The Free Advice Man Show can be seen on The Free Advice Man's YouTube Channel!
The full version of the YouTube television show will be up and running every two weeks starting this October (sometime in the first week of).
It will feature Free Advice segments and a set of features such as:
The Totally Spontaneous Sidewalk Talk Show
Absolutely hilarious comedy sketches
Smashingly Funny Parodies
High Brow Comedic Absurdities
Ridiculous Photoblog and Flickr Commentaries
Insanely Amusing Conspiracy Theories To Beat Existing Ones
Guest Appearance By Michael Jackson, Andy Kaufman, John Belushi and other Entertainers, Song & Dance Men, Performance Artistes, etc...
Unique Characters Created and Fully Animated By The Free Advice Man Himself!
The Next Funniest Joke In The World!
And more...
The goal is to get the show into full commercial syndication before the World ends, preferably before 2012...or at least a billion years thereafter...
Stay Tuned and Glued to The Free Advice Man Show...if you know what's good fer ya!
Constant and incessant viewing of The Free Advice Man Show may cause over one zillion possible things, possibly including some negative and harmful things, such as: Eternal Blindness of The Mind or Eyes or Both, Imaginary Friends Who Steal Your Leftovers, Cardiac Arrest Due To Dehydration Due To Constant Laughter Without Pause, Growing A Groucho Moustache Made Of Edible Licorice Ink, Becoming Brainwashed Into Believing In Shanty Claws, The Truth Fairy and Peter Panhandler, Learning How To Speak Reverse Mongolian In An Inaudible Whisper, Having Delusions About Being The Most Powerful Flea In The Universe, Cursing Yourself In Hungarian Sign Language While You Are Asleep, Creating Fascinating Classical Music Arias and Sonatas Under The Pseudonym Wolfgang Amadeus Zorba, Feeling Nausea Every Time Someone Says Shazbats, Annoying Tingling Sensations In Your Reticulum Majorum, Impersonating Mao Tse Tung and any number of his Forty Dwarfs, etc.... YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED!