Wednesday, April 15, 2009

They're Absolutely Nuts! Shameless Pirates, Thieves and Con-Artists!

WE the people of The United States of America live in really difficult and dangerous times! Here we are in the middle of a major economic crisis that could easily turn into a serious and possibly final World Economic Depression, caused in great measure by the unscrupulous deregulation President Bush and his Neo-Con cronies managed to push on America, and the very people who perpetrated and benefitted from this grand theft and massive act of piracy now have the gall to threaten, nay, to hold a gun to the heads of America's working classes! They refuse to pay their taxes and thereby threaten to destabilize President Barack Obama's honorable efforts to restore confidence in America and its economic future!! This amounts to nothing less than a declaration of war on those who have already suffered the most as a result of their greed-fest and their murderous opportunism! Where's McCain now? Did he not pledge and promise to support our Commander-in-Chief at a time of great national emergency? By not speaking out against these pseudo-patriotic protests is he not actually an accomplice??

As far as I can tell, this is the first major salvo in what may (unless McCain and others speak out and break ranks) eventually become all-out class warfare and a new American Civil War! Not between a relatively progressive anti-slavery Yankee North and a definitely regressive pro-slavery Confederate South, but between those who leech off the blood, sweat and tears of poor working people and those who have enough sense to join their fellow poverty-ridden Americans in seeking to restore America's true moral high-ground and to bring about a New Ethical Reality based on the real principles of the Founders of our great country!

This is not The Boston Tea of ma'am, no siree! This is impure, adulterated Insani-Tea! And this numbskull pseudo-plumber Sam Wurzelbach (seen above...courtesy of AP) probably has no clue how wrong he and those he's with are!

If a significant number of these Right-wing nuts fail to pay their Federal Taxes they can cause our courts to become overwhelmed and worse! President Obama would then be left with no other option but to declare a National Emergency and invoke special powers! This would then be used by these heavily armed Right-wing extremists as a pretext to begin killing people and triggering a Civil War like none yet seen. This would be a definite disaster for the world...even if President Obama were able to insure the support of the military and most of America's law-enforcement community. For an America seen as unstable and on the verge of splitting up into two; a Coastal America East-West-North versus the New South and Central States, is an America that would be taken advantage of by other countries.

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