Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Free Advice Man Show

The Free Advice Man Show can be seen on The Free Advice Man's YouTube Channel!

The full version of the YouTube television show will be up and running every two weeks starting this October (sometime in the first week of).

It will feature Free Advice segments and a set of features such as:

The Totally Spontaneous Sidewalk Talk Show

Absolutely hilarious comedy sketches

Smashingly Funny Parodies

High Brow Comedic Absurdities

Ridiculous Photoblog and Flickr Commentaries

Insanely Amusing Conspiracy Theories To Beat Existing Ones

Guest Appearance By Michael Jackson, Andy Kaufman, John Belushi and other Entertainers, Song & Dance Men, Performance Artistes, etc...

Unique Characters Created and Fully Animated By The Free Advice Man Himself!

The Next Funniest Joke In The World!

And more...

The goal is to get the show into full commercial syndication before the World ends, preferably before 2012...or at least a billion years thereafter...

Stay Tuned and Glued to The Free Advice Man Show...if you know what's good fer ya!


Constant and incessant viewing of The Free Advice Man Show may cause over one zillion possible things, possibly including some negative and harmful things, such as: Eternal Blindness of The Mind or Eyes or Both, Imaginary Friends Who Steal Your Leftovers, Cardiac Arrest Due To Dehydration Due To Constant Laughter Without Pause, Growing A Groucho Moustache Made Of Edible Licorice Ink, Becoming Brainwashed Into Believing In Shanty Claws, The Truth Fairy and Peter Panhandler, Learning How To Speak Reverse Mongolian In An Inaudible Whisper, Having Delusions About Being The Most Powerful Flea In The Universe, Cursing Yourself In Hungarian Sign Language While You Are Asleep, Creating Fascinating Classical Music Arias and Sonatas Under The Pseudonym Wolfgang Amadeus Zorba, Feeling Nausea Every Time Someone Says Shazbats, Annoying Tingling Sensations In Your Reticulum Majorum, Impersonating Mao Tse Tung and any number of his Forty Dwarfs, etc.... YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Letter To A Nostalgic Friendly

So, what's going on in your corner of the World?
Tried to chat with you via facebook...
As you know we're in London now...after several very difficult years in the US.
Though I seriously helped get the Obama-Biden Ticket elected, and the world may be safer as a result....though some things are troublesome and worrying about the way in which the MIC is behaving (first they ask these two fine gentlemen to save them, to reform the MIC (make it less lethal and more constructive) and the rest of the World from their extreme excesses under Shrub and Neo-Company: then they try pulling some fast ones here and the vaccine and what not...hey, you don't have to be a Paleo-Con or Neo-Con or other Nazi-like creep to see that something ain't right about what's going on...) I was saying...though I seriously helped get these guys elected my own safety and welfare was in grave danger in the US.
London is a great place to live, but at a hefty price... The rents are disproportionately high, especially at a time like this....what with a near-collapse of the global economy....who would have thought that the London Banking and Financial Industries sector would be so full of IDIOTS! Even I, with all my visionary abilities and Future-Seeing could not manage to foresee that the one place one would have thought would be financially safest would end up being in such a mess! Then again; London's overall longterm prospects....provided the World economy does manage to stand up tall again (reformed and re-tuned)...are better than most other City States. Problem may yet be; to what degree do the Tories (so-called Conservative Party) win next year's elections... If they get too much power then all bets are off.... But I sense that they will just barely get in with a narrow majority, and the rise of the Xenophobic UKIP and racist BNP will probably, eventually, re-activate and energize the silent Progressive majority...or so we must hope... The European Union surely cannot continue as it is; heading into chaos under the weight of all the Euroskeptic and anti-EU Right-wing extremists and ultra-Nationalists... Something is bound to give and break the current deadlock... We all know that WW3 could easily begin in Europe once more! Even with all the cross-Chengen (hard to use the term 'ross-border') property ownership and inter-European business interests; unless the EU does become what it was really meant to be...more united and more respectful of individuals and their rights...there is a serious danger that major conflicts may yet break out and cause the whole shebang to self-destruct, sending down the whole world with it! In a sense; we're either going to see some really positive changes worldwide or the beginning of the end as Russia, China and India vie for power against the currently much-too-weak Euro-Atlantic-American Alliance... And the biggest source of danger comes from within! Public confidence in Official Authorities is waning BIG TIME (most of the rich and their peons are to blame for all that), and the lack of Ethics at all levels of society, excess Corruption and the ability of organized thugs to excessively infiltrate and exploit the whole mess is causing the level of intra-social paranoia to rise way too high! So...we're either going to see some very positive changes in Europe (I include Australia and New Zealand here) and America (excluding Mexico) or the CRAP IS GOING TO HIT THE FAN SO BAD THAT..that we'll not know what hit us all until its too late!
Perhaps the actual discovery of evidence of truly intelligent life beyond our Solar stellar system would be what is needed to pull humanity together again! And, as I have been arguing for ages; chances are very good that we will discover THEM within our lifetime! Even if we may only get to SEE their presence WAY OUT THERE it will be enough to cause enough change on this endangered Pearl of a Planet of OURS! I think this OBSERVATION will take place within the next two years! PREPARE YOURSELF! A little initial chaos and incredulity will sweep over the World, but shorlty thereafter TRADITIONAL RELIGION and EXTREMISM will PLUMETT! Long Live The Glorious Memory of His Royal Highness, His Majesty, King Charles the 2nd of England! (Do your own research into why he was so special!).
More another time!
PS: I am going to publish this letter as (a letter to a Nostalgic Friendly of Mine). See it at my "The official Free Advice Man Blog"... and your OPINIONS and QUESTIONS are truly welcome! Avoid the vaccine...listen to what Dr. Horowitz (no...not that racist sicko pseudo-Professor who riles people against Islam) has to say about Vitamin D and Silver Oxide water....(YouTube). Check out my CREATIVE WORKS via my website: