Tuesday, November 6, 2007


By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher (written for the Nov. 7, 2007 event
titled ‘There You Go Again: Orwell Comes To America’ Conference held
at The New York Public Library, Sponsored by The Open Society Institute.)

Not only can words cause conflict, even deadly wars, but they can help perpetuate misunderstandings, prejudices, misperceptions, inaccuracies, semi-truths, myths, stereotypes, and outright fabrications and lies which can compel the general public to support bad policies and unethical wars. For those of us who spend a lot of time and energy seriously critically thinking about the world, about every possible matter of consequence, i.e. for us relatively self-critical philosophers, poets and activists, the aforementioned idea concerning the ability of words to ignite conflict and perpetuate conflicts already ignited is nothing new. What is new is the idea that we (thinkers, etc.) should be doing a lot more to create groups of influential persons and thinkers and reach out to the editors of mass media news, to political representatives and executives, to public and private leaders, and let them know which are those words, terms, phrases, expressions which we find most dangerous and unhelpful when used in certain contexts and which the persons using them may not even be aware of as being dangerous and unhelpful. Needless to say, the world could use a lot less violent conflict and more cooperation, compromise, coexistence and wise counsel!

So as not to fall into the trap of communicating way too vaguely allow me to provide some clear examples of words, terms, phrases and expressions which in the context they are currently used should not be:

1. Islamo-Fascists. For that matter, Islamists, Islamic Fundamentalists, Islamic Extremists, Islamic Terrorists, and other similar expressions. Think about it! Almost every news program in America and much of the non-Islamic world uses these dangerous labels, these inaccurate and incorrect expressions without considering (perhaps some even do so deliberately) how these expressions and labels not only offend all relatively observant Muslims and the majority of people who follow Islam in the manner that most Islamic scholars would agree is correct, but these dangerous terms re-enforce incorrect stereotypes and misperceptions in the general public, who do not tend to have the knowledge, education and information to be discerning enough! Would you call a person who blows themselves and innocent people to pieces, who commits such an inexcusable, monstrous, cowardly and senseless act, a Christian Fascist, or Christian Fundamentalist?
(You can easily substitute the adjective/noun Christian with Jew, Hindu, or almost any other religion or ideology if you prefer). Would you approve of the mass news media calling Timothy McVeigh a Christian? I should think not. Well, let’s be frank about it, most Islamic scholars, perhaps all the truly legitimate ones, would tell you that all forms of terrorism, especially the type committed by al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Kahanists, and others from practically all community backgrounds and origins, are forbidden acts according to true Islam, and that there are very strict ethical guidelines concerning what are legitimate forms and means of legitimate self-defense and communal defense! But not a minute goes by today without someone in the mass news media, in the non-Islamic world, unintentionally, inadvertently (but sometimes quite maliciously) adding fuel to the fire of the growing conflict that, if we fail to do our part, will finally become a final global conflict in which the majority of the world will have been forced into by a minority of the world! Not only do you have the power to write or call your local or national news media and state and explain your objection to these dangerous labels and harmful words, but people of Islamic background or who are actual active adherents to Islam, Arabs and non-Arabs, should refuse to continue participating in any interview or discussion panel on TV, radio or elsewise, where such dangerous and harmful terms are used impunity. Those of us who truly seek peace and seek to strengthen the moderates and reformists in the Islamic world and in other communities have a deep moral obligation to let the mass news media and other molders of public opinion, including politicians and government officials, know how much we oppose such terms, just as we oppose the use of the “N” word, the “F” word (the one meant to offend homosexuals), the “K” word (used against Jews) etc…. We must object on every occasion that such incorrect, harmful, dangerous and deadly words are used outside of obvious historical contexts in historical documentaries! Whether we are mere observers and consumers of mass media news or actual on-air participants or interviewees, we are obliged to make a protest and say something to the effect that; ‘as long as you use the term Islamo-Fascist (substitute as you will), which inadvertently re-enforces a false connection between Islam and Fascism, I will not continue this discussion’. And we must make it clear that just because someone calls themselves Islamic or Jewish or Christian does not make it so!
As for possible appropriate alternatives: try “Pseudo-Islamic Fascists or Fake Islamists’ instead.

2. We should stop the use of the term ‘Criminal Justice System’! Think about it! Could it be that it is called The Criminal Justice System on purpose, implying that it is not a Legal Justice System but a Criminal one?!? We once used the term ‘Drug Store’, but now we call them Pharmacies. In the case of America’s system supposedly established to enforce the laws and bring actual offenders of the law to justice, there is something very wrong, both with the term used and the system itself. Perhaps the most dangerous, unethical and contradictory thing is that law enforcement officers place non-violent persons who are still only suspects in the same places where violent criminal offenders are placed! An ethical Legal Justice System would never allow this to happen and would make sure that non-violent persons are placed in separate and somewhat more humane places of detention, temporary or otherwise, than those hardcore criminals whose records show a clear tendency towards violence!

3. We should object to the use of the terms ‘Sex Offender’ and ‘Sex Crimes’! Trust me, there is nothing honestly sexual about selfish extreme hedonists who seek to satisfy their desires for bodily pleasure at the expense of innocent children (criminal, sick, abuse of minors, pedophilia) and unwilling, non-consensual adults (rape, etc.). True sexuality is about true mutual consent between two or more persons of the same level of maturity and social responsibility! True sexuality is about unselfish desire to share mind-body sexual and sensual pleasures, and to do so with a true respect for others, including their rights to be relatively safe from the risk of harmful diseases, excessive possessiveness and unhealthy jealousies, etc. When we allow the mass media news to use these incorrect terms we help re-enforce the idea that somehow sex is the issue and that persons who do not share certain strict definitions of what is acceptable sexuality are necessarily potential suspects, even though they may only be kinky adults seeking the company of other adults or teenagers exploring their lives with other minors at or above the stage of puberty. America’s laws concerning sexuality today are dangerously vague and socially unhealthy and dysfunctional. Adult persons who harm minors are psychologically sick people in need of being placed in closed communities where the only sexual interaction and general contact they can have is with other adults. They need to learn how to develop healthy, natural human emotional relations with people of their own level of maturity.

There are so many other words, terms, expressions, phrases, etc. used today which should not be used in the context they are, but we must also be careful not to go too far in the direction of actual censorship and obviously there should continue to be contexts and forums, such as creative writing groups, fictional works, etc., where such otherwise inappropriate and even dangerous words, terms, expressions, phrases are allowed without risk to the person expressing them in that context. Context matters everything! All I am asking is that we realize how serious this issue is and we do all we can to reduce the language of irrational hate, fear and prejudice. The aggregate effect of incorrect terms usage is bloody war and wanton destruction of human life!

For more information you can go to www.infinitysociety.org/JewishAmericanPeaceTalk
For more information about Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, the Philosopher, you can go to
www.infinitysociety.org or place his full name in your Internet Search Engine(s).

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