By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo (David Moshe), Philosopher.
I think it was a rather boring debate, but that Senator Obama did not have much choice. One has to keep in mind that the debates are almost exclusively meant for the Undecided and Swing voters, and not for the base or even those who are pretty sure about who they're voting for. Unfortunately 'race' does have a major role to play in this RACE for the 'White' House. Here you have a relatively young 'Black' man (on 'race' issues I am personally rather color-blind, as I am myself a mutt and proud of factor I am happy Senator Obama shares with me) here you have a young African-American male having to debate a much older 'White' male, and one who could easily be many American's beloved Uncle Bob or Grandpa Henry. If Senator Obama in a direct debate were to appear as verbose and blunt as he is on the campaign trail then that could very easily backfire in what we Social Scientists (I'm a Philosopher with a strong background in Socio-Psychology) call the Subconscious Zone and in an election that is likely to be very close that kind of risk is too great to take! So Senator Obama wore kids gloves and even kept on reminding himself not to raise his voice as loud as he actually is able to, or to be too strong in rejecting Senator McCain's attempts to misrepresent Senator Obama's actual stances, past and current. One can clearly see that the next morning, out on the trail, Senator Obama was strong and sharp as ever and had no qualms of doing at a distance what would have been fatal in the proximity of a direct debate! Fatal for either or both sides! Imagine poor old McCain getting a heart-attack in a direct debate with Senator Obama, just because Obama landed a few well deserved verbal judo punches?! That would risk killing both of their chances of being President, and leave the door very open for that Ap-Paling quasi-woman Alaskan demi-Governor, whose appearances are so easily deceptive. And Senator Biden would also get the brunt of the blame for ever being a partner to Senator Obama! So, all in all, it was a very good thing that Senator Obama, especially in the very first debate, seriously refrained from letting the debate get exciting!
As for concerns over Senator Obama's debate tone on Israel; no worries there whatsoever! One must remember that there is absolutely nothing in Senator Obama's actual views and record, not even from his earliest days at Columbia or even before, that could indicate the slightest risk to U.S.-Israel relations! In fact, if you closely examine McCain's record you will find some very troubling things vis-a-vis Israel! Also, we have a double guarantee in Senator Biden as Senator Obama's V.P. running-mate. Senator Biden is one of the top ten Senators to have the highest possible favorable rating with various pro-Israel lobbies and groups! Ofcourse, Senator Obama is wise in not over-stating his support for Israel, especially given the fact that many Undecided and Swing voters are actually cold on Israel's Jewish reality, even as they tend to support Israel for their own pseudo-Christian neo-Evangelical pro-Rapture purposes! Remember that the vast majority of those so-called Christians who have given huge amounts of money to Right-wing Israeli political parties, and to violent extremist Settler Movements (MIND YOU: not all Settlers are extremists)...the vast majority of these pseudo-pro-Israel types are actually serious anti-Semites and seriously believe that all Jews who do not convert will end up in Hell and deserve the worst possible path to Hell!!! In other words, Senator Obama has to be pro-Israel but seem a bit neutral on the Jewishness of Israel! And also he has to avoid alienating the Arab-American community, many of whom have very strong mixed-up feelings about Israel and many of whom are hesitant voters! When you add the Arab-American factor and the anti-Semitic pseudo-Christian factor, then Senator Obama's debate stance was VERY WELL DEVISED and GOOD! Mind you, exactly because of the horrors of what happened months after Bush Jr. stole into office, there is an unfortunately strong under-current of mixed anti-Muslim anti-Jew anti-Arab anti-Israel sentiment prevalent in America today!! And this troubling under-current, that sometimes boils to the fore, cuts across traditional political party lines! I'd venture to say that both major parties have their significant and gradually growing share of anti-Semites! That is, anti-Israeli and anti-Arab anti-Semites! And the only real way that we are going to be able to reverse this dangerous trend is if Senator Obama wins and if we Democrats can begin to seriously undo, untangle the knots of excessive suspicion, distrust and fear that all these seven-plus Color-coded years have managed to tie us up in! Which is why I am totally convinced that a McCain victory...thank H'SH'M that this is apparently HIGHLY UNLIKELY...would spell final disaster for all humanity! Just imagine a world where America is truly the Fallen Empire that these pseudo-Republicans would have managed to create?!?! Even Europe would not be able to stand against the pressure from the emerging Economic Superpowers...what with China and Russia having such a deficit in Individual Rights, and Democratic and Humanist values! So, let's not worry about Senator Obama tip-toeing through the tulips on issues related to Israel. Let's only worry about both worrying too much and becoming complacent as we reach the final ten yards! Let's remember that given the horrendous economic and fiscal State of Our thanks to these professional pirates and unscrupulous thugs pretending to be Patriotic Republicans....this elections is ours to lose!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo (H.N. David Moshe), a Scientific & Spiritual Philosopher, is also known as The Original New York City Free Advice Man (see The New Yorker magazine of August 17, 1987), and correclty foresaw Senator Obama's nomination and choice of V.P. runningmate! (See DNC Partybuilder BLOG records and mock Rollingstone mag cover). He currently resides in London, England and is working double-hard to convince the British Jewish communities to accept and support future President Obama (another prognostication of his: Democratic Victory '08).
If you find the above article useful please feel free to forward it! Thank you. L'Shana Tova! 5769!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Problem of The Matti Juhani Saari’s Of The World & How To Solve It!
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Scientific & Spiritual Philosopher.
Before my article I would like to express my most sincere condolences to all those whose lives have been shattered by this sick young person’s senseless acts of extreme violence. Having witnessed extreme violence as a young man in a war-torn region of the world, I know all too well how it feels to see life turned completely upside down. I have long dedicated much of my efforts to find ways to prevent violence, including direct violence and socio-economic violence, which, as Mahatma Gandhi correctly showed, are linked. Obviously one form of violence never truly justifies another, except when it is truly in self-defense, and one must be careful not to confuse these kind of insanities with what Partisans and fighting Jews did in response to the monstrosity of Nazism and Fascism in World War 2.
And now, my article;
Sometimes I really have to wonder whether The World is paying any real attention to those of us whose relatively critical observations and understanding of the world’s social problems might yield serious, practical solutions. And when a very sick young person, such as Matti Juhani Saari of Finland, manages to destroy so many more lives than just the ones he actually murdered point-blank, my sense of indignation and frustration compel me to write yet another one of these types of articles, in the eternal hope that my views and advice shall finally be given the kind of public policy attention they deserve.
On my part, as an independent Free-Thinker, a Spiritual & Scientific Philosopher, this is the very least I can and should do, in the sincere conviction that I am correct about my understanding and my reasoning-out solutions. After all, if prevention of these tragic horrors is possible, as I am sure it is, then it is our sincere obligation as fellow citizens of this precious little planet of ours to leave no stone unturned in our quest for a world free from the excessive fear and irrational hate that generates so many victims and victimizers!
First of all, there is no doubt about the fact that this specific type of extreme violence was until relatively recently unheard of in modern Scandinavian societies, and that something must have changed over the years in Finland, where this is the third such incident since 1989. Then again, we must also keep in mind that Scandinavia was once the prominent cultural source of Viking and Celtic cultures, which were notorious for their excessive violence! So, as we take a deeper look into this matter, we must not over-idealize Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish culture. As any Scandinavian Social Scientist or Anthropologist is likely to confirm; there is and has always been an under-current of excessively violent emotions in their societies, and it is only with the advent of Reformed Christianity and The Humanist Movement of the early 20th Century that educated Scandinavian intellectuals have worked very hard to provide the kind of social circumstances intended to reduce the risks of these troubling undercurrents.
These last two tragedies, the one perpetrated by Pekka-Eric Auvinen in Jokela, which claimed the lives of 9 persons, and this one, which has claimed the lives of 10 persons (not including the life of Saari, himself), were done by sick young men whose contempt for humanity was something they openly declared on such public Internet sites as YouTube! But why?!? What is it about life in Finland today that could be a significant factor in the sick mindset, twisted world-view and demented set of pseudo-ideals that these young men held??
A lot of extreme youth violence today, I would contend, is the result of the kind of growing severe social instability caused by a combination of the severe socio-economic insecurity suffered by their parents, combined with HIV-AIDS fear-mongering which has managed to remove a major stress-releasing venue once popular in modern Scandinavian societies: relatively easy access to pleasurable sexual relationships, especially for the parents of this young men. For in colder climates, where half of the year is lived in relative darkness and people are at risk of severe depression, sexual pleasure, in the context of warm, affectionate, socialization was actually encouraged! And when a young man is senses that his parents are not frustrated and unhappy, he is much less likely to develop anti-social thoughts and behavior. If we stop glamorizing strict monogamy, which tends be nothing more than insecurity-based possesiveness, then young people will not feel obliged to strive for some unrealistic ideal! Now, I am not at all suggesting that monogamy is wrong per se, not that anyone who is able to live in true loving monogamy should abandon what makes them feel comfortable and happy, but I am suggesting that young men and women today are getting very confused, mixed messages and there are no intellectual role models they can look up to and respect and seek to emulate! Fact is that the mass media has abandoned promoting intellectuals, especially those whose message is of unity-in-diversity, tolerance of tolerant others, liberal enjoyment of life's natural pleasures and healthy mutual consentual relations between mature persons! In that sense the mass media are much to blame for discouraging young people from being intellectually inclined!
As for this particular tragic massacre; sexual repression must surely have been a factor. In fact, one could argue that the Viking and Celtic peoples would have been even more violent and violence-ridden were it not for their sexual socialization! And no doubt the forced introduction of the sexually-inhibitive pre-Reformed early ‘Christian’ way of living, which strictly opposed the Pagan, sexually active, way of life, caused a similar increase in extreme violence! Just that we do not have the statistics from those times, and so we assume that these incidents have nothing to do with sexuality. The fact of the matter is simple; in times of socio-economic hardship, combined with excessive fears of dangerous diseases, such as HIV-AIDS, Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and deadly Hepatitis-C, women tend to be less willing to open up sexually to men, and this kind of regressive social instability pushes people, especially men, to extremes, such that they begin to experience mental disorders, become reactionary and eventually lose their mental sanity and commit acts of excessive violence! But then, what is the real solution to preventing this chain-reaction of dangerous problems? Obviously, it would be wrong to suggest that women in society should endanger their lives by engaging in the kind of sexual activities that were not as risky in previous times. And obviously it would be counter-productive to continue the status quo of sexual repression. So? The answer is actually quite evident: we can find sophisticated, well-devised, and definitely much safer ways to provide the same old-time levels of sexual and social freedom and cohesion. For example, if governments really wanted happier, healthier and thus more humane societies all they would need to do is work with the private sector in creating facilities and venues where relatively Safe-Sex encounters would be possible! New speedy AIDS testing technologies and encouraging the use of quality condoms would go a long way to insuring that such venues would be almost entirely risk-free! But this would also mean re-introducing the culture of poly-amorous tolerance that began to exist in the late 60s to the early 80s, but without all the dangerous, senseless, careless risk-taking! After all, the fact of the matter is quite simple: because of the enormous public health threat that HIV-AIDS and other socially and sexually communicable diseases pose, including the obvious socio-economic threat, governments since the 80s have been literally ‘killing the patient in order to cure the disease’! They have been doing everything possible to discourage young people and elder persons from exactly the kind of behavior, which, if done sensibly, would actually help reduce violence in society!
As usual, a bunch of socially incompetent technocrats took the world from one extreme to another, all in the name of protecting economic interests by curtailing sexual freedom by means of mass media assisted fear-mongering! Any truly wise social architect and manager can see that they failed to consider the possibility of a middle-of-the-road approach, a truly creative and new technologies- and methodologies-based way to at once continue providing people the venues and cultural-acceptability of sexual freedom, while significantly helping to prevent and reduce the truly dangerous and destructive spread of diseases! Ah! But who stood to benefit…to profit…from such stupid, counterproductive and backfiring technocratic approaches and policies towards transmissible diseases?? Well, the answer is quite simple and obvious: both Reactionary Anti-Social Right-wing Elitists and Traditional Conservative Religionists! For these types of extremists HIV-AIDS was a ‘heaven send’ and one could even argue that there might be some measure of truth to those conspiracy theories that claim HIV-AIDS was deliberately created and/or allowed to take on epidemic proportions and become a serious public health concern! Mind you, the Reagan Administration deliberately ignored calls, even from within the Gay Homosexual community, to impose humane forms of Quarantine on individuals with AIDS, when HIV and Un-Safe Sexual Practices were not yet identified as the culprits! And all pseudo-Republican Administrations have worked with other entities to prevent the popularization of Safe-Sex methodology and practice! Why? Because sexually liberated and free societies are not excessive, junk-food, junk-product-addicted consumerist societies that ultimately only serve the interests of Reactionary Elitist Extreme Capitalists! Moderate Progressive Liberal Capitalists, including Social Democrats like myself, have been the ultimate targets of these Extreme Regressive Reactionary pseudo-Conservative Capitalists. Sure, those of us on the right side of History, those of us who truly value and respect Individual Human Rights, Freedoms and Liberties, including (obviously) natural Family Rights, will not lie about the reality of things by telling you that a Scientific, Pro-Social Responsibly Progressive Liberal way of Sexually Free Society is totally without dangers and risks! I would quesstimate that the difference between the Reactionary way and ours is that theirs ultimately causes hundreds of millions of deaths, at least, while ours only causes tens of millions at most! But the Reactionary way also leads to a significant rise in Global Security Threats and a very dangerous increase in violent conflicts! Whereas our Responsibly Progressive Liberal way actually diminishes the overall Global Security Threat and leads to a significant reduction in wars, crime and corruption! In a world of physical imperfection there is no perfect solution to anything, let alone to the ages old problem of “To Do It, or Not To Do It!”. I say, let the Happy Days and Sexual Freedom back again, but this time let’s do things sensibly, safely and soundly!
Otherwise, I fear, these sort of horrifying mass murders will become more and more common and within no time we’ll be stuck in a bottomless pit of violence and horror spiraling out of control, wondering why we didn’t heed the wise advice of Responsibly Progressive Liberal Social Democrats, such as myself!
As for better gun control programs; within reason I support that, but we must remember that where there is a strong will there is also a way! And reducing access to guns alone will not insure our safety, security and sanity!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo is not only a Self-Educated (Auto-Didact) Independent Philosopher, but he became famous in New York City in the late 80s as The Original New York City Free Advice Man. He is the author of two books, including “The Most Important Thought”, his first philosophical work. Mr. Fenyo currently resides in London, England, and is busy with several projects, including Sci-Fi writing and producing Avant-Garde movies, television programs and writing an advice column.
Before my article I would like to express my most sincere condolences to all those whose lives have been shattered by this sick young person’s senseless acts of extreme violence. Having witnessed extreme violence as a young man in a war-torn region of the world, I know all too well how it feels to see life turned completely upside down. I have long dedicated much of my efforts to find ways to prevent violence, including direct violence and socio-economic violence, which, as Mahatma Gandhi correctly showed, are linked. Obviously one form of violence never truly justifies another, except when it is truly in self-defense, and one must be careful not to confuse these kind of insanities with what Partisans and fighting Jews did in response to the monstrosity of Nazism and Fascism in World War 2.
And now, my article;
Sometimes I really have to wonder whether The World is paying any real attention to those of us whose relatively critical observations and understanding of the world’s social problems might yield serious, practical solutions. And when a very sick young person, such as Matti Juhani Saari of Finland, manages to destroy so many more lives than just the ones he actually murdered point-blank, my sense of indignation and frustration compel me to write yet another one of these types of articles, in the eternal hope that my views and advice shall finally be given the kind of public policy attention they deserve.
On my part, as an independent Free-Thinker, a Spiritual & Scientific Philosopher, this is the very least I can and should do, in the sincere conviction that I am correct about my understanding and my reasoning-out solutions. After all, if prevention of these tragic horrors is possible, as I am sure it is, then it is our sincere obligation as fellow citizens of this precious little planet of ours to leave no stone unturned in our quest for a world free from the excessive fear and irrational hate that generates so many victims and victimizers!
First of all, there is no doubt about the fact that this specific type of extreme violence was until relatively recently unheard of in modern Scandinavian societies, and that something must have changed over the years in Finland, where this is the third such incident since 1989. Then again, we must also keep in mind that Scandinavia was once the prominent cultural source of Viking and Celtic cultures, which were notorious for their excessive violence! So, as we take a deeper look into this matter, we must not over-idealize Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish culture. As any Scandinavian Social Scientist or Anthropologist is likely to confirm; there is and has always been an under-current of excessively violent emotions in their societies, and it is only with the advent of Reformed Christianity and The Humanist Movement of the early 20th Century that educated Scandinavian intellectuals have worked very hard to provide the kind of social circumstances intended to reduce the risks of these troubling undercurrents.
These last two tragedies, the one perpetrated by Pekka-Eric Auvinen in Jokela, which claimed the lives of 9 persons, and this one, which has claimed the lives of 10 persons (not including the life of Saari, himself), were done by sick young men whose contempt for humanity was something they openly declared on such public Internet sites as YouTube! But why?!? What is it about life in Finland today that could be a significant factor in the sick mindset, twisted world-view and demented set of pseudo-ideals that these young men held??
A lot of extreme youth violence today, I would contend, is the result of the kind of growing severe social instability caused by a combination of the severe socio-economic insecurity suffered by their parents, combined with HIV-AIDS fear-mongering which has managed to remove a major stress-releasing venue once popular in modern Scandinavian societies: relatively easy access to pleasurable sexual relationships, especially for the parents of this young men. For in colder climates, where half of the year is lived in relative darkness and people are at risk of severe depression, sexual pleasure, in the context of warm, affectionate, socialization was actually encouraged! And when a young man is senses that his parents are not frustrated and unhappy, he is much less likely to develop anti-social thoughts and behavior. If we stop glamorizing strict monogamy, which tends be nothing more than insecurity-based possesiveness, then young people will not feel obliged to strive for some unrealistic ideal! Now, I am not at all suggesting that monogamy is wrong per se, not that anyone who is able to live in true loving monogamy should abandon what makes them feel comfortable and happy, but I am suggesting that young men and women today are getting very confused, mixed messages and there are no intellectual role models they can look up to and respect and seek to emulate! Fact is that the mass media has abandoned promoting intellectuals, especially those whose message is of unity-in-diversity, tolerance of tolerant others, liberal enjoyment of life's natural pleasures and healthy mutual consentual relations between mature persons! In that sense the mass media are much to blame for discouraging young people from being intellectually inclined!
As for this particular tragic massacre; sexual repression must surely have been a factor. In fact, one could argue that the Viking and Celtic peoples would have been even more violent and violence-ridden were it not for their sexual socialization! And no doubt the forced introduction of the sexually-inhibitive pre-Reformed early ‘Christian’ way of living, which strictly opposed the Pagan, sexually active, way of life, caused a similar increase in extreme violence! Just that we do not have the statistics from those times, and so we assume that these incidents have nothing to do with sexuality. The fact of the matter is simple; in times of socio-economic hardship, combined with excessive fears of dangerous diseases, such as HIV-AIDS, Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and deadly Hepatitis-C, women tend to be less willing to open up sexually to men, and this kind of regressive social instability pushes people, especially men, to extremes, such that they begin to experience mental disorders, become reactionary and eventually lose their mental sanity and commit acts of excessive violence! But then, what is the real solution to preventing this chain-reaction of dangerous problems? Obviously, it would be wrong to suggest that women in society should endanger their lives by engaging in the kind of sexual activities that were not as risky in previous times. And obviously it would be counter-productive to continue the status quo of sexual repression. So? The answer is actually quite evident: we can find sophisticated, well-devised, and definitely much safer ways to provide the same old-time levels of sexual and social freedom and cohesion. For example, if governments really wanted happier, healthier and thus more humane societies all they would need to do is work with the private sector in creating facilities and venues where relatively Safe-Sex encounters would be possible! New speedy AIDS testing technologies and encouraging the use of quality condoms would go a long way to insuring that such venues would be almost entirely risk-free! But this would also mean re-introducing the culture of poly-amorous tolerance that began to exist in the late 60s to the early 80s, but without all the dangerous, senseless, careless risk-taking! After all, the fact of the matter is quite simple: because of the enormous public health threat that HIV-AIDS and other socially and sexually communicable diseases pose, including the obvious socio-economic threat, governments since the 80s have been literally ‘killing the patient in order to cure the disease’! They have been doing everything possible to discourage young people and elder persons from exactly the kind of behavior, which, if done sensibly, would actually help reduce violence in society!
As usual, a bunch of socially incompetent technocrats took the world from one extreme to another, all in the name of protecting economic interests by curtailing sexual freedom by means of mass media assisted fear-mongering! Any truly wise social architect and manager can see that they failed to consider the possibility of a middle-of-the-road approach, a truly creative and new technologies- and methodologies-based way to at once continue providing people the venues and cultural-acceptability of sexual freedom, while significantly helping to prevent and reduce the truly dangerous and destructive spread of diseases! Ah! But who stood to benefit…to profit…from such stupid, counterproductive and backfiring technocratic approaches and policies towards transmissible diseases?? Well, the answer is quite simple and obvious: both Reactionary Anti-Social Right-wing Elitists and Traditional Conservative Religionists! For these types of extremists HIV-AIDS was a ‘heaven send’ and one could even argue that there might be some measure of truth to those conspiracy theories that claim HIV-AIDS was deliberately created and/or allowed to take on epidemic proportions and become a serious public health concern! Mind you, the Reagan Administration deliberately ignored calls, even from within the Gay Homosexual community, to impose humane forms of Quarantine on individuals with AIDS, when HIV and Un-Safe Sexual Practices were not yet identified as the culprits! And all pseudo-Republican Administrations have worked with other entities to prevent the popularization of Safe-Sex methodology and practice! Why? Because sexually liberated and free societies are not excessive, junk-food, junk-product-addicted consumerist societies that ultimately only serve the interests of Reactionary Elitist Extreme Capitalists! Moderate Progressive Liberal Capitalists, including Social Democrats like myself, have been the ultimate targets of these Extreme Regressive Reactionary pseudo-Conservative Capitalists. Sure, those of us on the right side of History, those of us who truly value and respect Individual Human Rights, Freedoms and Liberties, including (obviously) natural Family Rights, will not lie about the reality of things by telling you that a Scientific, Pro-Social Responsibly Progressive Liberal way of Sexually Free Society is totally without dangers and risks! I would quesstimate that the difference between the Reactionary way and ours is that theirs ultimately causes hundreds of millions of deaths, at least, while ours only causes tens of millions at most! But the Reactionary way also leads to a significant rise in Global Security Threats and a very dangerous increase in violent conflicts! Whereas our Responsibly Progressive Liberal way actually diminishes the overall Global Security Threat and leads to a significant reduction in wars, crime and corruption! In a world of physical imperfection there is no perfect solution to anything, let alone to the ages old problem of “To Do It, or Not To Do It!”. I say, let the Happy Days and Sexual Freedom back again, but this time let’s do things sensibly, safely and soundly!
Otherwise, I fear, these sort of horrifying mass murders will become more and more common and within no time we’ll be stuck in a bottomless pit of violence and horror spiraling out of control, wondering why we didn’t heed the wise advice of Responsibly Progressive Liberal Social Democrats, such as myself!
As for better gun control programs; within reason I support that, but we must remember that where there is a strong will there is also a way! And reducing access to guns alone will not insure our safety, security and sanity!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo is not only a Self-Educated (Auto-Didact) Independent Philosopher, but he became famous in New York City in the late 80s as The Original New York City Free Advice Man. He is the author of two books, including “The Most Important Thought”, his first philosophical work. Mr. Fenyo currently resides in London, England, and is busy with several projects, including Sci-Fi writing and producing Avant-Garde movies, television programs and writing an advice column.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
French President Sarkozy Is Turning Out To Be Quite A Darling!
by Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher.
As many of you know about me, I’m a Progressive Liberal Social Democrat, and no friend of right-wing politicians, but French President Sarkozy, true to his weird Inauguration Speech last year, keeps doing things that impress me!
Last time, it was Monsieur Le President de la Republique Sarkozy’s announcing the creation of a Mediterranean Union, especially suitable for helping resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
And now this! :
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says that ‘those responsible for the crisis that has swept global financial markets should be punished’!
He said these words as part of an acceptance speech at an award ceremony attended by U.S. and French business leaders, calling for the "truth" on the crisis to be uncovered.
"Today, millions of people across the world fear for their savings, for their apartment, for the funds they have put in banks. It is our duty to give them clear answers," he declared, and then asked, "Who is responsible for this disaster?”, followed by a strong call for action: “May those who are responsible be punished and held accountable!" All of this only hours in advance of a speech to the U.N. General Assembly.
This worst financial crisis since The Great Depression has prompted the U.S. government to request a $700 billion bailout package for Wall Street firms in order to rid them of the toxic mortgage-related debt which toppled investment bank Lehman Brothers and which threatens to plunge the world into disaster!
The bailout package has yet to be approved by Congress and has been criticized by some observers, who point out that it would be quite a travesty if the bankers who ignited this mega-crisis were not held fully responsible for the consequences of their astronomic folly.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson contends that his plan will result in far less damage to taxpayers than would happen if companies were left to deal with the financial damages of the crisis.
The French President’s daring comments were not received with great enthusiasm from those members of the business community in attendance, who could easily afford to pay between $1,500 to $75,000 each, just to see Monsieur Sarkozy awarded The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity’s top annual award at a VIP gala event held in New York City.
As many of you know about me, I’m a Progressive Liberal Social Democrat, and no friend of right-wing politicians, but French President Sarkozy, true to his weird Inauguration Speech last year, keeps doing things that impress me!
Last time, it was Monsieur Le President de la Republique Sarkozy’s announcing the creation of a Mediterranean Union, especially suitable for helping resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
And now this! :
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says that ‘those responsible for the crisis that has swept global financial markets should be punished’!
He said these words as part of an acceptance speech at an award ceremony attended by U.S. and French business leaders, calling for the "truth" on the crisis to be uncovered.
"Today, millions of people across the world fear for their savings, for their apartment, for the funds they have put in banks. It is our duty to give them clear answers," he declared, and then asked, "Who is responsible for this disaster?”, followed by a strong call for action: “May those who are responsible be punished and held accountable!" All of this only hours in advance of a speech to the U.N. General Assembly.
This worst financial crisis since The Great Depression has prompted the U.S. government to request a $700 billion bailout package for Wall Street firms in order to rid them of the toxic mortgage-related debt which toppled investment bank Lehman Brothers and which threatens to plunge the world into disaster!
The bailout package has yet to be approved by Congress and has been criticized by some observers, who point out that it would be quite a travesty if the bankers who ignited this mega-crisis were not held fully responsible for the consequences of their astronomic folly.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson contends that his plan will result in far less damage to taxpayers than would happen if companies were left to deal with the financial damages of the crisis.
The French President’s daring comments were not received with great enthusiasm from those members of the business community in attendance, who could easily afford to pay between $1,500 to $75,000 each, just to see Monsieur Sarkozy awarded The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity’s top annual award at a VIP gala event held in New York City.
Elie Wiesel,
Free Advice,
French President,
Henry Paulson,
Nicolas Sarkozy
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The insolvency of Lehman Brothers provides the most daunting evidence of just how bad market fundamentals really are, and have been, for quite some time! We are now going to wittness the possible beginning of a Mini-Depression that will spread from Wall Street to much of the rest of The World! This major crisis will test the ability of governments, throughout the world, to deal with massive unemployment, abject poverty, homelessness, civil strife and worse. This dramatic drop in the value of Stocks, Bonds, Funds and Futures, will end up costing the lives of millions, possibly hundreds of millions. And all because of excessive speculation on residential housing, that has put affordable standard housing well beyond the means of most working-class poor, as well as a significant number of middle class people.
Today, September 15, 2008, will be remembered for years to come as the beginning of either a relatively short-term Mini-Depression or the last straw that broke the camels back! Tomorrow and for the next eight to ten days markets will plummet and the only thing that can prevent total disaster is a massive effort on the part of China and Russia to exploit the situation and flood America and Western Europe with loads of easy money!!! Or the U.S. and other governments using their tax-payers money to keep things floating! But that kind of intervention is very dangerous for the long-term and the only thing that can prevent Total Global Economic Collapse would be a total change in American foreign and domestic policy that would signal an end to the Disastrous Bush Doctrine, as it has come to be known. To put it bluntly; only an Obama-Biden Ticket Victory in the U.S. Presidential Elections can help restore America's global image and relations, especially in terms of its ability to sell its products, services and investment propects abroad.
I foresee an Obama-Biden Victory, and have predicted this for more than almost a year now. And it will come just in the nick of time, before everything spirals out of control into the worst possible disaster you can imagine!
If,however, McCain-Palin were able to steal the elections, that would certainly spell disaster. But Palin is likely to make too many mistakes and pull McCain down with her. And neither McCain nor Palin will do well during the debates. Senators Obama and Biden will win the debates, hands down!
You heard it here first!
Remember this: YOUR ORIGINAL NEW YORK CITY FREE ADVICE MAN is no run of the mill wannabe nobody!
Expect, after Senator Obama enters The Oval Office of The White House to take his place behind The President's desk, the world economic situation to begin to stabilize and eventually get better within the next 24 months.
Today, September 15, 2008, will be remembered for years to come as the beginning of either a relatively short-term Mini-Depression or the last straw that broke the camels back! Tomorrow and for the next eight to ten days markets will plummet and the only thing that can prevent total disaster is a massive effort on the part of China and Russia to exploit the situation and flood America and Western Europe with loads of easy money!!! Or the U.S. and other governments using their tax-payers money to keep things floating! But that kind of intervention is very dangerous for the long-term and the only thing that can prevent Total Global Economic Collapse would be a total change in American foreign and domestic policy that would signal an end to the Disastrous Bush Doctrine, as it has come to be known. To put it bluntly; only an Obama-Biden Ticket Victory in the U.S. Presidential Elections can help restore America's global image and relations, especially in terms of its ability to sell its products, services and investment propects abroad.
I foresee an Obama-Biden Victory, and have predicted this for more than almost a year now. And it will come just in the nick of time, before everything spirals out of control into the worst possible disaster you can imagine!
If,however, McCain-Palin were able to steal the elections, that would certainly spell disaster. But Palin is likely to make too many mistakes and pull McCain down with her. And neither McCain nor Palin will do well during the debates. Senators Obama and Biden will win the debates, hands down!
You heard it here first!
Remember this: YOUR ORIGINAL NEW YORK CITY FREE ADVICE MAN is no run of the mill wannabe nobody!
Expect, after Senator Obama enters The Oval Office of The White House to take his place behind The President's desk, the world economic situation to begin to stabilize and eventually get better within the next 24 months.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
We Must Do All We Can To Stop These Murderers, Assasins, Terrorists!
I was not intending to write anything here today, at least nothing of this sort, but there I was busy working on my Art & Other Photographs BLOG-site, enjoying the company of mostly decent people, many who share my love of life, of humanity and of peace, prosperity, tolerance of tolerant others, Unity-in-Diversity, Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, Fair Justice and what not, when I had to look up something via Yahoo! and saw the main
Breaking, Shocking Headline News from India's Capital New Delhi!!!
Sick,murderous, disgusting, cowardly fake-Muslim fanatic extremist thugs, terrorists, ....UGH!....the words I could use!....set off a number of sudden and relatively unnexpected devices of totally indiscriminate mass murder called bombs!
I, The Original New York City Free Advice Man, Philosopher of Life, of The World & The Universe, lover of all that is truly lovable, decent and affectionately human, condemn, as I always have in such times, in the most forceful way, these atrocious acts of sheer inhumanity, that do nothing to further any cause at all, but simply make the whole world more miserable, more dangerous and more desperate!
Cannot these kind of....I'd say people but then how can real human beings do such thngs?.... totally insensitive individuals and groups of totally insensitive individuals see that there is absolutely no evidence throughout all History that such cowardly and mosntrous and despicable acts have never accomplished anything meaningful, and have always backfired and caused not only immeasureable suffering for those poor victims and their families and loved, but have also caused acts of retaliation that, though often necessary, make things much, much worse for those who do these things!
Do these sick monsters realize that Islam, and Judaism and Christianity, TOTALLY FORBID SUCH VIOLENT ACTS???
There is absolutely no justification or excuse WHATSOEVER!
Only through truly Loving All G-D's Creation, All Human Beings, All Sentient Beings, Even The Non-Mammals I Say We Can Kill For Food (for food ONLY!), can we begin to find real solutions, truly peaceful ones, to our grievances and perceived injustices, real or not!
Irrational hate and fear are NEVER the way of those who are TRULY WISE!
And why would anyone in their right mind want to be UNWISE?!?
No matter what others may say, I will always make a fair, sincere effort to tell those who are today my enemies (by their own ignorant, bad semi-choices and Evil thoughts)that THAT NON-DEFENSIVE VIOLENCE IS NEVER, HAS NEVER BEEN AND WILL NEVER BE THE WAY TO SOLVE ANYTHING!
We, the Lovers of Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein and Baruch Spinoza, will not allow a sick minority group of mentally ill and ignorant but very dangerous fools to have the upper hand! WE WILL FIND YOU, WE WILL BRING YOU TO JUSTICE, WE WILL DESTROY ANY OF YOU WHO AVOID BEING BROUGHT TO JUSTICE...WE WILL NEVER, EVER NEGOTIATE WITH YOU UNTIL YOU TOTALLY AND HONESTLY RENOUNCE ALL FORMS OF UNJUSTIFIED, CRIMINAL, SACRILIGIUS, UNETHICAL, IMMORAL, INHUMANE VIOLENCE!!!
Little by little, unfortunately not fast enough, the whole world is going to unite, Peace-Loving Christians, Jews, Muslims, not phoneys and fakes who keep on trying to turn the rest of us against one another....and SOON WE WILL COME AFTER THOSE OF YOU WHO DISRESPECT THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS, WHO VIOLATE G-D'S GOLDEN RULE, THE LAW OF LOVE, WHO COMMIT THESE SENSELESS MURDERS...and WE WILL NOT REST AT EASE UNTIL WE WIPE THIS SCOURGE OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!
To the Victims & Their Loved Ones: as ever I send my most sincere condolences and share your grief and near-utter sense of loss, and, having been a victim of such sick people myself, I continously dedicate myself to defeating these sick monsters by all justifiable and honorable means possible!
May We Not Let These Few Cause Us To Turn On One Another!
United WE Stand, Divided WE Fall!
G-D Bless The Indian Government & All Other Peace-loving Governments!
Breaking, Shocking Headline News from India's Capital New Delhi!!!
Sick,murderous, disgusting, cowardly fake-Muslim fanatic extremist thugs, terrorists, ....UGH!....the words I could use!....set off a number of sudden and relatively unnexpected devices of totally indiscriminate mass murder called bombs!
I, The Original New York City Free Advice Man, Philosopher of Life, of The World & The Universe, lover of all that is truly lovable, decent and affectionately human, condemn, as I always have in such times, in the most forceful way, these atrocious acts of sheer inhumanity, that do nothing to further any cause at all, but simply make the whole world more miserable, more dangerous and more desperate!
Cannot these kind of....I'd say people but then how can real human beings do such thngs?.... totally insensitive individuals and groups of totally insensitive individuals see that there is absolutely no evidence throughout all History that such cowardly and mosntrous and despicable acts have never accomplished anything meaningful, and have always backfired and caused not only immeasureable suffering for those poor victims and their families and loved, but have also caused acts of retaliation that, though often necessary, make things much, much worse for those who do these things!
Do these sick monsters realize that Islam, and Judaism and Christianity, TOTALLY FORBID SUCH VIOLENT ACTS???
There is absolutely no justification or excuse WHATSOEVER!
Only through truly Loving All G-D's Creation, All Human Beings, All Sentient Beings, Even The Non-Mammals I Say We Can Kill For Food (for food ONLY!), can we begin to find real solutions, truly peaceful ones, to our grievances and perceived injustices, real or not!
Irrational hate and fear are NEVER the way of those who are TRULY WISE!
And why would anyone in their right mind want to be UNWISE?!?
No matter what others may say, I will always make a fair, sincere effort to tell those who are today my enemies (by their own ignorant, bad semi-choices and Evil thoughts)that THAT NON-DEFENSIVE VIOLENCE IS NEVER, HAS NEVER BEEN AND WILL NEVER BE THE WAY TO SOLVE ANYTHING!
We, the Lovers of Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein and Baruch Spinoza, will not allow a sick minority group of mentally ill and ignorant but very dangerous fools to have the upper hand! WE WILL FIND YOU, WE WILL BRING YOU TO JUSTICE, WE WILL DESTROY ANY OF YOU WHO AVOID BEING BROUGHT TO JUSTICE...WE WILL NEVER, EVER NEGOTIATE WITH YOU UNTIL YOU TOTALLY AND HONESTLY RENOUNCE ALL FORMS OF UNJUSTIFIED, CRIMINAL, SACRILIGIUS, UNETHICAL, IMMORAL, INHUMANE VIOLENCE!!!
Little by little, unfortunately not fast enough, the whole world is going to unite, Peace-Loving Christians, Jews, Muslims, not phoneys and fakes who keep on trying to turn the rest of us against one another....and SOON WE WILL COME AFTER THOSE OF YOU WHO DISRESPECT THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS, WHO VIOLATE G-D'S GOLDEN RULE, THE LAW OF LOVE, WHO COMMIT THESE SENSELESS MURDERS...and WE WILL NOT REST AT EASE UNTIL WE WIPE THIS SCOURGE OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!
To the Victims & Their Loved Ones: as ever I send my most sincere condolences and share your grief and near-utter sense of loss, and, having been a victim of such sick people myself, I continously dedicate myself to defeating these sick monsters by all justifiable and honorable means possible!
May We Not Let These Few Cause Us To Turn On One Another!
United WE Stand, Divided WE Fall!
G-D Bless The Indian Government & All Other Peace-loving Governments!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Why We Shall Win & Why They May Steal Our Victory!
Why We Shall Win & Why They May Steal Our Victory!
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man.
On Tuesday, November the 4th, 2008, We Americans will turn out in huge numbers, possibly the largest numbers ever recorded, to cast our votes for the man who will become the next President of The United States of America! Millions of people, most of whom have actually suffered from the failed policies of the Bush Administration, will finally make the most crucial decision they can make, and decide whether they really want change for the better or change for the worse, whether they really want to have a government for all the people or just for an elite few, whether they really understand that Our Great Constitution has been under assault or think its just another piece of paper, whether they want a President and Vice-President who bring real benefits to everyday Americans or they are willing to give up on being citizens of "the land of the free and the home of the brave" and continue to fall for the senseless fear-mongering tactics of a bunch of political opportunists who shamelessly sell-away the jobs and the future of US Americans! Which will it be? More of the same old crap, or a bright new day in America? Will we listen to "the angels of our better nature", as Lincoln put it, or will we vote for the beginning of the end of everything we cherish by giving those who abused authority and violated Our Constitution four more years to finally render American democracy null and void?!? To be free and brave Americans or not to be free at all, that is the question!
In spite of the current mass-media-hype-fed Palin pseudo-popularity phenomena, to add to a limited-time post-Convention poll boost for McCain, the actual massive grass-roots-activist-based efforts are very promising indeed! Yes, most national polls have McCain-Palin ahead by several points in terms of the popular vote, and yes there is very good reason for us to be very concerned and not to ever assume that just because we can win, we should win, we have millions of new voters on our side and millions of previous voters too, that victory is ours! This elections is going to be very close, as I have said all along, but if we do not behave as if we are certainly going to win, if we do not take victory for granted, if we do not succumb to complacency and inaction, then when the big day arrives we will have just enough people on our side to save America and, believe it or not, The World! Because, all joking aside, this elections is not just about the freedoms and liberties of US Americans, but about our image and reputation around The World! And ever since the Bush Administration failed to properly take advantage of the world's sympathy, support and respect for US following the inhumanly monstrous attacks on US and all humanity on 9-11-2001, ever since Bush's shameful squandering of international support for US by using the attacks as an excuse for him and his buddies, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney, to neglect going after al-Qaeda and The Taliban and launch their fiasco invasion of Iraq, ever since then The World, the rest of our fellow human beings on this fragile home-planet of ours, have lost their faith and trust in America and in our ability to be a force for good in the world, to be a beacon of Democracy and Freedom, a role-model for all other nations! And the world has been boycotting American goods, American products and America itself! And, at a time when the Bush Administration has wasted hundreds of billions of our hard-worked-for tax money and neglected our schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, and most importantly the lives of most of us working-class Americans, are we really so stupid as to expect the world to stop boycotting our products, are we really do dumb as to think that the world will not continue to turn against us and towards Russia, China and India, to mention a few economic competitors?!? Are we going to reward the same people who gave us nothing but one massive failure after another, who have ruined our economy and increased our national debt beyond anything we can imagine, by allowing "George W. McCain and Georgette W. Palin" to continue misleading America down the path of total poverty, homelessness and destruction! Are we really that mad! I THINK NOT!
The polls should concern us, but hard statistics indicate that if we do all the right things, reach out to all our fellow Americans, register every single adult American out there, and continue to stay on message, and speak truth to America, then we shall win!
Until now there have been no direct debates between Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama, and so many of our fellow Americans, especially those who consider themselves Undecided, who tend to be Swing-Voters, who may be disgruntled Republicans and Independents, have not yet had a chance to really decided who they are goind to vote for! Fortunately, in a strange way, the number of undecided voters is very significant, and chances are very good that most of those who have not taken sides by now, will watch the debates very closely and intensely, and will have no real choice but to vote for real positive change! To vote for the Obama-Biden ticket and not for the Bush-Bush ticket in disguise! So, do not allow despair to overwhelm you and turn you away from doing all you can to reach out to your friends, family and neighbors and suggest to them that they should watch the debates really carefully!
Now, although McCain flip-flopped on his false promise to keep these elections free from mud-slinging and outright lies, we must not assume that things will get any better in terms of how far these fake Republicans will go to Swift-boat and lie about our candidates and about our platform, our agenda for positive change, change that will reduce taxes on working-class and middle-class Americans, change that will reverse the severe damages done by the pseudo-Republicans and their Bush Administration, that will reverse the severe damage done to Our American Way of Life, that will reverse the severe harm done to our domestic and foreign interests, change that will restore America's standing in the world, dramatically improve our ability to sell our quality American goods and services to the world, and which will restore longstanding friendships and alliances, the alliances we need to effectively fight the terrorists who murdered so many of our wonderful fellow Americans and friends on 9-11-2001!
Confidence is high! Americans have had enough of almost 8 long years of shameless pseudo-Republican political opportunism and fear-mongering, of shameless divisive politics, of shameless divide and conquer poor working Americans by spreading the most disgusting lies about those who make up more than 51% of America: patriotic American Democrats, and those many Independents who can know that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz were criminally negligent when they deliberately had a policy of IGNORING OUR FBI FIELD AGENTS and their reports about people not interested in properly learning how to LAND AN AIRPLANE!!! Because whenever they, the fake Republicans who have shamelessly invaded and taken over The Grand Old Party of Honest Abe Lincoln, come out with all that rubbish about how President Clinton missed opportunities to kill bin Laden, they LIE BIG TIME! Do your own thorough investigations and research and you will find the truth that is still out there: Bill Clinton did all he could reasonably do to locate and either capture or destroy America's most dangerous enemies, but the Oil Companies kept on sending otherwise friendly Emirs and Sultans and other allies to visit bin Laden, so as to prevent US from being able to destroy them without risking destroying important moderate Arab allies in world's Oil Seaway that is The Persian Gulf! And we are talking about moderate Arab states in The Persian Gulf who even have polite relations with Israel! Who do regular business with our historic friend and ally Israel!!
As for any one else you know who might still have doubts about who to vote for: tell them to visit and also to take note of the fact that even former New York City Democratic Mayor, Ed Koch, is totally for Barack Obama's Presidential ticket!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo's views are his own views, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Democracy for America or any other organization. For more about The Free Advice Man go to . This article may be copied and distributed everywhere, provided proper author's name credit and contact details appear with it.
Originally first published at my other BLOG at:
Democracy for America
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man.
On Tuesday, November the 4th, 2008, We Americans will turn out in huge numbers, possibly the largest numbers ever recorded, to cast our votes for the man who will become the next President of The United States of America! Millions of people, most of whom have actually suffered from the failed policies of the Bush Administration, will finally make the most crucial decision they can make, and decide whether they really want change for the better or change for the worse, whether they really want to have a government for all the people or just for an elite few, whether they really understand that Our Great Constitution has been under assault or think its just another piece of paper, whether they want a President and Vice-President who bring real benefits to everyday Americans or they are willing to give up on being citizens of "the land of the free and the home of the brave" and continue to fall for the senseless fear-mongering tactics of a bunch of political opportunists who shamelessly sell-away the jobs and the future of US Americans! Which will it be? More of the same old crap, or a bright new day in America? Will we listen to "the angels of our better nature", as Lincoln put it, or will we vote for the beginning of the end of everything we cherish by giving those who abused authority and violated Our Constitution four more years to finally render American democracy null and void?!? To be free and brave Americans or not to be free at all, that is the question!
In spite of the current mass-media-hype-fed Palin pseudo-popularity phenomena, to add to a limited-time post-Convention poll boost for McCain, the actual massive grass-roots-activist-based efforts are very promising indeed! Yes, most national polls have McCain-Palin ahead by several points in terms of the popular vote, and yes there is very good reason for us to be very concerned and not to ever assume that just because we can win, we should win, we have millions of new voters on our side and millions of previous voters too, that victory is ours! This elections is going to be very close, as I have said all along, but if we do not behave as if we are certainly going to win, if we do not take victory for granted, if we do not succumb to complacency and inaction, then when the big day arrives we will have just enough people on our side to save America and, believe it or not, The World! Because, all joking aside, this elections is not just about the freedoms and liberties of US Americans, but about our image and reputation around The World! And ever since the Bush Administration failed to properly take advantage of the world's sympathy, support and respect for US following the inhumanly monstrous attacks on US and all humanity on 9-11-2001, ever since Bush's shameful squandering of international support for US by using the attacks as an excuse for him and his buddies, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney, to neglect going after al-Qaeda and The Taliban and launch their fiasco invasion of Iraq, ever since then The World, the rest of our fellow human beings on this fragile home-planet of ours, have lost their faith and trust in America and in our ability to be a force for good in the world, to be a beacon of Democracy and Freedom, a role-model for all other nations! And the world has been boycotting American goods, American products and America itself! And, at a time when the Bush Administration has wasted hundreds of billions of our hard-worked-for tax money and neglected our schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, and most importantly the lives of most of us working-class Americans, are we really so stupid as to expect the world to stop boycotting our products, are we really do dumb as to think that the world will not continue to turn against us and towards Russia, China and India, to mention a few economic competitors?!? Are we going to reward the same people who gave us nothing but one massive failure after another, who have ruined our economy and increased our national debt beyond anything we can imagine, by allowing "George W. McCain and Georgette W. Palin" to continue misleading America down the path of total poverty, homelessness and destruction! Are we really that mad! I THINK NOT!
The polls should concern us, but hard statistics indicate that if we do all the right things, reach out to all our fellow Americans, register every single adult American out there, and continue to stay on message, and speak truth to America, then we shall win!
Until now there have been no direct debates between Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama, and so many of our fellow Americans, especially those who consider themselves Undecided, who tend to be Swing-Voters, who may be disgruntled Republicans and Independents, have not yet had a chance to really decided who they are goind to vote for! Fortunately, in a strange way, the number of undecided voters is very significant, and chances are very good that most of those who have not taken sides by now, will watch the debates very closely and intensely, and will have no real choice but to vote for real positive change! To vote for the Obama-Biden ticket and not for the Bush-Bush ticket in disguise! So, do not allow despair to overwhelm you and turn you away from doing all you can to reach out to your friends, family and neighbors and suggest to them that they should watch the debates really carefully!
Now, although McCain flip-flopped on his false promise to keep these elections free from mud-slinging and outright lies, we must not assume that things will get any better in terms of how far these fake Republicans will go to Swift-boat and lie about our candidates and about our platform, our agenda for positive change, change that will reduce taxes on working-class and middle-class Americans, change that will reverse the severe damages done by the pseudo-Republicans and their Bush Administration, that will reverse the severe damage done to Our American Way of Life, that will reverse the severe harm done to our domestic and foreign interests, change that will restore America's standing in the world, dramatically improve our ability to sell our quality American goods and services to the world, and which will restore longstanding friendships and alliances, the alliances we need to effectively fight the terrorists who murdered so many of our wonderful fellow Americans and friends on 9-11-2001!
Confidence is high! Americans have had enough of almost 8 long years of shameless pseudo-Republican political opportunism and fear-mongering, of shameless divisive politics, of shameless divide and conquer poor working Americans by spreading the most disgusting lies about those who make up more than 51% of America: patriotic American Democrats, and those many Independents who can know that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz were criminally negligent when they deliberately had a policy of IGNORING OUR FBI FIELD AGENTS and their reports about people not interested in properly learning how to LAND AN AIRPLANE!!! Because whenever they, the fake Republicans who have shamelessly invaded and taken over The Grand Old Party of Honest Abe Lincoln, come out with all that rubbish about how President Clinton missed opportunities to kill bin Laden, they LIE BIG TIME! Do your own thorough investigations and research and you will find the truth that is still out there: Bill Clinton did all he could reasonably do to locate and either capture or destroy America's most dangerous enemies, but the Oil Companies kept on sending otherwise friendly Emirs and Sultans and other allies to visit bin Laden, so as to prevent US from being able to destroy them without risking destroying important moderate Arab allies in world's Oil Seaway that is The Persian Gulf! And we are talking about moderate Arab states in The Persian Gulf who even have polite relations with Israel! Who do regular business with our historic friend and ally Israel!!
As for any one else you know who might still have doubts about who to vote for: tell them to visit and also to take note of the fact that even former New York City Democratic Mayor, Ed Koch, is totally for Barack Obama's Presidential ticket!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo's views are his own views, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Democracy for America or any other organization. For more about The Free Advice Man go to . This article may be copied and distributed everywhere, provided proper author's name credit and contact details appear with it.
Originally first published at my other BLOG at:
Democracy for America
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
If You Vote For Sarah Palin Then Don't Vote For Her Just Because You Think She Is A Smart Woman Or A Great Mom
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher (Constitution-loving Patriotic American and Jewish, by the way)
First of all, I am, have been and will continue to be a supporter of the Obama-Biden Democratic Party Ticket for the General U.S. Elections of 2008. Just in case you’re one of those people who gets really angry after reading something only to find out that the person who wrote always had a bias and never intended to give the other side a chance.
Secondly, I am male, and, no matter how hard I might try to convince those women who want a female President as soon as humanly possible, I know that chances are slim to none that this Op-Ed piece will suffice to convince you to vote for Senator Barack Obama. But I am also somewhat feminine as a Freethinking Philosopher and I reserve my right to hope that Sense & Sensibility will ultimately prevail over Gender-Identity-Bias and the irrational subconscious fear some women have of Black men in America today!
Loaded first Paragraph! I know, and I risk losing you right here and right now, but having studied Psychology, formally and informally, and having spent much of my life deliberately observing society, human behavior and particularly the behavior of my inner sex (you’re probably going to laugh at this one: I’m a predominantly homosexual Lesbian in a male body!), which happens to be very feminine, I feel it is my solemn duty and wholehearted obligation to make every best effort I can to prevent the McCain-Palin Ticket from winning. Why? Because I have every good reason to think that that would spell disaster for America, and, thus, for The Whole World!!! Governor Palin is a very serious National Security Threat (and not at all because she happens to be a woman and mother…heck, I gladly voted for Mondale-Ferraro in 1984!), and for Senator John McCain to have invited this threat for purely opportunistic political reasons (i.e. winning at any cost and by any means!) shows just how much of a risk he is to America and The World, too!
Let me make something perfectly clear, before I get into the real nitty-gritty of this argument, it is by no means my intention to demonize Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, nor to make false statements about her past or current life. Like many women who are devout Assembly of God “Bible-believing Christian(s)”, Mrs. Palin truly believes that she is doing all she can to protect her children, family, spouse, followers, supporters and fellow congregation members, from Evil, from the Wages of Sin, from Eternal Damnation in Hell! She truly believes that we live in The End of Times, that 9-11, 7-7 and many other horrors and tragic events are absolute proof that New Testament Prophecy is factual reality and is evident in all manner of dire signs happening everywhere! She truly believes that the reason Israel and America have suffered from sick, monstrous terrorist attacks is because too many Jews and Americans have failed to follow G-d’s strict laws, in effect ‘His Commandments’, ‘His Ultimate Plan and Will’, as ‘promised to us’ by none other than ‘Jesus Christ’, ‘The Son of G-d’, and that ‘Eternal Salvation in Heaven’, following ‘The Rapture and Armageddon’, that is coming any day now, that America is waging a ‘Righteous Christian War’ against ‘The Enemies of G-d’, and that she and Alaska have a very special role to play in all of this!!! And yet, until the ‘right’ time comes, she has no intention to do anything but be a good mother to her children, protecting them from sick people, a long list which not only includes truly sick pedophiles and dangerous hard-core criminal thugs, but also includes; homosexuals, as well as other types of ‘deviant’ kinky adults having consensual intimacy with other ‘deviant’ kinky adults, poly-amorous adults, bisexuals, ‘abortionists’, ‘genocidal doctors who provide relatively safe (for the woman concerned) abortions (as opposed to dangerous ‘coat-hanger’ abortions in filthy hidden basements) and any and all people who in any way support the rights, or, as someone like her would put it, the ‘crimes’ and ‘Cardinal Sins’, of the aforementioned types of people, including Democrats, ‘Bleeding Heart Liberals’, practically all Liberals in general, ‘Commies’, ‘Pinkos’ (which rhymes with stinkos), Anarchists, Satanists, Traitors, Disloyal Americans, most Labor Union leaders, most Community Activists in most of America’s Impoverished Inner-City neighborhoods, practically every woman in The National Education Association (which is non-partisan), Witches, Warlocks, Harry Potter Fans, most (but not all) Environmentalists, members of NOW (National Organization of Women, for those of you men who should already know better), People for The American Way, Peta, Amnesty International, all Jews, Muslims and ‘Christians’ who do not vote Republican, Moose Lovers, former Presidents with family names like Clinton and Carter, actors with names like Jennifer Aniston, Sophia Bush, George Clooney, Robert De Niro, Richard Dreyfuss, Danny DeVito, Cindy Crawford, Matt Damon, Brendan Fraser, Kate Flannery, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Leonard Nimoy, Edward Norton, Sidney Poitier, Brad Pitt, Henry Winkler, Forrest Whitaker, Denzel Washington, Kathleen Turner, Meryl Streep, Martin Sheen, Sharon Stone, Wil Smith, Kate Walsh, Ben Stiller, Directors like George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, intellectuals like Cornel West, Laurence Tribe, Alice Kessler-Harris, Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo (The Original New York City Free Advice Man), Capitalists like Warren Buffett, George Soros, David Geffen, Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield, Oprah Winfrey, musicians like Bob Dylan, Mariah Carey, Natalie Cole, Merle Haggard, Herbie Hancock, John Legend, Kris Kristofferson, Jennifer Lopez, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, American top athletes like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Hulk Hogan, Rod Smith, Greg Oden, and the names go on and on….
Now, at this point, you may be thinking; ‘I thought you said you were not going to demonize Palin’. Well, I am not demonizing her, because from her point of view she is actually truly a very good, decent, caring, loving mother, and a truly patriotic Alaska-first American patriot fighting the many sick and Evil enemies of G-d! And, with regards to actual pedophiles and hardcore criminal thugs she’s right. But with regards to most Americans, most of whom, like myself, truly understand, appreciate and love Our Country’s Great Constitution, especially one of its most fundamental parts concerning the absolute need to Separate Church from State, in effect to keep Religion out of Politics, Government and Statecraft, so that we do not end up like Iran, Taliban Afghanistan, or like most of Europe was at the time Our Great Democratic American Nation was founded, by truly some of the most wonderful people in the History of The World, such as the truly progressive Liberal Democrats Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, as well as George and Martha Washington, and so, so many other great American patriots, some Christian, some Jewish and some not religious about their Jewish or Christian roots…with regards to most Americans Governor Sarah Palin is 100% wrong, especially in her failure to truly understand, appreciate and protect Our Constitution, which is the sole basis for being Americans! She is not a demon, an agent of Satan, Lucifer, Count Dracula, Charles Manson or even Alfred E. Neumann! Of course not! She really does want to do and be good, but wanting is not the same as actually doing the right things and being reasonably tolerant and respectful of the privacy, freedoms, liberties, human rights, Constitutional Rights of all of our fellow Americans! In that sense, Governor Palin is no different than any other fanatic religious person in America, whose views, however much I and other Americans will protect their rights to hold them, are views which are totally incompatible with the offices of President and Vice-President of The United States of America! She is, however unwittingly and unintentionally, serving the very interests and goals of those sick fanatic religious extremists who murdered so many of our wonderful fellow Americans and other fellow human-beings almost exactly seven years ago, to this date, on that day that will live in infamy, September 11, 2001! And we Americans who love our Democratic way of government, our Freedoms, Liberties and Duties to Our Great Constitution, we who love The True American Way of Life, The Spirit of Independence that our founding parents fought so hard for, we cannot allow foolish people, however kind and sweet they can be at times, however generous and friendly, however much they may be great mothers, beautiful and otherwise fairly intelligent, albeit definitely not wise, women, to be one heartbeat away from The Presidency! Nor can we vote for a man who, no matter how great a war hero, how patriotic he may still mean to be, no matter how much he has ideas, a few of which may be similar to those of Senators Biden and Obama, that also mean changing the ill ways of Washington….we cannot allow a man who had such terribly poor judgment in choosing a religious fanatic, however pretty she may be (to some…my taste is different), as his running mate and someone a death’s leap away from Our Presidency, the Presidency of America!
Now, there will still be some among you who will still think that I cannot be right about her being a religious fanatic, and to those of you who think I cannot be right about Palin I sincerely implore you to do your own research, your own homework, your own investigations, and even that you demand that she answer these supposed allegations concerning her specific religious views and the extent to which she may yet suddenly be willing to renounce them! I ask you to be a good mother and/or wife, a good woman and/or supporter of women’s rights, but ultimately I ask you to be my fellow American, a good American, who truly understands, appreciates, loves and protects Our Great American Constitution, which so clearly expresses the need to separate Church from State, Religion from Political Office! I ask you to decide whether you really want to live in a Theocracy like Iran or Taliban Afghanistan, or in the Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave. And if you do the right thing I have no doubt that you will understand that McCain-Palin is the wrong choice, even if Obama-Biden is an imperfect and perhaps seemingly disturbing choice. I mean, it is totally fair that you might think Obama is a closet Muslim bent on harming America, given how some in the media have spread false rumors and given that as a Freemason he is not really religious in the way most people understand it, but he is just as much a Jew, Christian and Muslim as all Freemasons tend to be! Seriously, do you really believe for one moment that he would have won the Illinois Senate race without the majority of Chicago’s most successful Jews and Christians, if there has ever been any official statement or even private party chatter in which he would express the slightest disrespect or contempt for Our Country, his America? Do you really think that our Democratic Party and practically all of its lifelong patriotic American political leaders, especially such iconic figures as Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, would allow any American to become President of The United States if we did not know for sure that he is not and has never been a dangerous religious fanatic or worse??? Do you really think that though he holds (as any Freemason must) the greatest respect, equally, for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, for the common belief in One Divine G-d, he would be anything but totally opposed to and disgusted by the kind of phoney, fake Muslims who cowardly murdered thousands of fathers, mothers and children on 9-11??? Do you really think that this mixed-race man, whose beloved maternal grandparents and relatives, who he always speaks about so affectionately, so lovingly and so sincerely, whose mother was the daughter of average White American Christians, whose wife and children he has encouraged to share his basic Christian values would dishonor his loved ones??? Do you really think that this knowledgeable minor expert on Constitutional Law (neither McCain nor Palin can compare), who has had no qualms about praying at My Jewish People’s Wailing Wall….our Beloved Kotel in Yerushalayim, only a few leaps away from the place we Jews believe/think G-d created Adam...who has voted with Senator Biden in favor of protecting our valiant American women and men in arms, providing them with Mine Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicles, so desperately needed and wanted by our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, whose every word and thought is about restoring America’s greatness throughout the world, about making America strong at home and abroad, about going after the terrorists who attacked us, especially bin Laden & Company, and their Taliban accomplices, in Afghanistan and Pakistan (if need be), would ever do otherwise and wreck his own family’s future and even risk the safety of America and The World??? Do you really think that Senator Joe Biden would hesitate one moment to take charge and protect America and defend us from our enemies, domestic and foreign, should Obama be found unable to fulfill his duties?? Are we really going to allow a religious fanatic, however shiny eyed and dashing, or a man who has somehow lost his senses in so many ways (flip-flopping left and right, especially most recently) to take control of our nation?
I think not!
To my way of thinking America is truly facing the ultimate litmus test ever in the history of world politics and governance!
And I think most Americans, especially America’s women, would rather vote for a safe and sensible America, one in which by 2012 it is more than likely a woman shall be elected President! By the way, my very special inside sources tell me, that Senator Barack Obama may have made a deal with Senator Hillary Clinton to let her or the woman of her choice become the Democratic Party’s first female Presidential candidate in 2012!
So, do your homework, your own investigations, your own fact checking, see the truth about Palin’s fanatic religious views for yourself, and then make the right decision this November.
G-d Bless You, G-d Bless America and may a woman be Our President in 2012!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo
The Original New York City Free Advice Man
Notice of Copyright: This Op-Ed piece may be reprinted, with prior written permission, provided proper credit of authorship is given. Copyright © 2008 J.P. Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man. Otherwise you are free to provide a link to this BLOG at any time.
First of all, I am, have been and will continue to be a supporter of the Obama-Biden Democratic Party Ticket for the General U.S. Elections of 2008. Just in case you’re one of those people who gets really angry after reading something only to find out that the person who wrote always had a bias and never intended to give the other side a chance.
Secondly, I am male, and, no matter how hard I might try to convince those women who want a female President as soon as humanly possible, I know that chances are slim to none that this Op-Ed piece will suffice to convince you to vote for Senator Barack Obama. But I am also somewhat feminine as a Freethinking Philosopher and I reserve my right to hope that Sense & Sensibility will ultimately prevail over Gender-Identity-Bias and the irrational subconscious fear some women have of Black men in America today!
Loaded first Paragraph! I know, and I risk losing you right here and right now, but having studied Psychology, formally and informally, and having spent much of my life deliberately observing society, human behavior and particularly the behavior of my inner sex (you’re probably going to laugh at this one: I’m a predominantly homosexual Lesbian in a male body!), which happens to be very feminine, I feel it is my solemn duty and wholehearted obligation to make every best effort I can to prevent the McCain-Palin Ticket from winning. Why? Because I have every good reason to think that that would spell disaster for America, and, thus, for The Whole World!!! Governor Palin is a very serious National Security Threat (and not at all because she happens to be a woman and mother…heck, I gladly voted for Mondale-Ferraro in 1984!), and for Senator John McCain to have invited this threat for purely opportunistic political reasons (i.e. winning at any cost and by any means!) shows just how much of a risk he is to America and The World, too!
Let me make something perfectly clear, before I get into the real nitty-gritty of this argument, it is by no means my intention to demonize Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, nor to make false statements about her past or current life. Like many women who are devout Assembly of God “Bible-believing Christian(s)”, Mrs. Palin truly believes that she is doing all she can to protect her children, family, spouse, followers, supporters and fellow congregation members, from Evil, from the Wages of Sin, from Eternal Damnation in Hell! She truly believes that we live in The End of Times, that 9-11, 7-7 and many other horrors and tragic events are absolute proof that New Testament Prophecy is factual reality and is evident in all manner of dire signs happening everywhere! She truly believes that the reason Israel and America have suffered from sick, monstrous terrorist attacks is because too many Jews and Americans have failed to follow G-d’s strict laws, in effect ‘His Commandments’, ‘His Ultimate Plan and Will’, as ‘promised to us’ by none other than ‘Jesus Christ’, ‘The Son of G-d’, and that ‘Eternal Salvation in Heaven’, following ‘The Rapture and Armageddon’, that is coming any day now, that America is waging a ‘Righteous Christian War’ against ‘The Enemies of G-d’, and that she and Alaska have a very special role to play in all of this!!! And yet, until the ‘right’ time comes, she has no intention to do anything but be a good mother to her children, protecting them from sick people, a long list which not only includes truly sick pedophiles and dangerous hard-core criminal thugs, but also includes; homosexuals, as well as other types of ‘deviant’ kinky adults having consensual intimacy with other ‘deviant’ kinky adults, poly-amorous adults, bisexuals, ‘abortionists’, ‘genocidal doctors who provide relatively safe (for the woman concerned) abortions (as opposed to dangerous ‘coat-hanger’ abortions in filthy hidden basements) and any and all people who in any way support the rights, or, as someone like her would put it, the ‘crimes’ and ‘Cardinal Sins’, of the aforementioned types of people, including Democrats, ‘Bleeding Heart Liberals’, practically all Liberals in general, ‘Commies’, ‘Pinkos’ (which rhymes with stinkos), Anarchists, Satanists, Traitors, Disloyal Americans, most Labor Union leaders, most Community Activists in most of America’s Impoverished Inner-City neighborhoods, practically every woman in The National Education Association (which is non-partisan), Witches, Warlocks, Harry Potter Fans, most (but not all) Environmentalists, members of NOW (National Organization of Women, for those of you men who should already know better), People for The American Way, Peta, Amnesty International, all Jews, Muslims and ‘Christians’ who do not vote Republican, Moose Lovers, former Presidents with family names like Clinton and Carter, actors with names like Jennifer Aniston, Sophia Bush, George Clooney, Robert De Niro, Richard Dreyfuss, Danny DeVito, Cindy Crawford, Matt Damon, Brendan Fraser, Kate Flannery, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Leonard Nimoy, Edward Norton, Sidney Poitier, Brad Pitt, Henry Winkler, Forrest Whitaker, Denzel Washington, Kathleen Turner, Meryl Streep, Martin Sheen, Sharon Stone, Wil Smith, Kate Walsh, Ben Stiller, Directors like George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, intellectuals like Cornel West, Laurence Tribe, Alice Kessler-Harris, Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo (The Original New York City Free Advice Man), Capitalists like Warren Buffett, George Soros, David Geffen, Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield, Oprah Winfrey, musicians like Bob Dylan, Mariah Carey, Natalie Cole, Merle Haggard, Herbie Hancock, John Legend, Kris Kristofferson, Jennifer Lopez, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, American top athletes like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Hulk Hogan, Rod Smith, Greg Oden, and the names go on and on….
Now, at this point, you may be thinking; ‘I thought you said you were not going to demonize Palin’. Well, I am not demonizing her, because from her point of view she is actually truly a very good, decent, caring, loving mother, and a truly patriotic Alaska-first American patriot fighting the many sick and Evil enemies of G-d! And, with regards to actual pedophiles and hardcore criminal thugs she’s right. But with regards to most Americans, most of whom, like myself, truly understand, appreciate and love Our Country’s Great Constitution, especially one of its most fundamental parts concerning the absolute need to Separate Church from State, in effect to keep Religion out of Politics, Government and Statecraft, so that we do not end up like Iran, Taliban Afghanistan, or like most of Europe was at the time Our Great Democratic American Nation was founded, by truly some of the most wonderful people in the History of The World, such as the truly progressive Liberal Democrats Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, as well as George and Martha Washington, and so, so many other great American patriots, some Christian, some Jewish and some not religious about their Jewish or Christian roots…with regards to most Americans Governor Sarah Palin is 100% wrong, especially in her failure to truly understand, appreciate and protect Our Constitution, which is the sole basis for being Americans! She is not a demon, an agent of Satan, Lucifer, Count Dracula, Charles Manson or even Alfred E. Neumann! Of course not! She really does want to do and be good, but wanting is not the same as actually doing the right things and being reasonably tolerant and respectful of the privacy, freedoms, liberties, human rights, Constitutional Rights of all of our fellow Americans! In that sense, Governor Palin is no different than any other fanatic religious person in America, whose views, however much I and other Americans will protect their rights to hold them, are views which are totally incompatible with the offices of President and Vice-President of The United States of America! She is, however unwittingly and unintentionally, serving the very interests and goals of those sick fanatic religious extremists who murdered so many of our wonderful fellow Americans and other fellow human-beings almost exactly seven years ago, to this date, on that day that will live in infamy, September 11, 2001! And we Americans who love our Democratic way of government, our Freedoms, Liberties and Duties to Our Great Constitution, we who love The True American Way of Life, The Spirit of Independence that our founding parents fought so hard for, we cannot allow foolish people, however kind and sweet they can be at times, however generous and friendly, however much they may be great mothers, beautiful and otherwise fairly intelligent, albeit definitely not wise, women, to be one heartbeat away from The Presidency! Nor can we vote for a man who, no matter how great a war hero, how patriotic he may still mean to be, no matter how much he has ideas, a few of which may be similar to those of Senators Biden and Obama, that also mean changing the ill ways of Washington….we cannot allow a man who had such terribly poor judgment in choosing a religious fanatic, however pretty she may be (to some…my taste is different), as his running mate and someone a death’s leap away from Our Presidency, the Presidency of America!
Now, there will still be some among you who will still think that I cannot be right about her being a religious fanatic, and to those of you who think I cannot be right about Palin I sincerely implore you to do your own research, your own homework, your own investigations, and even that you demand that she answer these supposed allegations concerning her specific religious views and the extent to which she may yet suddenly be willing to renounce them! I ask you to be a good mother and/or wife, a good woman and/or supporter of women’s rights, but ultimately I ask you to be my fellow American, a good American, who truly understands, appreciates, loves and protects Our Great American Constitution, which so clearly expresses the need to separate Church from State, Religion from Political Office! I ask you to decide whether you really want to live in a Theocracy like Iran or Taliban Afghanistan, or in the Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave. And if you do the right thing I have no doubt that you will understand that McCain-Palin is the wrong choice, even if Obama-Biden is an imperfect and perhaps seemingly disturbing choice. I mean, it is totally fair that you might think Obama is a closet Muslim bent on harming America, given how some in the media have spread false rumors and given that as a Freemason he is not really religious in the way most people understand it, but he is just as much a Jew, Christian and Muslim as all Freemasons tend to be! Seriously, do you really believe for one moment that he would have won the Illinois Senate race without the majority of Chicago’s most successful Jews and Christians, if there has ever been any official statement or even private party chatter in which he would express the slightest disrespect or contempt for Our Country, his America? Do you really think that our Democratic Party and practically all of its lifelong patriotic American political leaders, especially such iconic figures as Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, would allow any American to become President of The United States if we did not know for sure that he is not and has never been a dangerous religious fanatic or worse??? Do you really think that though he holds (as any Freemason must) the greatest respect, equally, for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, for the common belief in One Divine G-d, he would be anything but totally opposed to and disgusted by the kind of phoney, fake Muslims who cowardly murdered thousands of fathers, mothers and children on 9-11??? Do you really think that this mixed-race man, whose beloved maternal grandparents and relatives, who he always speaks about so affectionately, so lovingly and so sincerely, whose mother was the daughter of average White American Christians, whose wife and children he has encouraged to share his basic Christian values would dishonor his loved ones??? Do you really think that this knowledgeable minor expert on Constitutional Law (neither McCain nor Palin can compare), who has had no qualms about praying at My Jewish People’s Wailing Wall….our Beloved Kotel in Yerushalayim, only a few leaps away from the place we Jews believe/think G-d created Adam...who has voted with Senator Biden in favor of protecting our valiant American women and men in arms, providing them with Mine Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicles, so desperately needed and wanted by our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, whose every word and thought is about restoring America’s greatness throughout the world, about making America strong at home and abroad, about going after the terrorists who attacked us, especially bin Laden & Company, and their Taliban accomplices, in Afghanistan and Pakistan (if need be), would ever do otherwise and wreck his own family’s future and even risk the safety of America and The World??? Do you really think that Senator Joe Biden would hesitate one moment to take charge and protect America and defend us from our enemies, domestic and foreign, should Obama be found unable to fulfill his duties?? Are we really going to allow a religious fanatic, however shiny eyed and dashing, or a man who has somehow lost his senses in so many ways (flip-flopping left and right, especially most recently) to take control of our nation?
I think not!
To my way of thinking America is truly facing the ultimate litmus test ever in the history of world politics and governance!
And I think most Americans, especially America’s women, would rather vote for a safe and sensible America, one in which by 2012 it is more than likely a woman shall be elected President! By the way, my very special inside sources tell me, that Senator Barack Obama may have made a deal with Senator Hillary Clinton to let her or the woman of her choice become the Democratic Party’s first female Presidential candidate in 2012!
So, do your homework, your own investigations, your own fact checking, see the truth about Palin’s fanatic religious views for yourself, and then make the right decision this November.
G-d Bless You, G-d Bless America and may a woman be Our President in 2012!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo
The Original New York City Free Advice Man
Notice of Copyright: This Op-Ed piece may be reprinted, with prior written permission, provided proper credit of authorship is given. Copyright © 2008 J.P. Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man. Otherwise you are free to provide a link to this BLOG at any time.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Senator Barack Obama Admits He Is A Muslim...NOT!
IMPORTANT! This Sunday (Sept. 7. 2008) Obama mispoke and in a context that can easily be understood, if you watch the whole interview on This Week with Stephanopolous (ABC-News), said what only seemed to be either a Freudian slip or an inadvertent admission to being a Muslim! Obama's many enemies will only want you to see their edited version and not the whole interview, because that way you will fall for their dirty tricks. Truth be said, once and for all: Senator Barack Obama is a Freemason, exactly in the tradition of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and many of our Founding parents, and as such he recognizes, as do all Freemasons, that all three Monotheisms, Judaism, Christianity and Islam contain truth concerning the nature of G-D and our Human Universality! And George Stephanopolous (ABC News, This Week with...) is well known for his high-pressure interviewing tactics and has caused many to speak in oversimplistic ways that can easily be taken way out of actual context! The enemies of Obama will not show the full interview, because then people would see that Obama was nervous (Stephanopolous is not a Bill Beutel or Ted Koppel!), that he was referring to his exposure to Islam during his childhood, at which time he had a positive experience and developed a natural affinity for its better aspects, and they would see that Obama has trouble hiding his interfaith Freemason ideals, which are and have always been Liberal, Progressive and relatively non-Dogmatic! Obama is not a Muslim, but like all Freemasons he shares many things in common with non-Christians, especially with Jews and Muslims! In fact, as a Spiritual Jew I find more in common with peaceful forms of Islam than I do with Christianity in general (in terms of dietary health/rules and attitudes about sexuality), but all extremists, whether they are pseudo-Islamic fanatic extremists who hijacked Islam, or pseudo-Christian fanatic extremists who want to cause World War Three, or even pseudo-Jewish fanatic extremists who don't see the real danger in what they are doing...all fanatic sickos who think they have a right to murder people in the name of G-D, are abhorrent to me and to Senators Biden and Obama! So, in closing, rest assured that Obama is not a Muslim fanatic pretending to be a Christian! He is a Liberal, relatively non-religious, but Spiritual and G-D-respecting/loving, moderate Social Democrat and Progressive Capitalist! I think that during the course of the next two months Obama will err in his speech, but there is absolutely nothing in all his years of hanging out with rich and educated Chicago businesspersons, quite a few who are Jewish, or with any other people, that indicates the slightest chance he is anything but a Progressive Liberal Patriotic American Democrat! Last but not least, I'd have no problem with a moderate Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist American for President, provided their whole life and personal connections were not an issue. Obama's life and connections ARE A+ CLEAN and SAFE! He was vetted by Chicago's Pro-Israel Jewish community, vetted by Biden, who is very Pro-Israel (as I am), and vetted by a Special Federal Security Task-Force set up since 9-11! Obama could never have come this far up if he was not the Altruistic Semi-Hedonist every U.S. President should be!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
McCain-Palin or Obama-Biden...that's the question!
My dear fellow Americans,
I am The Original New York City Free Advice Man (see The New Yorker magazine, August 17, 1987, p. 18-19), and I am here to share my insight, ideas, concerns, as well as my inspiring words. These are words you won't hear often from other people, but they will be important in bringing about the positive change we all yearn for. Read and see what I mean. By the way, you can really do a lot to help insure that The Obama-Biden Ticket for American Unity Wins Big this November, by simply copying this and pasting it in an e-mail and then sending it off to your friends, and asking them to do the same! Just remember to put your own salutation and name at the beginning! (e.g. Jennie McCollum here...thought you would like to read this inspiring piece! I was feeling a bit down but it lifted my spirits, because I know those who read it will most likely vote for good change! YES WE CAN! And so can The Free Advice Man!)
A Comparative Analysis of McCain and Obama:
McCain wants you to think that Obama is unqualified to be President for lack of substantial executive experience, except that McCain also lacks significant executive experience! Kennedy (JFK) did not have substantial executive experience, yet he was an excellent President at a time when America most needed him. Obama does not accept that his limited executive experience is an issue, because he has sufficient experience organizing people and his own Primary campaign’s success was ultimately due to his excellent ability to organize people, which means that he actually does have as much, if not more, executive organizing experience than McCain! In fact, McCain’s own Primary campaign was very poorly organized (he constantly offended his own staff!) and badly managed (especially financially!), and the only reason McCain was able to pull off a surprise victory against his fellow Republican Primary runners, was due to his ability to trick his opponents by doing what he promised he would never do, by playing very dirty politics, by falsely accusing his rivals of terrible things, and exploiting an already desperate and very angry Republican Party base! The McCain that the mass media has shown us all these years…a man willing to work across the isle with Democrats for the good of our country…is NOT the McCain we now see! But the mass media is not doing enough to show how McCain is nothing more than a desperado, who cannot be trusted to keep his word and is the worst kind of opportunist! Obama has never attacked McCain the way McCain promised not to attack Obama (this particular article is an attack written by me and not Obama...I am sure he would disagree with some of the words I am using), for Obama is really not interested in wasting our time on dirty politics, especially after the Republicans have ruined our economy, divided and weakened our nation, created many more enemies abroad, and damaged our ability to sell our products and services overseas! McCain’s most notable experience, which actually shows how unqualified he is to be President, is his voting for Bush’s agenda over 90% of the time!!!
McCain claims that it is he who is the agent of change, and not Obama, who actually was the first to run as a fresh new alternative to all the crap that goes on in Washington ! But McCain does not come across as one bit credible on being an agent of change, when not only has he voted alongside his Party and for Bush’s failed policies over and over again, but he then uses the same old, worn-out, false fear-mongering tactics that Bush used for all these long, painful and divisive years! Never mind the fact that, as the Congressional 9-11 Report proved, it was Bush’s failure to heed warnings from our fine FBI agents and other Federal Security agents, and his arrogant ‘go ahead and strike us first and see what we’ll do’ attitude which ended up with the mass murder of so many of our friends, family and fellow Americans on 9-11!!! By using the same old crap, the same old deeply offensive fear-mongering tactics McCain is not one bit an agent of change, because, when nitty comes to gritty, McCain, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney are nothing but the worst kind of nation-dividing, democracy-destroying extreme political opportunists, simply interested in filling up the pockets of their rich friends in OPEC and in the Texas Oil Billionaires Club! They have wrecked our economy, ruined our nation’s fiscal budget, adding trillions of dollars to our national debt, reversing the fiscally conservative policies of the Clinton years (we actually had a budget surplus under President Clinton, for the first time in ages!), they have spent our hard-earned tax-payer’s money on spoiling the Iraqis, who refuse to spend their own Oil billions, while our own country’s infrastructure and public service sector suffers for lack of government funding, and then, beyond all human decency, they have the gall, the utmost shameful attitude to dare suggest that they, the Republicans, are the only party of change for America! Hell, we’ve had enough of their bad change! America wants good change, change from the bad change that Bush and McCain represent! Senator Obama and Senator Biden are very much exactly the kind of change America wants and deserves, they are positive change away from the nation-weakening ultra-divisive politics of shameless fear-mongering and outright lies! Just see for yourself when the debates come! You will notice how Senators Obama and Biden will talk about the issues and give us real solutions for our very real problems that plague our country and all working-class Americans! But the other side, McCain and Palin, who want to give us an even more extreme version of the Bush years, will try to push the debates into the same old dirty politics of personal attacks, and yet Obama and Biden will be seen as way better than that! The only change McCain-Palin represent is change for the worse, at a time when we’re already suffering way too much! They will tax the working American family woman and man to death, while they continue to fill up the pockets of OPEC and The Texas Oil Billionaires Club, and they will smile at you while they are robbing you blind! NOT! Because we are not going to be fooled! We're going to do our homework and compare both sides very, very carefully and realize that one really does represent good change and the other represents more of the same old bad change!
McCain wants American women to think he is better than Obama, because whereas Obama, who just happens to be half-Black, half-White and 100% American (and a man who really could care less about color and everything about content), chose the most loyal and dedicated public servant in recent American History, Senator Joe Biden of our First State of Delaware, one of the kindest, friendliest, sincerest, most real and most polite person you’ll ever meet (what a contrast to Cheney!), McCain chose a tough-talking, intelligent but misinformed woman to be his VP running-mate! But hold on a sec! Of all the women far more qualified on the Republican side, why did he chose the one who is totally unqualified and who represents everything Bush has been about?!? Governor Palin, like Bush, though popular in Alaska, a state with a very small population, has shown over and over again that she could care less about the environment, about working class families and poor people, about your right to go to a library and pick up and read any darn book you please (it is now a known fact that she was hoping to ban all sorts of books, including several books which are considered American national treasures! Simply because she did not like the words and ideas in them, which tend to remind us of our precious freedoms and rights!), and she could care less about Separation of Church and State, which is one of the most important principles enshrined in Our Nation’s Great Constitution! Imagine that! Our great Founding Fathers and Mothers escaped the horrors of religious persecution in Europe and fought the British Monarchy in order to be able live their own lives, free from government interference and threats into their personal religious convictions and way of life, and they knew all too well that without a Constitution that guarantees Separation of Church and State our nation would soon fall into the same old horrors of civil wars in the name of one religion over another! And now McCain, desperate to pretend to be a champion of women, chose a woman who, like Bush, has no respect for our Constitution’s Separation of Church (religion) and State (government), who wants to ban those books and ideas she finds offensive, who wants to push America into a final World War Three, because she truly believes that these are the end of times and that we must have a worldwide nuclear war, because she truly believes that it is alright for mankind to deliberately cause such an Apocalyptic End! Well, she’s stark-raving nuts I tell ya! C’mon people, can we risk having a sweet-talking religious fanatic, similar to Jim Jones and David Koresh, one heartbeat away from the Presidency of Our United States of America?!? No way Jose! If there is going to be an end of times, then it must be only after we have all done all we really can to actually prevent and stop it from happening (YES WE CAN prevent World War Three), otherwise we’re not talking about G-D’s will, but about a few of our own insane fanatic zealots taking over the asylum and the rest of the world, and plunging us into a terrifyingly painful final horror beyond comprehension! Just compare the fanatic expression of Palin to that of another fanatic zealot named Ahmadinejad of Iran, or the late, sick Jim Jones who used cyanide-laced KoolAid to murder hundreds of American men, women and children, who naively trusted him! Compare their ‘shiny, glazed-over’ eyes of fanaticism, and you will agree that Palin is no different, especially when you examine her background thoroughly and discover all the scary facts that that short Republican Convention video did not want any of us to know about!!! If McCain could make such a dangerously fatal error in judgment, by picking a fanatic zealot for his VP running-mate, just because she really is a sweet-talking, friendly-looking, woman, and probably a good mother to her children (many fanatic women are good mothers to their children…up to a point…until something breaks in them!), then what other really bad decisions will McCain make if we allow him to sit in The Oval Office?? Let’s be real here; we’re all better off with people who know how to keep their religious convictions to themselves, and who understand that America belongs to all Americans, of all religions, faiths and ideologies, and not just one or the other! While McCain pretends to be a champion for American women (don’t forget that it was the Democrats who first chose a woman, Geraldine Ferraro, for the VP post), Senator Obama made a decision not based on gender, race, religion, or any a number of things that should not be at issue, but he chose the very best American foreign-policy expert in America today! And he chose Senator Joe Biden because, of all the other Democratic Party candidates who ran, Biden was the most civil, polite, well-mannered, decent, honest to the point, straightforward, and intelligent of the whole lot! After all, we Americans have learned the hard way that it is one thing to have a village idiot, fake cowboy, elected as Sheriff of a small town, useful for scaring away criminals, but it is plain stupid to have such an idiot as President! Bush was never qualified, especially given how he failed in his own private business ventures over and over again, with his father’s rich Texas Oil Billionaire friends having to bail him out over and over again! Bush was light years away from being another Ronald Reagan (not that I liked Reagan), let alone another Abraham Lincoln! In fact, McCain seemed sufficiently qualified, until his fatal mistake of choosing a fanatic zealot like Palin, but in the end McCain is nothing but a desperado who has made too many wrong decisions and taken too many wrong votes in Congress all these years! We cannot afford more of the same old crap, and the only change McCain represents is change from very bad to even worse!
McCain and Palin and the rest of the Republican gang are jubilant in claiming that the Surge in Iraq has worked, and that they were right all along, while they claim Obama and Biden were wrong on the Surge! But hold your horses here! Actually both Obama and Biden worked for the success of the Surge in Iraq by providing conditional support to our troops in Iraq ! And the Surge in Iraq is only working because the Iraqi’s have been seeing a glimmer of hope that U.S. troops will soon leave once America does the right thing and elect Senator Obama as President and Senator Biden as Vice-President! When Senators Biden and Obama attached conditions to financing the Surge in Iraq , they included provisions that meant giving our troops the right equipment they would need! In fact, it was actually Senator Biden who demanded that the government provide Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, designed to survive IED attacks and ambushes in Iraq!!! Why? Because until he and Obama can begin to carefully, gradually reduce and remove our troops presence in Iraq, we Americans are obliged to provide our fine men and women in arms the best we can afford in order to improve their safety and ability to fight off the enemy effectively! But the success of the Surge in Iraq, much thanks to Senator Joe Biden’s efforts, has been very, very costly to our nation’s budget, and is only a temporary success, because we cannot afford to forever be Iraq’s baby-sitters! It’s that simple! Our purpose in Iraq has been achieved! We got rid of the trouble-making Saddam regime, which cost us dearly in terms of all the wonderful American Marines and Army soldiers who lost their lives because Rumsfeld and Bush failed to provide them enough troops and enough of the right equipment! We have given the Iraqis enough time and way too much support, which they have squandered, while they have been pilfering their own country’s Oil Billions for their own corrupt officials, and now it is overdue that the rest of the Arab nations pay the price for Iraq’s stabilization and that we bring back our over-taxed, worn-out troops so that they can come home and be with their loved ones, even as we send the most hard-core fighters among them, meaning those who want to continue fighting, to go to where we should have already had enough troops, to Afghanistan, to wipe out the Taliban and al-Qaeda, once and for all! Imagine that, here is McCain once again trying to fool us, even as he too well knows that it actually was Senators Biden and Obama who provided our troops what they needed and who understand that our real enemies have always been hiding out in the caves and mountains of Afghanistan, and that the Arabs have enough money and resources and fancy military equipment to deal with the few terrorists left in Iraq! Why should we Americans spend more money and risk more lives in Iraq, when the Iraqis themselves can do it?? And it is the biggest of lies from McCain and his supporters when they say that al-Qaeda terrorists are all over the place in the Arab nations (Afghanistan, as you probably know, is not an Arab country and is located on the other side of Iran, which is also not an Arab country!)! The fact of the matter is that most Arab governments have been fighting any traces of al-Qaeda in their midst, because they know what a threat they represent, and other terrorist groups are also being targeted, now that almost all the Arab nations are beginning to see an historic opportunity to work with America and Europe to make peace with Israel and bring about true peace, prosperity and culturally-sensitive forms of democracy to their region! But the Arab world refuses, understandably, to do anything that would ever even appear to reward the Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Cheney effort to impose American-style democracy on them and to force them to make peace with Israel, when they would rather do so on their own terms, because they do (since the Iraq War) understand that Israel can never be destroyed without causing World War Three, and because they have begun to see the many economic trade benefits and quality of life benefits that making peace with Israel would provide! So the Arabs are patiently waiting for us Americans to elect a President who will be a strong friend to peaceful Israel and peace-seeking Arabs! The people who attacked us on 9-11 were mostly Saudis and not Iraqis, and Saddam’s regime was just as much against al-Qaeda as we did, even if for different reasons! The War in Iraq could have been waged properly, but only after we had first managed to wipe out al-Qaeda and the Taliban, which we could have done years ago had Bush not used our limited military resources and troops to fight his personal vendetta against Saddam in Iraq! If we had done the right thing, as Biden had suggested all along, and first taken care of the mess in Afghanistan, we would have been able to build a broad pan-Arab, American and European coalition to deal with Saddam, and probably even to do so without having to go to all-out war! Because we could have used that grand coalition of Arab, European and American troops to take invade vast deserted areas of Iraq first and then make a compromise deal with Saddam, in which he would have been allowed to go into comfortable exile in the country of his choice, with his Mafiosi family and relatives, and lots of money too, and we would have spared the Iraqi peoples all the horrors, death and destruction that has cost all of us so dearly all these years, and which turned the Arab world against us overnight! We could have helped set up a fairly moderate Iraqi government of peace and reconciliation between Iraq’s sectarian divide, and allowed a reformist movement of ex-Baathist to create a new and more democratic Iraq! But only if we had not done what Bush did, if we had not let Bush try to create American-style democracies with Arabs who are unable to accept and appreciate our way of life! So, for McCain to try to fool us into thinking that the success of the Surge in Iraq is a Republican partisan victory, to score political points at the expense of our nation’s unity, at the expense of our valiant troop’s blood and sacrifice, and at the expense of the actual truth, is scary because it is actually horribly contrary to everything that McCain used to represent!!! McCain has either lost his mind, or he has managed for decades to hide his true face and has pretended to be a moderate uniter and a Republican willing to compromise with Democrats for the good of the American people! Just do your own research and you will see that what McCain and supporters of McCain, like the all-divisive and dishonest Senator Lindsey Graham, have lied about the truth and that the real story is one of Senators Biden and Obama doing all the right things for our troops and for our country! Shame, shame, shame on McCain! No wonder he attracts people like Senator Liebermann, who have fallen for all their fear-mongering lies!Now, I could go on and on, but to be honest I’d rather use these last sentences to ask you to do your own homework and to compare Senator Obama’s fine Presidential platform, by going to, and seeing with your own eyes the truth! If we all do our homework and compare both party’s candidate’s platforms we will vote for the Obama-Biden Ticket!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo
I am The Original New York City Free Advice Man (see The New Yorker magazine, August 17, 1987, p. 18-19), and I am here to share my insight, ideas, concerns, as well as my inspiring words. These are words you won't hear often from other people, but they will be important in bringing about the positive change we all yearn for. Read and see what I mean. By the way, you can really do a lot to help insure that The Obama-Biden Ticket for American Unity Wins Big this November, by simply copying this and pasting it in an e-mail and then sending it off to your friends, and asking them to do the same! Just remember to put your own salutation and name at the beginning! (e.g. Jennie McCollum here...thought you would like to read this inspiring piece! I was feeling a bit down but it lifted my spirits, because I know those who read it will most likely vote for good change! YES WE CAN! And so can The Free Advice Man!)
A Comparative Analysis of McCain and Obama:
McCain wants you to think that Obama is unqualified to be President for lack of substantial executive experience, except that McCain also lacks significant executive experience! Kennedy (JFK) did not have substantial executive experience, yet he was an excellent President at a time when America most needed him. Obama does not accept that his limited executive experience is an issue, because he has sufficient experience organizing people and his own Primary campaign’s success was ultimately due to his excellent ability to organize people, which means that he actually does have as much, if not more, executive organizing experience than McCain! In fact, McCain’s own Primary campaign was very poorly organized (he constantly offended his own staff!) and badly managed (especially financially!), and the only reason McCain was able to pull off a surprise victory against his fellow Republican Primary runners, was due to his ability to trick his opponents by doing what he promised he would never do, by playing very dirty politics, by falsely accusing his rivals of terrible things, and exploiting an already desperate and very angry Republican Party base! The McCain that the mass media has shown us all these years…a man willing to work across the isle with Democrats for the good of our country…is NOT the McCain we now see! But the mass media is not doing enough to show how McCain is nothing more than a desperado, who cannot be trusted to keep his word and is the worst kind of opportunist! Obama has never attacked McCain the way McCain promised not to attack Obama (this particular article is an attack written by me and not Obama...I am sure he would disagree with some of the words I am using), for Obama is really not interested in wasting our time on dirty politics, especially after the Republicans have ruined our economy, divided and weakened our nation, created many more enemies abroad, and damaged our ability to sell our products and services overseas! McCain’s most notable experience, which actually shows how unqualified he is to be President, is his voting for Bush’s agenda over 90% of the time!!!
McCain claims that it is he who is the agent of change, and not Obama, who actually was the first to run as a fresh new alternative to all the crap that goes on in Washington ! But McCain does not come across as one bit credible on being an agent of change, when not only has he voted alongside his Party and for Bush’s failed policies over and over again, but he then uses the same old, worn-out, false fear-mongering tactics that Bush used for all these long, painful and divisive years! Never mind the fact that, as the Congressional 9-11 Report proved, it was Bush’s failure to heed warnings from our fine FBI agents and other Federal Security agents, and his arrogant ‘go ahead and strike us first and see what we’ll do’ attitude which ended up with the mass murder of so many of our friends, family and fellow Americans on 9-11!!! By using the same old crap, the same old deeply offensive fear-mongering tactics McCain is not one bit an agent of change, because, when nitty comes to gritty, McCain, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney are nothing but the worst kind of nation-dividing, democracy-destroying extreme political opportunists, simply interested in filling up the pockets of their rich friends in OPEC and in the Texas Oil Billionaires Club! They have wrecked our economy, ruined our nation’s fiscal budget, adding trillions of dollars to our national debt, reversing the fiscally conservative policies of the Clinton years (we actually had a budget surplus under President Clinton, for the first time in ages!), they have spent our hard-earned tax-payer’s money on spoiling the Iraqis, who refuse to spend their own Oil billions, while our own country’s infrastructure and public service sector suffers for lack of government funding, and then, beyond all human decency, they have the gall, the utmost shameful attitude to dare suggest that they, the Republicans, are the only party of change for America! Hell, we’ve had enough of their bad change! America wants good change, change from the bad change that Bush and McCain represent! Senator Obama and Senator Biden are very much exactly the kind of change America wants and deserves, they are positive change away from the nation-weakening ultra-divisive politics of shameless fear-mongering and outright lies! Just see for yourself when the debates come! You will notice how Senators Obama and Biden will talk about the issues and give us real solutions for our very real problems that plague our country and all working-class Americans! But the other side, McCain and Palin, who want to give us an even more extreme version of the Bush years, will try to push the debates into the same old dirty politics of personal attacks, and yet Obama and Biden will be seen as way better than that! The only change McCain-Palin represent is change for the worse, at a time when we’re already suffering way too much! They will tax the working American family woman and man to death, while they continue to fill up the pockets of OPEC and The Texas Oil Billionaires Club, and they will smile at you while they are robbing you blind! NOT! Because we are not going to be fooled! We're going to do our homework and compare both sides very, very carefully and realize that one really does represent good change and the other represents more of the same old bad change!
McCain wants American women to think he is better than Obama, because whereas Obama, who just happens to be half-Black, half-White and 100% American (and a man who really could care less about color and everything about content), chose the most loyal and dedicated public servant in recent American History, Senator Joe Biden of our First State of Delaware, one of the kindest, friendliest, sincerest, most real and most polite person you’ll ever meet (what a contrast to Cheney!), McCain chose a tough-talking, intelligent but misinformed woman to be his VP running-mate! But hold on a sec! Of all the women far more qualified on the Republican side, why did he chose the one who is totally unqualified and who represents everything Bush has been about?!? Governor Palin, like Bush, though popular in Alaska, a state with a very small population, has shown over and over again that she could care less about the environment, about working class families and poor people, about your right to go to a library and pick up and read any darn book you please (it is now a known fact that she was hoping to ban all sorts of books, including several books which are considered American national treasures! Simply because she did not like the words and ideas in them, which tend to remind us of our precious freedoms and rights!), and she could care less about Separation of Church and State, which is one of the most important principles enshrined in Our Nation’s Great Constitution! Imagine that! Our great Founding Fathers and Mothers escaped the horrors of religious persecution in Europe and fought the British Monarchy in order to be able live their own lives, free from government interference and threats into their personal religious convictions and way of life, and they knew all too well that without a Constitution that guarantees Separation of Church and State our nation would soon fall into the same old horrors of civil wars in the name of one religion over another! And now McCain, desperate to pretend to be a champion of women, chose a woman who, like Bush, has no respect for our Constitution’s Separation of Church (religion) and State (government), who wants to ban those books and ideas she finds offensive, who wants to push America into a final World War Three, because she truly believes that these are the end of times and that we must have a worldwide nuclear war, because she truly believes that it is alright for mankind to deliberately cause such an Apocalyptic End! Well, she’s stark-raving nuts I tell ya! C’mon people, can we risk having a sweet-talking religious fanatic, similar to Jim Jones and David Koresh, one heartbeat away from the Presidency of Our United States of America?!? No way Jose! If there is going to be an end of times, then it must be only after we have all done all we really can to actually prevent and stop it from happening (YES WE CAN prevent World War Three), otherwise we’re not talking about G-D’s will, but about a few of our own insane fanatic zealots taking over the asylum and the rest of the world, and plunging us into a terrifyingly painful final horror beyond comprehension! Just compare the fanatic expression of Palin to that of another fanatic zealot named Ahmadinejad of Iran, or the late, sick Jim Jones who used cyanide-laced KoolAid to murder hundreds of American men, women and children, who naively trusted him! Compare their ‘shiny, glazed-over’ eyes of fanaticism, and you will agree that Palin is no different, especially when you examine her background thoroughly and discover all the scary facts that that short Republican Convention video did not want any of us to know about!!! If McCain could make such a dangerously fatal error in judgment, by picking a fanatic zealot for his VP running-mate, just because she really is a sweet-talking, friendly-looking, woman, and probably a good mother to her children (many fanatic women are good mothers to their children…up to a point…until something breaks in them!), then what other really bad decisions will McCain make if we allow him to sit in The Oval Office?? Let’s be real here; we’re all better off with people who know how to keep their religious convictions to themselves, and who understand that America belongs to all Americans, of all religions, faiths and ideologies, and not just one or the other! While McCain pretends to be a champion for American women (don’t forget that it was the Democrats who first chose a woman, Geraldine Ferraro, for the VP post), Senator Obama made a decision not based on gender, race, religion, or any a number of things that should not be at issue, but he chose the very best American foreign-policy expert in America today! And he chose Senator Joe Biden because, of all the other Democratic Party candidates who ran, Biden was the most civil, polite, well-mannered, decent, honest to the point, straightforward, and intelligent of the whole lot! After all, we Americans have learned the hard way that it is one thing to have a village idiot, fake cowboy, elected as Sheriff of a small town, useful for scaring away criminals, but it is plain stupid to have such an idiot as President! Bush was never qualified, especially given how he failed in his own private business ventures over and over again, with his father’s rich Texas Oil Billionaire friends having to bail him out over and over again! Bush was light years away from being another Ronald Reagan (not that I liked Reagan), let alone another Abraham Lincoln! In fact, McCain seemed sufficiently qualified, until his fatal mistake of choosing a fanatic zealot like Palin, but in the end McCain is nothing but a desperado who has made too many wrong decisions and taken too many wrong votes in Congress all these years! We cannot afford more of the same old crap, and the only change McCain represents is change from very bad to even worse!
McCain and Palin and the rest of the Republican gang are jubilant in claiming that the Surge in Iraq has worked, and that they were right all along, while they claim Obama and Biden were wrong on the Surge! But hold your horses here! Actually both Obama and Biden worked for the success of the Surge in Iraq by providing conditional support to our troops in Iraq ! And the Surge in Iraq is only working because the Iraqi’s have been seeing a glimmer of hope that U.S. troops will soon leave once America does the right thing and elect Senator Obama as President and Senator Biden as Vice-President! When Senators Biden and Obama attached conditions to financing the Surge in Iraq , they included provisions that meant giving our troops the right equipment they would need! In fact, it was actually Senator Biden who demanded that the government provide Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles, designed to survive IED attacks and ambushes in Iraq!!! Why? Because until he and Obama can begin to carefully, gradually reduce and remove our troops presence in Iraq, we Americans are obliged to provide our fine men and women in arms the best we can afford in order to improve their safety and ability to fight off the enemy effectively! But the success of the Surge in Iraq, much thanks to Senator Joe Biden’s efforts, has been very, very costly to our nation’s budget, and is only a temporary success, because we cannot afford to forever be Iraq’s baby-sitters! It’s that simple! Our purpose in Iraq has been achieved! We got rid of the trouble-making Saddam regime, which cost us dearly in terms of all the wonderful American Marines and Army soldiers who lost their lives because Rumsfeld and Bush failed to provide them enough troops and enough of the right equipment! We have given the Iraqis enough time and way too much support, which they have squandered, while they have been pilfering their own country’s Oil Billions for their own corrupt officials, and now it is overdue that the rest of the Arab nations pay the price for Iraq’s stabilization and that we bring back our over-taxed, worn-out troops so that they can come home and be with their loved ones, even as we send the most hard-core fighters among them, meaning those who want to continue fighting, to go to where we should have already had enough troops, to Afghanistan, to wipe out the Taliban and al-Qaeda, once and for all! Imagine that, here is McCain once again trying to fool us, even as he too well knows that it actually was Senators Biden and Obama who provided our troops what they needed and who understand that our real enemies have always been hiding out in the caves and mountains of Afghanistan, and that the Arabs have enough money and resources and fancy military equipment to deal with the few terrorists left in Iraq! Why should we Americans spend more money and risk more lives in Iraq, when the Iraqis themselves can do it?? And it is the biggest of lies from McCain and his supporters when they say that al-Qaeda terrorists are all over the place in the Arab nations (Afghanistan, as you probably know, is not an Arab country and is located on the other side of Iran, which is also not an Arab country!)! The fact of the matter is that most Arab governments have been fighting any traces of al-Qaeda in their midst, because they know what a threat they represent, and other terrorist groups are also being targeted, now that almost all the Arab nations are beginning to see an historic opportunity to work with America and Europe to make peace with Israel and bring about true peace, prosperity and culturally-sensitive forms of democracy to their region! But the Arab world refuses, understandably, to do anything that would ever even appear to reward the Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Cheney effort to impose American-style democracy on them and to force them to make peace with Israel, when they would rather do so on their own terms, because they do (since the Iraq War) understand that Israel can never be destroyed without causing World War Three, and because they have begun to see the many economic trade benefits and quality of life benefits that making peace with Israel would provide! So the Arabs are patiently waiting for us Americans to elect a President who will be a strong friend to peaceful Israel and peace-seeking Arabs! The people who attacked us on 9-11 were mostly Saudis and not Iraqis, and Saddam’s regime was just as much against al-Qaeda as we did, even if for different reasons! The War in Iraq could have been waged properly, but only after we had first managed to wipe out al-Qaeda and the Taliban, which we could have done years ago had Bush not used our limited military resources and troops to fight his personal vendetta against Saddam in Iraq! If we had done the right thing, as Biden had suggested all along, and first taken care of the mess in Afghanistan, we would have been able to build a broad pan-Arab, American and European coalition to deal with Saddam, and probably even to do so without having to go to all-out war! Because we could have used that grand coalition of Arab, European and American troops to take invade vast deserted areas of Iraq first and then make a compromise deal with Saddam, in which he would have been allowed to go into comfortable exile in the country of his choice, with his Mafiosi family and relatives, and lots of money too, and we would have spared the Iraqi peoples all the horrors, death and destruction that has cost all of us so dearly all these years, and which turned the Arab world against us overnight! We could have helped set up a fairly moderate Iraqi government of peace and reconciliation between Iraq’s sectarian divide, and allowed a reformist movement of ex-Baathist to create a new and more democratic Iraq! But only if we had not done what Bush did, if we had not let Bush try to create American-style democracies with Arabs who are unable to accept and appreciate our way of life! So, for McCain to try to fool us into thinking that the success of the Surge in Iraq is a Republican partisan victory, to score political points at the expense of our nation’s unity, at the expense of our valiant troop’s blood and sacrifice, and at the expense of the actual truth, is scary because it is actually horribly contrary to everything that McCain used to represent!!! McCain has either lost his mind, or he has managed for decades to hide his true face and has pretended to be a moderate uniter and a Republican willing to compromise with Democrats for the good of the American people! Just do your own research and you will see that what McCain and supporters of McCain, like the all-divisive and dishonest Senator Lindsey Graham, have lied about the truth and that the real story is one of Senators Biden and Obama doing all the right things for our troops and for our country! Shame, shame, shame on McCain! No wonder he attracts people like Senator Liebermann, who have fallen for all their fear-mongering lies!Now, I could go on and on, but to be honest I’d rather use these last sentences to ask you to do your own homework and to compare Senator Obama’s fine Presidential platform, by going to, and seeing with your own eyes the truth! If we all do our homework and compare both party’s candidate’s platforms we will vote for the Obama-Biden Ticket!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo
Friday, September 5, 2008
Appalling McCain!
My dear fellow American,
You are going to thank me/us for forwarding this info. to you! Seriously!
Because this is about something so serious, so severe, so threatening to our democracy and Our Great Constitution!
Palin sought to have certain books banned.
A list circulated earlier turns out to be bogus. That said, The Assembly of God Church does seek to have many books banned. And Palin, even until very recently, has been very active in that particular Rapture-desiring church.
So what the freaking rotten-tomatoes-stench is this poll telling us (?);
‘A week ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following a Vice Presidential acceptance speech viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 37% hold an unfavorable view of the self-described hockey mom.’
Look folks, we better start forwarding this particular e-mail to each and every one of those fellow Democrats who make up part of the 58% this poll refers to; or we’ll be edging too close to World War Three for comfort!
This is not hype…nor conspiracy theory crap; this is PALIN PLAIN aPpALINg!
Let all Americans know about this right now! Do not hesitate to forward this e-mail for one moment lest we find ourselves on the verge of another Kristallnacht and tons of Farenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury…we love you!) barbaric book burning!!!
I mean it: forward this e-mail to all your friends and acquaintance this moment or risk destroying our country, and The World, for good!
As a Jew I wouldn’t ban any book, no matter how good, bad or in-between it is! The more things we can freely read (and write) the better off we are! It seems the mass media is forgetting this crucial truism.
Forward this…NOW!
Sincerely yours,
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo
The Original New York City Free Advice Man
(see The New Yorker magazine, August 17, 1987 issue)
PS: Think this is hype?
Check out the facts/sources:
"It's over. It's over. It's over for the special interests," McCain promised. "We're going to start working for the people of this country."
Excuse me! What a BIG FAT LIE!
Special interests?!?
The Neo-Con anti-Freedom, anti-Freedom of Speech, book-banning fanatic pseudo-religious nuts are YOUR SPECIAL INTEREST…Mr. McCain! Not mine, and certainly not America’s! So are OPEC, The Texas Oil Billionaire’s Club, Bush/Cheney (Mr. McCain; you voted for Bush policies over 85% of the time!!!), the non-reformed excessive version of the M.I.C. (McCain; you’re no IKE, that’s for sure!), The so-called Christian Right, etc….all SPECIAL INTERESTS YOU WORK FOR!!! Who the hell do you think you (Mr. McCain) are fooling?!?
As for ‘working for the people of this country’, hah! Like we’re not the people of this country…all at least 51% if not more who want real change, and the kind of change only Senator Obama and Senator Biden can bring! ‘People of this country’ my foot! You’ll be working for the fanatic zealot minority that you’ve suddenly, and so obviously opportunistically, embraced! Please Mr. McCain, get real! Because we Americans have really had it to here with all this kind of fear-mongering, divisive and weakening crap! We’ve had it with all this TRICKle-down-economics from Neo-CON-artist pseudo-Republican opportunists.
Shame in the extreme! We’d have to be dangerously crazy to put you in office!
You are going to thank me/us for forwarding this info. to you! Seriously!
Because this is about something so serious, so severe, so threatening to our democracy and Our Great Constitution!
Palin sought to have certain books banned.
A list circulated earlier turns out to be bogus. That said, The Assembly of God Church does seek to have many books banned. And Palin, even until very recently, has been very active in that particular Rapture-desiring church.
So what the freaking rotten-tomatoes-stench is this poll telling us (?);
‘A week ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following a Vice Presidential acceptance speech viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 37% hold an unfavorable view of the self-described hockey mom.’
Look folks, we better start forwarding this particular e-mail to each and every one of those fellow Democrats who make up part of the 58% this poll refers to; or we’ll be edging too close to World War Three for comfort!
This is not hype…nor conspiracy theory crap; this is PALIN PLAIN aPpALINg!
Let all Americans know about this right now! Do not hesitate to forward this e-mail for one moment lest we find ourselves on the verge of another Kristallnacht and tons of Farenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury…we love you!) barbaric book burning!!!
I mean it: forward this e-mail to all your friends and acquaintance this moment or risk destroying our country, and The World, for good!
As a Jew I wouldn’t ban any book, no matter how good, bad or in-between it is! The more things we can freely read (and write) the better off we are! It seems the mass media is forgetting this crucial truism.
Forward this…NOW!
Sincerely yours,
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo
The Original New York City Free Advice Man
(see The New Yorker magazine, August 17, 1987 issue)
PS: Think this is hype?
Check out the facts/sources:
"It's over. It's over. It's over for the special interests," McCain promised. "We're going to start working for the people of this country."
Excuse me! What a BIG FAT LIE!
Special interests?!?
The Neo-Con anti-Freedom, anti-Freedom of Speech, book-banning fanatic pseudo-religious nuts are YOUR SPECIAL INTEREST…Mr. McCain! Not mine, and certainly not America’s! So are OPEC, The Texas Oil Billionaire’s Club, Bush/Cheney (Mr. McCain; you voted for Bush policies over 85% of the time!!!), the non-reformed excessive version of the M.I.C. (McCain; you’re no IKE, that’s for sure!), The so-called Christian Right, etc….all SPECIAL INTERESTS YOU WORK FOR!!! Who the hell do you think you (Mr. McCain) are fooling?!?
As for ‘working for the people of this country’, hah! Like we’re not the people of this country…all at least 51% if not more who want real change, and the kind of change only Senator Obama and Senator Biden can bring! ‘People of this country’ my foot! You’ll be working for the fanatic zealot minority that you’ve suddenly, and so obviously opportunistically, embraced! Please Mr. McCain, get real! Because we Americans have really had it to here with all this kind of fear-mongering, divisive and weakening crap! We’ve had it with all this TRICKle-down-economics from Neo-CON-artist pseudo-Republican opportunists.
Shame in the extreme! We’d have to be dangerously crazy to put you in office!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The So-called Republican Party Has LOST THE ELECTIONS ALREADY!
Last week I watched my Democratic Party's uplifting and unifying and reaching-out to all Americans, exciting, patriotic, sensible Convention in Denver, and I was truly impressed by all who took the stage and spoke such fine and timely words!
This week I decided to respectfully observe the so-called Republicans Convention, and all I got was one disappointment after another! Where was the McCain we thought we knew and we thought we could trust?? How could he pick such an appalling person, regardless of her being a woman (And one who likes killing noble creatures, like Alaskan moose! That's not the kind of woman I like.), who is so wrong a choice to be one hearbeat away from Our Presidency?!? A pseudo-Republican who unashamedly represents an extremist religious agenda, who harbours anti-Semitic views, who is truly offensive to me and all of my progressive fellow Jews, and who represents nothing but the same old same old of the pseudo-Republican Neo-Con Party!
And then tonight! G-D protect our beloved country, the America of our beloved founding parents, who would be appalled by the pseudo-Republicans constant mixing public office with religious zeal and thereby violating one of the most fundamental principles of Our Great American Constitution! Using deeply and eternally painful and horrific images of our nation's 9-11 tragedy for opportunist, fear-mongering, politicking was the very last straw! And then for that man, Senator Lindsey Graham, to imply that America has no real options and does not need democracy, because, as he implied, only his party can provide us Americans with the security we need! That was shameful in the extreme, and if the majority of my fellow Americans were to accept that kind of illogical, anti-democratic stance, then America will have fully played into the hands of our enemies; those pseudo-Islamic fanatic zealots who hijacked Islam and who violated its most basic principle by murdering so many wonderful Americans, so many wonderful people from all over The World, so many Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Pagans and Muslims too! Well, as as far as I am concerned tonight the pseudo-Republicans shot themselves in their feet and have lost the elections! How sad that these fools have, throughout the past 80, years managed to destroy the good name of a party that once gave us a wise man like Lincoln!
As I predicted; Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden will be our next American President and Vice-President, respectively!
Good Night and Good Luck!
This week I decided to respectfully observe the so-called Republicans Convention, and all I got was one disappointment after another! Where was the McCain we thought we knew and we thought we could trust?? How could he pick such an appalling person, regardless of her being a woman (And one who likes killing noble creatures, like Alaskan moose! That's not the kind of woman I like.), who is so wrong a choice to be one hearbeat away from Our Presidency?!? A pseudo-Republican who unashamedly represents an extremist religious agenda, who harbours anti-Semitic views, who is truly offensive to me and all of my progressive fellow Jews, and who represents nothing but the same old same old of the pseudo-Republican Neo-Con Party!
And then tonight! G-D protect our beloved country, the America of our beloved founding parents, who would be appalled by the pseudo-Republicans constant mixing public office with religious zeal and thereby violating one of the most fundamental principles of Our Great American Constitution! Using deeply and eternally painful and horrific images of our nation's 9-11 tragedy for opportunist, fear-mongering, politicking was the very last straw! And then for that man, Senator Lindsey Graham, to imply that America has no real options and does not need democracy, because, as he implied, only his party can provide us Americans with the security we need! That was shameful in the extreme, and if the majority of my fellow Americans were to accept that kind of illogical, anti-democratic stance, then America will have fully played into the hands of our enemies; those pseudo-Islamic fanatic zealots who hijacked Islam and who violated its most basic principle by murdering so many wonderful Americans, so many wonderful people from all over The World, so many Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Pagans and Muslims too! Well, as as far as I am concerned tonight the pseudo-Republicans shot themselves in their feet and have lost the elections! How sad that these fools have, throughout the past 80, years managed to destroy the good name of a party that once gave us a wise man like Lincoln!
As I predicted; Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden will be our next American President and Vice-President, respectively!
Good Night and Good Luck!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
For all those who are not sure who to vote for this year.
What Republican, Independent & Swing Voters Should Know
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher, a.k.a. The Original New York City Free Advice Man.
First of all, regardless of what I write here you’re going to vote for whomever you are convinced will best defend America from her enemies, domestic and foreign, and I wouldn’t want you to do otherwise, because America does have enemies, truly dangerous enemies, sick people who hate everything decent and good in the world, who hate our Democratic Republic’s Constitution and the Freedoms, Liberties and Responsibilities it entails! Our enemies want nothing less than to be able to totally hijack Islam and in its name to impose a pseudo-Islamic global fascist, Nazi-like monstrosity of an empire, in which women and children are constantly terrorized and all who do not give up their human rights and subjugate themselves to their sick ways will be tortured and murdered in gulags and gas-chambers. I have no doubt about it, myself. Which is why The Global Fight Against Terrorists (which cannot be waged in the form of a conventional war), with our brave Special Forces and elite Ninja-like precision surgical strike anti-terrorist units, with help from our allies who cherish similar democratic values, and who love their families, friends and fellow human beings as The Lord commands us in The TORAH, must continue until the day that we can be sure that their number and ability to harm us is so diminished that they are nothing more than a small band of rogue goat herders hated more by their own relatives and country-folk than even by us! For our fight is in defense of all that is truly decent, all that is respecting of the privacy, property and liberty of all individuals, all that is respecting of the freedom of all persons to choose their own way of life within their own private residencies and lands, and is against all those sick monsters who share the sick ideas of those who attacked our Homeland on 9-11, and who attacked our friends in England on 7-7, who attacked our friends in Spain, in The Netherlands, in Africa and elsewhere! We must not elect anyone who would, even by accident or neglect, fail to protect our great country, America, home of the brave, land of the free. Nor elect anyone who would jeopardize our security interests abroad, as those interests would also jeopardize our safety at home. We must not elect anyone who would fail to come to the defense of our friends in Israel and in parts of Europe, and elsewhere in the world. We must not elect a bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberal or, for that matter a megalomaniac who would confuse our real enemy with all those true Muslims in the world who did not attack us on 9-11 and who have also come to understand, over time, that those sick monsters who hijacked their religion and misrepresent its true message, are just as much a serious danger and threat to their religion, safety and security as ours! We must not elect either of these extremes, because then we will have forsaken the promise made by our founders, great men and women like Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Abigail Adams, Martha Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington; a promise that is embodied in Our Great Constitution and our Noble Democratic Republican American Way of Life!
Now, you may be convinced that our current President, George W. Bush, though not that great at handling our economy, never failed us in protecting us from our enemies, domestic and foreign, and you would seem to be right if we only look at how our government, and the many brave, noble and loyal federal agents who work so hard to keep us safe, have managed to prevent further 9-11 type and scale attacks. Granted, regardless of what your opinion of George W. Bush may be, one cannot fault him for sincerely wanting to protect us from serious danger and harm. But the measure of security and safety cannot be based only on how things seem to be working inside America, as the cost to our economy, having managed to alienate so many of our traditional, historic allies and other friendly countries, has itself put us in very, very great danger of self-destructing! The costs of our current global military, economic and political strategy, which even some hardcore Republicans will admit has been a terrible failure, have been very steep indeed! In actual reality what the Bush Administration, perhaps inadvertently (and dangerously foolishly), has managed to do is to use the wrong global and domestic tactics to fight terrorists, because though these tactics have indeed managed to prevent large-scale single-act attacks on our Homeland, they have actually caused way too many more, individually unnoticed, attacks on our economic security, our infrastructure, our liberties and our freedoms and our safety abroad!!! The actual reality as I see it is this: the fear-mongering, color-coded and bold rhetoric ‘the enemy is right behind you…could be your own neighbor…is anyone who does not share your version of American life…is anyone who is not a Neo-Conservative Republican’ method of fighting our enemies is actually playing right into their goal of destroying us! Perhaps with the best of intentions, perhaps not, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and a plethora of other naïve ultra-conservative idealists have actually caused severe and utterly dangerous internal divisions in our own country, among our fellow American citizens, including patriotic Democrats and Republicans, and all along our enemies have probably, in all likelihood, sat back in the darkest corners of their filthy caves and, getting DVDs from supporters who live down in the villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan, have been watching news reports about our daily lives in America and about our many, many new and very, very dangerous conflict points arising throughout the world, especially with regards to the situation in Pakistan, Afghanistan, The Middle East, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, and the list goes on and on and on! And maybe those sick bastards hiding in their caves may only be inheritors of the monster bin Laden’s legacy, maybe he is already dead (who knows for sure), but I have no doubt that he and his sick brood trained newer generations of sick, primitive-minded fools into becoming dangerous terrorists, and he told them to wait, watch and only strike when America is finally busy at war with other nations of the world, over economic interests, over water resources, over oil and what not! And to watch us Americans turn against one another, little by little, day by day, eroding every vestige of Our Constitution’s rights and creating a nightmarish Country of Paranoiacs that Stalin would have been proud to rule! After all, that sick monster bin Laden (I would have even nastier words to describe him, safe for the fact that I wrote this for a broader audience) was a very clever man, albeit totally lacking any real wisdom and any sense of human decency and kindness, trained by our own mixed-bag CIA in rogue warfare tactics and what not, and he knew that even more Americans would die in the aftermath of 9-11 from the cummulative effect of having driven us into the direction of senselessly self-destructive divisiveness over otherwise benign issues. He knew that Bush, under the malicious influence of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney, would use the occasion, the excuse (Casus Belli) of the 9-11 horrors to eventually launch an attack on Saddam Hussein and Iraq, knowing that by doing so we would manage to turn even some of the most sympathetic Arab and other Muslim national leaders and peoples against us, some who actually were just as angry and disgusted at those assaults against humanity as we ourselves were. Sick bin Laden knew that Bush was very likely to fall into his trap and thereby ruin decades of hard, serious diplomacy and friendship-building in Europe, Asia, The Middle East, and elsewhere! And, to our great disadvantage and terrible loss, he was right! Now, hold on a sec, don’t get me wrong; getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his regime, which really was a threat to relative stability in the Persian Gulf and The Middle East, was something his (Bush's) father should have done in the first place, during the First Gulf War! But, given the complexity of the world situation, and the fact that the world’s economic stability has since, as a result of 9-11, suffered a major and almost totally lethal shock to the market-economy system, had I been President I would have done the right thing! I would have realized that sick bin Laden actually wants me to fall into his trap and attack Saddam Hussein and Iraq, thereby inflaming and outraging the Arab nations, and this also angering our friends in Europe who are even more heavily dependent on the flow of Arab and Persian oil! I would have thought to myself; ‘Hah! That bastard bin Laden thinks I’m such a fool! Well, I’m not going to take his bait, and fall into his clever trap by starting a full-scale conventional military invasion of Iraq! No way Jose! Nope. I’m going to build the world’s largest coalition ever and I’m going to sweep down on Afghanistan and there won’t be a cave in any mountain, a hole under the floor of any mud-brick house, or any place where a single terrorist can hide, and I’m going try to capture bin Laden himself alive, and then put him in a special holding cell where for the rest of his life he will be shown, high up on the white walls, images, at least every day for eight hours straight, of the horrors and aftermath of what he did to my beloved Americans and our friends, and there will be the sounds and odors of the horrors recreated for him to hear, and then the words, the pleading of all those wonderful people, decent human beings, begging for help to find their lost ones, in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years after he managed to murder so many wonderful, innocent mothers, children, fathers, and managed to wreck the lives of countless many more thousands and hundreds of thousands of lives, and the suffering, the extreme poverty, death and destruction his cowardly indefensible monstrous acts caused upon the least of nations, who were dependent on our great charitable efforts! And I will have scientists make special devices to insure that during those eight hours each day he cannot close his eyes or shut his ears, or clog his nose, and I and the world, after giving him the fairest of trials, will continue to watch him every now and then, as he is forced to face his evil ways! And I will have the same done to any of his close confidants and any who would dare follow in his path! And the greater number of the world’s nations will have united against all terrorists, and the majority of the world will have eventually helped create special circumstances that would allow for the relatively peaceful, precision target, removal of any and all murderous leaders who terrorize their own people! And then I would have put due pressure on all parties concerned to finally make a fair, just, comprehensive, lasting peace for Israel and a Palestinian State and for all The Middle East! And then the world would have by now begun to create the kind of alternative transportation and energy technologies which actually exist, mostly hidden from public view, that will liberate all humanity from the caustic fumes of burning oil, the deathly stench of fossil fuels, and oil would simply be used in preciously priced small amounts as lubrication for motors, and we would provide very decent alternative business models for OPEC nations, so that they may get away from having to produce fossil fuel gasoline, and benefit from those alternative energy and transportation technologies, that would eventually free humankind from greater environmental degradation, from pollution that actually kills many, many more people every day than the total of those murdered by sick bin Laden and Company on 9-11! For I would have been wise enough to understand, to see in my mind’s eye that bin Laden is actually working for the Dark Side of OPEC and their Oil Peddling Billionaires Club in Texas! And I would see that, as our great President Ike (Eisenhower) so wisely warned us, we need to tame the beast of The Military Industrial Complex and make it serve humanity, producing defensive weapons and alternative transportation and energy technologies, that we need to make the MIC moderate and cure it from its addiction to senseless violent conflict and terrible wars! For I would be wise enough to know that America’s stability and security, financial and in every other sense, would be jeopardized if we were foolish enough to destroy the source of much of our economic strength and security, the MIC! I would be wise enough to do what Ike wanted us to do; tame the MIC and gradually convert it into a total force for good! But did Bush do any of these wise things? Noooo! Not only did he and his cronies fail to do the right things and rise to the occasion, but they managed to severely damage our world standing and our overall economic security, even harming the MIC so severely that most of the MIC’s industrialists wished he had never been President!
So, in closing, you must be wondering what I am getting at, who I would like you, my fellow American patriot, to vote for this November?!? Simple! Do not vote for McCain, because the world’s so pissed-off at us already that unless we vote for someone they, the world, the world of other nations who would otherwise like to once more buy our goods in greater quantities than ever, really sense means real change, then we’ll be wasting another painful four years that we and the world really cannot any longer afford! (Not as if the world could have afforded the past 8 years already!)
But then, who am I asking you to vote for?
The bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberal Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden?!? ‘You can’t be serious now?!’, you’re probably asking (or something to that effect).
Well, I myself will not vote for the bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberals! No way Jose! And I am as serious as one can be! I will only vote for the wise, brave, patriotic, Constitutional lawyer who will not hesitate to defend America from her enemies, even if it may sometimes mean going to war, the Constitutional lawyer whose Presidential platform is loaded with very responsible, fairly conservative economic ideas, but who will finally also save so many millions of working-class Americans from total disaster and premature death! I will vote for the Constitutional expert lawyer who knows that Ike was right, that Washington was right, that Lincoln was right, that Kennedy was right; I will vote for the man who can best unite us Americans, Black and White, and all others too! I will vote for the man who has the wisdom to know whom to seek advice from, including another great American patriot, a man who wants our Military Industrial Complex to be strong and healthy and to be a force for good! I will vote for a Constitutional lawyer who knows that America was actually founded by men and women who understood, all too well, how dangerous, wrong and evil it is for government to serve the specific ideological and/or religious interests of one set of Americans against another! I will vote for a man who really does, like Lincoln did, come from the ranks of the hardest working Americans, whose grandmother worked to make the weapons we needed to defeat the evil enemies of humanity, the enemies of freedom and liberty, the anti-Democratic, anti-Republican Fascists and Nazis who threatened to destroy human civilization! I will vote for the man who, against so many odds, managed to pull himself up and out of the hardships of poverty in America to become the best candidate, at this time, for President of The United States! I will vote for a man whose very message includes a straightforward admission of being as imperfect as the best of us Americans, and whose own family life exemplifies the very true family values that a healthy America needs to respect! I will vote for a man who has had his weaknesses and made his mistakes and thus who is truly willing to seek the wise counsel and experienced advice of wiser men like Senator Joe Biden! I will vote for someone who is very human, and very realistic and never seeking to impose his own ideas on others, Senator Barack Obama! I will vote for him because he truly understands the everyday hardships so many wonderful working-class and middle-class Americans, and even some wealthy Americans, now face! I will vote for a man who is of the people, for the people, by the people! And I will vote for him even though I already know that he will sometimes disappoint me, and that though he will be a great American President loved as much abroad as at home, he will not always do as wisely a thing as I would have done! And I will look back four years later and know that he did great for America’s image abroad, that he gave the world renewed hope and faith in America, in an America not afraid of healthy, patriotic, Democratic Republican change! And maybe, if he as wise as I sense him to be, he will give Joe Biden the chance to be President in 2012, so that his legacy will not be tarnished by what tends to happen in a second term! And I will see America once more a beacon of hope and a glorious light of reason and love among the nations of the world! And America will truly be the home of the brave and land of the free, a place for you, me and everybody, everybody regardless of their particular ideology, religion, way of life, race, sexual orientation, gender, age, whatever! Because the only colors in America that we should be truly conscious of is the green of money (noticed lately how un-green our money has been getting?! Hhm?!), the green of nature, and the Red, White and Blue of the great symbol of Our Constitution, unfortunately often abused, our American Stripes & Stars, Our Old Glory! God Bless You! And now do the right thing: go to Senator Obama’s official web-site and read his platform and speeches, and think very deeply about what I have written here and why I am convinced voting for McCain, even if he really is such a nice guy, would do NOTHING, NILL, ZILCH, ZERO to help change the world’s bad opinion of us! And without much of the rest of the world, without better, greater markets to sell our fine products (and some of our crap and junk, too!), without our ability to relatively safely travel and live abroad, for business, pleasure and what not, we Americans will only lose out BIG TIME to CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA and The Lord knows who! So do the right thing and make a wise decision not based on simple ideological preferences only! Keep in mind this: Ike’s Republican daughter is for Obama, over 80% of Chicago’s Jewish community, many prominent citizens, fully support Obama, especially given his pro-Israel record (go to if you doubt Obama is safe and properly vetted), and Palin belongs to a fanatic group that believes Jews will burn in Hell! As an American I find McCain’s choice, regardless of her being a woman, offensive! Whereas Biden has been on the political forefront in our Global Fight Against Terrorists!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man, a proud American Original McCoy!
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher, a.k.a. The Original New York City Free Advice Man.
First of all, regardless of what I write here you’re going to vote for whomever you are convinced will best defend America from her enemies, domestic and foreign, and I wouldn’t want you to do otherwise, because America does have enemies, truly dangerous enemies, sick people who hate everything decent and good in the world, who hate our Democratic Republic’s Constitution and the Freedoms, Liberties and Responsibilities it entails! Our enemies want nothing less than to be able to totally hijack Islam and in its name to impose a pseudo-Islamic global fascist, Nazi-like monstrosity of an empire, in which women and children are constantly terrorized and all who do not give up their human rights and subjugate themselves to their sick ways will be tortured and murdered in gulags and gas-chambers. I have no doubt about it, myself. Which is why The Global Fight Against Terrorists (which cannot be waged in the form of a conventional war), with our brave Special Forces and elite Ninja-like precision surgical strike anti-terrorist units, with help from our allies who cherish similar democratic values, and who love their families, friends and fellow human beings as The Lord commands us in The TORAH, must continue until the day that we can be sure that their number and ability to harm us is so diminished that they are nothing more than a small band of rogue goat herders hated more by their own relatives and country-folk than even by us! For our fight is in defense of all that is truly decent, all that is respecting of the privacy, property and liberty of all individuals, all that is respecting of the freedom of all persons to choose their own way of life within their own private residencies and lands, and is against all those sick monsters who share the sick ideas of those who attacked our Homeland on 9-11, and who attacked our friends in England on 7-7, who attacked our friends in Spain, in The Netherlands, in Africa and elsewhere! We must not elect anyone who would, even by accident or neglect, fail to protect our great country, America, home of the brave, land of the free. Nor elect anyone who would jeopardize our security interests abroad, as those interests would also jeopardize our safety at home. We must not elect anyone who would fail to come to the defense of our friends in Israel and in parts of Europe, and elsewhere in the world. We must not elect a bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberal or, for that matter a megalomaniac who would confuse our real enemy with all those true Muslims in the world who did not attack us on 9-11 and who have also come to understand, over time, that those sick monsters who hijacked their religion and misrepresent its true message, are just as much a serious danger and threat to their religion, safety and security as ours! We must not elect either of these extremes, because then we will have forsaken the promise made by our founders, great men and women like Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Abigail Adams, Martha Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington; a promise that is embodied in Our Great Constitution and our Noble Democratic Republican American Way of Life!
Now, you may be convinced that our current President, George W. Bush, though not that great at handling our economy, never failed us in protecting us from our enemies, domestic and foreign, and you would seem to be right if we only look at how our government, and the many brave, noble and loyal federal agents who work so hard to keep us safe, have managed to prevent further 9-11 type and scale attacks. Granted, regardless of what your opinion of George W. Bush may be, one cannot fault him for sincerely wanting to protect us from serious danger and harm. But the measure of security and safety cannot be based only on how things seem to be working inside America, as the cost to our economy, having managed to alienate so many of our traditional, historic allies and other friendly countries, has itself put us in very, very great danger of self-destructing! The costs of our current global military, economic and political strategy, which even some hardcore Republicans will admit has been a terrible failure, have been very steep indeed! In actual reality what the Bush Administration, perhaps inadvertently (and dangerously foolishly), has managed to do is to use the wrong global and domestic tactics to fight terrorists, because though these tactics have indeed managed to prevent large-scale single-act attacks on our Homeland, they have actually caused way too many more, individually unnoticed, attacks on our economic security, our infrastructure, our liberties and our freedoms and our safety abroad!!! The actual reality as I see it is this: the fear-mongering, color-coded and bold rhetoric ‘the enemy is right behind you…could be your own neighbor…is anyone who does not share your version of American life…is anyone who is not a Neo-Conservative Republican’ method of fighting our enemies is actually playing right into their goal of destroying us! Perhaps with the best of intentions, perhaps not, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and a plethora of other naïve ultra-conservative idealists have actually caused severe and utterly dangerous internal divisions in our own country, among our fellow American citizens, including patriotic Democrats and Republicans, and all along our enemies have probably, in all likelihood, sat back in the darkest corners of their filthy caves and, getting DVDs from supporters who live down in the villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan, have been watching news reports about our daily lives in America and about our many, many new and very, very dangerous conflict points arising throughout the world, especially with regards to the situation in Pakistan, Afghanistan, The Middle East, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, and the list goes on and on and on! And maybe those sick bastards hiding in their caves may only be inheritors of the monster bin Laden’s legacy, maybe he is already dead (who knows for sure), but I have no doubt that he and his sick brood trained newer generations of sick, primitive-minded fools into becoming dangerous terrorists, and he told them to wait, watch and only strike when America is finally busy at war with other nations of the world, over economic interests, over water resources, over oil and what not! And to watch us Americans turn against one another, little by little, day by day, eroding every vestige of Our Constitution’s rights and creating a nightmarish Country of Paranoiacs that Stalin would have been proud to rule! After all, that sick monster bin Laden (I would have even nastier words to describe him, safe for the fact that I wrote this for a broader audience) was a very clever man, albeit totally lacking any real wisdom and any sense of human decency and kindness, trained by our own mixed-bag CIA in rogue warfare tactics and what not, and he knew that even more Americans would die in the aftermath of 9-11 from the cummulative effect of having driven us into the direction of senselessly self-destructive divisiveness over otherwise benign issues. He knew that Bush, under the malicious influence of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney, would use the occasion, the excuse (Casus Belli) of the 9-11 horrors to eventually launch an attack on Saddam Hussein and Iraq, knowing that by doing so we would manage to turn even some of the most sympathetic Arab and other Muslim national leaders and peoples against us, some who actually were just as angry and disgusted at those assaults against humanity as we ourselves were. Sick bin Laden knew that Bush was very likely to fall into his trap and thereby ruin decades of hard, serious diplomacy and friendship-building in Europe, Asia, The Middle East, and elsewhere! And, to our great disadvantage and terrible loss, he was right! Now, hold on a sec, don’t get me wrong; getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his regime, which really was a threat to relative stability in the Persian Gulf and The Middle East, was something his (Bush's) father should have done in the first place, during the First Gulf War! But, given the complexity of the world situation, and the fact that the world’s economic stability has since, as a result of 9-11, suffered a major and almost totally lethal shock to the market-economy system, had I been President I would have done the right thing! I would have realized that sick bin Laden actually wants me to fall into his trap and attack Saddam Hussein and Iraq, thereby inflaming and outraging the Arab nations, and this also angering our friends in Europe who are even more heavily dependent on the flow of Arab and Persian oil! I would have thought to myself; ‘Hah! That bastard bin Laden thinks I’m such a fool! Well, I’m not going to take his bait, and fall into his clever trap by starting a full-scale conventional military invasion of Iraq! No way Jose! Nope. I’m going to build the world’s largest coalition ever and I’m going to sweep down on Afghanistan and there won’t be a cave in any mountain, a hole under the floor of any mud-brick house, or any place where a single terrorist can hide, and I’m going try to capture bin Laden himself alive, and then put him in a special holding cell where for the rest of his life he will be shown, high up on the white walls, images, at least every day for eight hours straight, of the horrors and aftermath of what he did to my beloved Americans and our friends, and there will be the sounds and odors of the horrors recreated for him to hear, and then the words, the pleading of all those wonderful people, decent human beings, begging for help to find their lost ones, in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years after he managed to murder so many wonderful, innocent mothers, children, fathers, and managed to wreck the lives of countless many more thousands and hundreds of thousands of lives, and the suffering, the extreme poverty, death and destruction his cowardly indefensible monstrous acts caused upon the least of nations, who were dependent on our great charitable efforts! And I will have scientists make special devices to insure that during those eight hours each day he cannot close his eyes or shut his ears, or clog his nose, and I and the world, after giving him the fairest of trials, will continue to watch him every now and then, as he is forced to face his evil ways! And I will have the same done to any of his close confidants and any who would dare follow in his path! And the greater number of the world’s nations will have united against all terrorists, and the majority of the world will have eventually helped create special circumstances that would allow for the relatively peaceful, precision target, removal of any and all murderous leaders who terrorize their own people! And then I would have put due pressure on all parties concerned to finally make a fair, just, comprehensive, lasting peace for Israel and a Palestinian State and for all The Middle East! And then the world would have by now begun to create the kind of alternative transportation and energy technologies which actually exist, mostly hidden from public view, that will liberate all humanity from the caustic fumes of burning oil, the deathly stench of fossil fuels, and oil would simply be used in preciously priced small amounts as lubrication for motors, and we would provide very decent alternative business models for OPEC nations, so that they may get away from having to produce fossil fuel gasoline, and benefit from those alternative energy and transportation technologies, that would eventually free humankind from greater environmental degradation, from pollution that actually kills many, many more people every day than the total of those murdered by sick bin Laden and Company on 9-11! For I would have been wise enough to understand, to see in my mind’s eye that bin Laden is actually working for the Dark Side of OPEC and their Oil Peddling Billionaires Club in Texas! And I would see that, as our great President Ike (Eisenhower) so wisely warned us, we need to tame the beast of The Military Industrial Complex and make it serve humanity, producing defensive weapons and alternative transportation and energy technologies, that we need to make the MIC moderate and cure it from its addiction to senseless violent conflict and terrible wars! For I would be wise enough to know that America’s stability and security, financial and in every other sense, would be jeopardized if we were foolish enough to destroy the source of much of our economic strength and security, the MIC! I would be wise enough to do what Ike wanted us to do; tame the MIC and gradually convert it into a total force for good! But did Bush do any of these wise things? Noooo! Not only did he and his cronies fail to do the right things and rise to the occasion, but they managed to severely damage our world standing and our overall economic security, even harming the MIC so severely that most of the MIC’s industrialists wished he had never been President!
So, in closing, you must be wondering what I am getting at, who I would like you, my fellow American patriot, to vote for this November?!? Simple! Do not vote for McCain, because the world’s so pissed-off at us already that unless we vote for someone they, the world, the world of other nations who would otherwise like to once more buy our goods in greater quantities than ever, really sense means real change, then we’ll be wasting another painful four years that we and the world really cannot any longer afford! (Not as if the world could have afforded the past 8 years already!)
But then, who am I asking you to vote for?
The bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberal Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden?!? ‘You can’t be serious now?!’, you’re probably asking (or something to that effect).
Well, I myself will not vote for the bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberals! No way Jose! And I am as serious as one can be! I will only vote for the wise, brave, patriotic, Constitutional lawyer who will not hesitate to defend America from her enemies, even if it may sometimes mean going to war, the Constitutional lawyer whose Presidential platform is loaded with very responsible, fairly conservative economic ideas, but who will finally also save so many millions of working-class Americans from total disaster and premature death! I will vote for the Constitutional expert lawyer who knows that Ike was right, that Washington was right, that Lincoln was right, that Kennedy was right; I will vote for the man who can best unite us Americans, Black and White, and all others too! I will vote for the man who has the wisdom to know whom to seek advice from, including another great American patriot, a man who wants our Military Industrial Complex to be strong and healthy and to be a force for good! I will vote for a Constitutional lawyer who knows that America was actually founded by men and women who understood, all too well, how dangerous, wrong and evil it is for government to serve the specific ideological and/or religious interests of one set of Americans against another! I will vote for a man who really does, like Lincoln did, come from the ranks of the hardest working Americans, whose grandmother worked to make the weapons we needed to defeat the evil enemies of humanity, the enemies of freedom and liberty, the anti-Democratic, anti-Republican Fascists and Nazis who threatened to destroy human civilization! I will vote for the man who, against so many odds, managed to pull himself up and out of the hardships of poverty in America to become the best candidate, at this time, for President of The United States! I will vote for a man whose very message includes a straightforward admission of being as imperfect as the best of us Americans, and whose own family life exemplifies the very true family values that a healthy America needs to respect! I will vote for a man who has had his weaknesses and made his mistakes and thus who is truly willing to seek the wise counsel and experienced advice of wiser men like Senator Joe Biden! I will vote for someone who is very human, and very realistic and never seeking to impose his own ideas on others, Senator Barack Obama! I will vote for him because he truly understands the everyday hardships so many wonderful working-class and middle-class Americans, and even some wealthy Americans, now face! I will vote for a man who is of the people, for the people, by the people! And I will vote for him even though I already know that he will sometimes disappoint me, and that though he will be a great American President loved as much abroad as at home, he will not always do as wisely a thing as I would have done! And I will look back four years later and know that he did great for America’s image abroad, that he gave the world renewed hope and faith in America, in an America not afraid of healthy, patriotic, Democratic Republican change! And maybe, if he as wise as I sense him to be, he will give Joe Biden the chance to be President in 2012, so that his legacy will not be tarnished by what tends to happen in a second term! And I will see America once more a beacon of hope and a glorious light of reason and love among the nations of the world! And America will truly be the home of the brave and land of the free, a place for you, me and everybody, everybody regardless of their particular ideology, religion, way of life, race, sexual orientation, gender, age, whatever! Because the only colors in America that we should be truly conscious of is the green of money (noticed lately how un-green our money has been getting?! Hhm?!), the green of nature, and the Red, White and Blue of the great symbol of Our Constitution, unfortunately often abused, our American Stripes & Stars, Our Old Glory! God Bless You! And now do the right thing: go to Senator Obama’s official web-site and read his platform and speeches, and think very deeply about what I have written here and why I am convinced voting for McCain, even if he really is such a nice guy, would do NOTHING, NILL, ZILCH, ZERO to help change the world’s bad opinion of us! And without much of the rest of the world, without better, greater markets to sell our fine products (and some of our crap and junk, too!), without our ability to relatively safely travel and live abroad, for business, pleasure and what not, we Americans will only lose out BIG TIME to CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA and The Lord knows who! So do the right thing and make a wise decision not based on simple ideological preferences only! Keep in mind this: Ike’s Republican daughter is for Obama, over 80% of Chicago’s Jewish community, many prominent citizens, fully support Obama, especially given his pro-Israel record (go to if you doubt Obama is safe and properly vetted), and Palin belongs to a fanatic group that believes Jews will burn in Hell! As an American I find McCain’s choice, regardless of her being a woman, offensive! Whereas Biden has been on the political forefront in our Global Fight Against Terrorists!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man, a proud American Original McCoy!
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