘over-excited’…pretty much blown to smithereens by the cumulative Strong and Weak Forces as what happens to food subjected to Microwaves! Microwaves are Electromagnetic waves that cause excessive vibrations within the molecules of relatively moist, i.e. watery, things (i.e. Food substances and organic compounds)!

7. The Spectra Electromagnetic Waves includes the 2 obvious Types of Time! Micro-Atomic or Subatomic and Macro-Atomic or Super-Atomic! The Observable Universe is only possible directly through Light Waves! The reason Light Waves are somewhere in the middle of the Spectra is because of The Radiation Eye Factor! Our eyes are made of living cells able to transmit Visible Light into our Brains! When one understands that even what we “see” (observe) concerning the other Electromagnetic Waves (Frequency & Wavelength) is ultimately ‘seen’ (observed) through Scientific Instruments that ‘convert’ those much Higher and Lower Electromagnetic Waves into Visible “information” Light Waves! All our physical memories (mental images, sounds, and other sensual information) are composed of ‘matrixes’ (‘multi-dimensional grids’) of Manipulated Light Waves!!! Our Spiritual Souls are able to store and retrieve such Light Wave “Compositions”!!! Micro-Atomic Time is not directly experienced through the Mental Mind as organized by The Brain-Body Organism, but while one is in the Living State one can again use Conversion Tools (Scientific Instruments) to perform imperfect observations of the “behavior” of Quanta!!! However, and this is Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo’s own Absolute Rule of Imperfectable Observation also known as The Law of Observationability (term coined by Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo): No observation of anything through the Living Bio-Chemical Senses and Bio-Chemical Brain’s Mental Faculties can ever be perfectly correct observations of any phenomena, as the very imperfection of one’s Senses and Brain must be taken into account even to approximate a potentially more perfect observational understanding! { All Non-Physical memories are Emotional Memories, and require an Eternal Spiritual ‘Existence’ to be perceived and given meaning! } Our very own sense of Time is relatively subjective to our Emotional State of Mind and Spiritual Intuitional Awareness of Time’s passing! In the final analysis; No matter how close we get to perfectly understanding Reality, Physical and Spiritual, through our Living Brain’s Mental Faculties, our conclusions will always be, at best, shy of the Actual Truth of Things! Thus, the best we can do is allow our Intuitive Spiritual Sense to help determine that which is likely (almost certain), that which is unlikely (probably false) and that which is obviously impossible!

8. The starting point of all, true intellectual Reasoning must be with the logical understanding that the Totality of All That Exists and Can Exist is, and has to be, INFINITE! For once we are able to be certain of that Ultimate Absolute Logical Truth ….the only one of Three Ultimate Absolute Truths… of which the other two being: The Ultimate Absolute Physical Truth That NOTHING does not exist and that therefore nothing that TRULY AND FULLY EXISTS NOW can ever truly totally become TOTAL NOTHINGNESS! ; and The Ultimate Absolute Spiritual Truth that there must be an Eternal, Indestructible NON-THING that, while having the ability to interact with The Physical Realm, remains ultimately Existentially Real and Spiritually Perfect! In effect, what we sense to be Our Soul(s)!...then we are able to determine whether or not an Theory or Hypothesis based on any Observation is likely to be Correct (True) or Incorrect (False)! Here are some practical examples: 1. Travel back in time by semi-Physical Bio-Chemical Entities is IMPOSSIBLE, given that Near- and Super-Luminal Speeds for such Entities are impossible! 2. No Super-Spiritual Being, however Spiritually Powerful, could create All Of Infinity! Thus G-D is only Spiritually Almighty; whatever that means! 3. Life cannot just exist in one point in all Infinity, because that would be suggesting that the Infinite Universe is Senselessly Lonely and Life-Wise Meaningless! Thus Life exists throughout all Infinity in those places suitable for it! 4. Life allows the Soul of The Eternal Spiritual Realm to eventually manipulate The Physical Realm to the point of being able to Re-Start The Cycle of Reality in a given, limited ‘portion’ of Infinity!!! Which means that the sense of G-D being Physically Omnipotent may have some element of truth to it as a Spiritually Eternal One, albeit, a Physically Limited One!

9. Everything we can think of and imagine must have some element of truth to it, but nothing we can think of or imagine is a perfect version of the truth concerning anything! – Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher Extraordinaire.