The Most Likely Truth About 7-7 and 9-11 and Their Conspiracy Theories
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher
First of all, allow me to qualify what I am about to state; I know enough about how government agencies, agents and officials operate to be able to state, without the slightest doubt, that almost all conspiracy theories about everything from The Kennedy Assassination to 9-11 are full of nonsense, illogical conclusions and even politically or ‘religiously’ motivated deliberate lies! Secondly; those who totally dismiss every detail of a conspiracy theory or who think all conspiracy theories are nonsense only help fuel interest and belief in otherwise absurd conspiracy theories, because the fact is that some conspiracies do exist, have happened in the past, and are likely to happen again, and most conspiracy theories contain certain elements of truth! But this article is not about conspiracy theories in general, but about conspiracy theories concerning the horrors of 9-11 and 7-7.
As you may have heard, a man by the name of John Hill is now facing serious criminal charges for having produced a YouTube video (and DVDs) that suggest that the events of 7-7 were not the sick, unjustifiable, cowardly and murderous acts of relatively young, brainwashed British Muslims, whose brainwashers have a sick, extreme and distorted interpretation of Islam, but that it was some sinister plot on the part of elements within the British government which conspired to launch a so-called ‘false flag’ operation, involving the murder of many innocent people, simply as a means to justify acts of war and elimination of civil liberties! Mr. John Hill is also convinced he alone is The Messiah (look, I’m a Jew, and I know a thing or two about any real Messiah would-be), even as he has a non-Jewish religious ideology and shows none of the wisdom and compassion for humanity that one might expect of a true Jewish King. But, of course, if I were to simply suggest that John Hill's wacky self-delusion about being The Messiah is reason enough to dismiss his extreme (and, as far as I am concerned, impossible and ludicrous) conspiracy theory then I too would only be doing more harm than good.
Generally speaking Mr.John Hill alleges, without providing any truly credible evidence, that the four men blamed for the bombings were in fact fall guys in a government plot to win support for the war on terror; they were tricked into traveling to London with rucksacks on that day. Furthermore, Hill alleges that the CCTV footage that shows the four men arriving in London was simply used to incriminate them, and that they were not on the trains that blew up, but were in fact murdered by police at Canary Wharf, after government agents set off pre-planted explosives to frame them.
Here are some simple reasons why John Hill’s conspiracy theory does not make sense:
1. The cost of keeping even a few people ‘quiet’ and willing to participate in what would be the actual murder of dozens of innocent people is very, very high, and every government agent knows that their own government has other agents and agencies watching them (if not constantly then randomly) and even able to test their loyalty and trustworthiness! In other words; the idea that a sinister element within the UK government would conspire to commit mass murder makes absolutely no sense when it would require being able to ‘trust’ enough officers and agents to go along with such an evil crime; a crime whose evidence, had it been committed, would not only be very, very expensive to hide, but whose evidence being released would cause extreme instability in all branches of government and would be too high a risk for any so-called ‘possible’ benefit! Of course, if you can find enough agents and officers who share an extreme ideological agenda then it would be possible, but in a relatively democratic and liberal society that is highly unlikely. So, just considering the cost of keeping people quiet and the extreme difficulty in organizing such a massive crime it is very, very unlikely to be the case!
2. The idea that there are no, or too few, British Muslims willing and able to have done such horrible crimes goes totally against all the existing evidence! Yes, most British Muslims are not willing to be brainwashed and are not willing to support the sick agenda of violent extremists, but there are a significant minority of mostly younger British Muslims, perhaps around 5% to 15% (this rough estimate is based on actual, recent opinion polling of British Muslim youths) who unequivocally state that they see nothing wrong with suicide bombers and suicide bombing as a supposed means to an end, that they agree with such terrorist tactics, and that they would be willing to sacrifice their lives as martyrs in what they misperceive as a so-called ‘legitimate’ defense of Islam and of Muslims! Now, you can also find a minority of youths in other ‘communities’, including those who would call themselves Christian, Jewish, Hindu, etc… who would also have no qualms about going to extremes in order to push their agenda. But the reality is, like it or not, that the vast majority of suicide terrorist attacks in the past 30 years, especially since the Ayatollahs overthrew the Shah of Iran and pursued their extreme agenda throughout the Islamic World, have been done by young brainwashed Muslims who are taught very false interpretations of The Koran and of Islam! For many naïve people, mostly of Christian background, in Europe and America, it is hard to face the truth and realize that such extreme hatred and willingness to violence can really exist! So, the point here is simple: why frame otherwise innocent British Muslim youths, when you can easily find enough of them to, provided they are given the means, actually commit these sick acts of senseless violence and cowardly murder?? The one counter-argument that Mr. Hill might make is this: ‘…well, because the goal was also to defame Islam and Muslims, and not just to create public support for a war agenda….’. That counter-argument, however plausible it may seem, is false! Any relatively intelligent citizen of the UK knows that there are just too many important economic ties with many nations in the Islamic World, and that risking the loss of their trust and cooperation is absolutely not worth any other agenda!! Also, the social disruptions and their impact on the British economy that would be caused by such a conspiracy being revealed as true, were it true at all, would have disastrous consequences for everyone in the UK! Take this and the previous point and you already can see just how insensible and practically impossible it would be to launch such a conspiracy!
3. Most of the foremost British government agents, security specialists, officials and officers are highly intelligent people…which has nothing to do with whether or not they can make silly (and sometimes costly) mistakes (goes without saying; all highly intelligent persons tend to be absent-minded on occasion)…and thus they all know and understand the overall harm to both UK and World stability and security that ‘false flag’ operations, i.e. supposedly ‘clever’ conspiracies, can all too easily cause, by causing a chain of events that not only would wreck the UK economy, but would risk such a chain of events that would force the world into a final cataclysmic showdown! The agenda of virtually all British government agencies, agents, operatives, officials and officers is to reduce the level of instability in the world and to maintain sufficient security!
4. If there has been any conspiracy with regards to what happened in London on July 7, 2005 then it is much more likely to have been orchestrated by either remnant Nazis who operate out of South American Nazi enclaves and who have infiltrated many governments and agencies or fanatic Iranian operatives! And they would only be able to abet, indirectly, those young men who were already willing, able, planning and preparing to do what THEY DID! In any case; the actual acts were done by those brainwashed youths, even if some sinister anti-British, anti-American, anti-European, anti-EU, anti-UN, anti-Liberal, anti-Democratic Fascists in some way managed to facilitate things for them!!! But Mr. John Hill does not have the intelligence to see that that kind of a conspiracy makes more sense than his more likely obvious effort to harm the UK government and the British public! Oh, but, he and others may yet argue; ‘what if it was the US government under Cheney, with the help of Israel, that did it?’ First of all, believe or not, Israel’s actual ruling elite and their government know that it would be a fatal mistake for them to in any way ever be involved in any such a conspiracy to set the rest of the world against the Islamic World! Israel may sometimes exploit, out of survival necessity only, the weaknesses their enemies and conflicts between their enemies, but Israel also understands that there is no substitute for a comprehensive, viable, lasting peace, which must ultimately also involve territorial compromise with the Palestinians and the establishment of a Palestinian State! Israel is a lot less negative and a lot more positive an entity than many in the world today tend to believe, but over-simplistic superficial observations based on both mass-media hype and actual occasional violations of IDF codes of conduct fuel all kinds of senseless garbage about Israel and its overall motives! Of course, there are extremists in Israel who do plenty of harm to their own countries interests, but overall the majority of Israelis are quite different than what organized anti-Semitic groups want the public to think! As for the US; sure, there might have been a few Remnant Nazis who have infiltrated agencies and done things that actually harm overall US interests, including the unlikely possibility that those sick youths were given indirect assistance! But you can be sure that the vast majority of US officials, agents and operatives are not one bit even like the political opportunists (such as Rumsfeld, Cheney and others during the previous administration) who almost entirely wrecked the US!
So, as far I am concerned 7-7 happened more or less as the UK government states it did, and there is no sensible reason to think otherwise!
As for 9-11; that was truly more of a case where the Bush administration was complicit in having a ‘bring it on’, ‘go ahead, hit us, and see what happens’ attitude! No doubt about it; plenty of actual evidence exists that shows that the top people in Bush’s administration understood that sick bin Laden and Company were about to do something really terrible, but they were itching for an excuse, a ‘Casus Belli’, to launch their series of almost endless wars and conflicts against both real terrorists and anyone else who might endanger their selfish interests and sick agenda! But even 9-11 was perpetrated by those brainwashed pseudo-Muslims and all those wacko conspiracy theories are mostly based on insensible, highly improbable and even impossible things. Sure, there may have been a rogue group that infiltrated a significant US government agency and managed to conspire to help make 9-11 the horror it was, but I have no doubt that even those Neo-Cons at the top of the Bush Administration were in the dark and could not have known what was really, really happening! 9-11 was probably the result of a very clever collusion of sinister forces, including bin Laden & Company (i.e. al Qaeda) and possibly a rogue group created and operated by actual Remnant Nazis trying to destroy all democracies on Earth!!! Thus, it is no wonder that there were many odd, suspicious and sinister details about what happened on 9-11 and in the months and years leading up to that! And no doubt there were even some things that happened concerning Tower 7 that were meant to give people the impression that the Neo-Cons were behind the whole shebang! As far as I can tell the Neo-Cons of the Bush administration were all too happy to exploit the horrors of 9-11, but they were not clever or intelligent enough to have pulled-off the whole thing by themselves, and given what has happened since it is more likely that they too were played-with and duped, even as they would still deny it! It was definitely not the vast majority of US agents and operatives, or the Israelis at all; because both the actual ability to do such a massive crime and the excessive risks involved preclude such a possibility and in fact make it impossible! No, 9-11 was perpetrated by bin Laden & Company, with or without the help of some sinister rogue Remnant-Nazi forces! Yes, there might have been some things done concerning Tower 7 that were done simply because the opportunity to do them arose that September morning, but not so with regards to the Twin Towers (1&2). Knowing all that I know about the real world of intelligence operatives and agents I can, without a doubt, assure you that neither 9-11 nor 7-7 were what the vast majority of Conspiracy Theorists out there claim they were. The world is full of opportunists, both those who are willing to conspire and those who inadvertently or intentionally exploit actual conspiracies in order to convince people of conspiracy theories that make no sense at all! Whether Mr. John Hill meant to cause harm or not; his insensible nonsense, his stupid conspiracy theory has done nothing to shed any light on the actual truth, but, instead, has caused serious harm to the actual peaceful interests of the British government and UK officials, by providing more fuel to a fire based on ignorance, extremism and false interpretations of Islam! In other words: this is not about the UK wanting to silence those whose conspiracy theories actually are based on real evidence, actual events, actual facts and sensible ideas; it is about a man named John Hill who thinks he’s real smart and knows what’s really going on behind the scenes when he doesn’t and who uses half-truths and insensible fabrications to concoct a dangerous set of lies that form an even bigger lie! 7-7 was done by brainwashed youths, who cowardly and unjustifiably murdered dozens of innocent people of all types, and whose agenda is based on a totally false interpretation of Islam; a religion, like most others, whose real essence is peaceful!
I am interested in your feedback.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Man In The Mirror Is Here No More: A Tribute To Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson did not die on the 25th of June, 2009. Only his body died. He lives on in our memories in more ways than we will ever know! The man in the mirror has traversed space-time and is now in Neverland. Like a colorful caterpillar he has metamorphised into the Peter Pan he dreamed of becoming; he has gained the childhood freedom that was denied him in this world. And now it is for each one of us left behind to help stop and prevent all the horrible suffering that kills the spirit of innocence of so many children, and perpetuates the cycle of abuse all over again!
I do not write these words as a fan, because I am a fan of no one. Having met him once back in the early 80s I have a sense of the real Michael too few ever got to know; a truly loving, sensitive, gentle and caring but also lonely person who was often unsure who his real friends were, who he could trust and love. What is certain is this: some of his songs really managed to break barriers and transcend petit-mindedness, providing us a sense that our dreams, hopes and aspirations for humanity are validated.
And now that he is departed, let his own words speak louder than mine:
"I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change"
- Michael Jackson, 1958 - 2009
(from his Number-One Hit "Man In The Mirror", 1987)
Sorry we did not get to become close friends...we'd have been a formidable two!
Love, peace,
The Free Advice Man
PS: Note concerning part of the lyrics of a copyrighted song by Michael Jackson; this falls under the fair-use and proper accreditation exemptions, and is not a violation of copyright.
I do not write these words as a fan, because I am a fan of no one. Having met him once back in the early 80s I have a sense of the real Michael too few ever got to know; a truly loving, sensitive, gentle and caring but also lonely person who was often unsure who his real friends were, who he could trust and love. What is certain is this: some of his songs really managed to break barriers and transcend petit-mindedness, providing us a sense that our dreams, hopes and aspirations for humanity are validated.
And now that he is departed, let his own words speak louder than mine:
"I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change"
- Michael Jackson, 1958 - 2009
(from his Number-One Hit "Man In The Mirror", 1987)
Sorry we did not get to become close friends...we'd have been a formidable two!
Love, peace,
The Free Advice Man
PS: Note concerning part of the lyrics of a copyrighted song by Michael Jackson; this falls under the fair-use and proper accreditation exemptions, and is not a violation of copyright.
Michael Jackson
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
An Open Letter To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, etc.
Netanyahu’s Impossible “Peace” And My Free Advice on How to Make Peace Reality
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher
“We want to live with you in peace as good neighbors”, said Israel’s current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
And by “good neighbors” it turns out he meant a Palestinian entity, something not quite a fully sovereign national state, that would not have the means to discourage and defend itself against an otherwise possible, unjustified invasion and occupation.
Apparently Bibi Netanyahu wants the rest of us Jews to believe that the Palestinian side, and for that matter the predominantly Muslim Arab side, would ever accept such a precondition! Who does he think he is kidding? You know Bibi; it’s bad enough if you think it is wise to try and fool the Arab World, but to do that to the Jewish World is deeply offensive. Sure, most of Israel, left and right, seems to want to believe in fairytales (or maybe not really), or at least believe in tactics meant to postpone the inevitable, because, let’s face it (sarcastically speaking): there is scant evidence that there are enough people on the Palestinian side who will be able to deliver on a full peace, based on full parity of national sovereignty. After all, Gaza was proof enough of just how unreliable and weak the Palestinian moderates are. Or was it??
Enough of the fancy word-play and rhetoric Mr. Netanyahu! The Gaza Strip is not The West Bank, and Mahmoud Abbas’s Fateh is not Hamas, nor is the Arab World today the same Arab World it was during the Bush years. Things have changed, and not just because there is a Democrat in The White House whose middle name is Hussein (the late King Hussein al-Hashemi was a good friend to Israel…and many Jews include the word ‘hussein’ in their daily prayers), but because The World, like it or not, has been made a far more dangerous place by the dangerously foolish policies of the previous U.S. administration, especially for us Jews!
I will now proceed to advise you, point by point, in the slightest hope that you or someone with influence over you will heed my advice:
1. Israel, without the slightest doubt, must be recognized, by the legitimate and recognized Palestinian leader(s), as a state, first and foremost, established for the sake and purpose of protecting the Jewish people from any serious risk of annihilation; thus Israel must be recognized as a Jewish-ruled state, but one in which all other Israeli citizens, be they Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist or whatever (except for anti-Semites and Fascists), be they Arab or not, Semitic or not, are provided the same kind of human rights and dignity that one would expect of any nation-state that is at least semi-democratic! Ben Gurion's dream was just that kind of Israel. That is to say this; Israel should not expect to be accepted and recognized as a strictly Jewish State, but it should have a Constitution that provides a special set of protections to persons who are definitely Jewish (generally as determined by Orthodox Jewish Law) including specific protections that insure that Israel’s Jews forever have the ability and right to destroy any nation that would dare to attempt to commit genocide against the Jewish people! After all, this is really what we Jews want to be sure of! Even if there were only one real Jew remaining within the borders of the State of Israel, she or he should be guaranteed the ability and right to launch nuclear missiles at any nation who would dare to attempt to commit genocide on his or her fellow Jews! Seriously! And perhaps the day will come when there will be a sovereign Gypsy nation with the same ability, and they too will seek the ability and right to do the same. Seriously! Because, let’s face it, what happened to millions of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and many others, including millions of decent Christians too, during World War Two, must NEVER, ever, happen AGAIN! On all other issues all other Israelis would have the same legal, human and democratic rights, such that any Palestinian Arab currently in exile, who would still want ‘their (supposed) right to return’, would have to fulfill certain reasonable things and meet certain sensible qualifications to be able to apply and receive full Israeli citizenship. Because, and in this sense the estimated majority of Israelis today who support Netanyahu’s concerns have a valid point, there is no way that Israel can afford to let most, let alone all, Palestinians who once lived in areas now inside the modern borders of Israel, and their descendants, simply return. There can be no doubt about it; Israel would seize to exist, seize to serve its most important purpose, if it were foolish enough to agree to a full right of return to all those Palestinians. It would be a compromise solution, whereby some Palestinians (we’re not talking about millions, but only about thousands), especially the elderly who were actually born in areas that now make up the modern borders of Israel, would get assistance in applying for citizenship. And, over time, when peace proves sustainable, Israel will make it easier for Palestinian relatives to visit their fellow Israeli Palestinian relatives for reasonably limited periods of time. Bibi; it’s that simple and that easy!
2. As part of the same fundamental purpose for the existence of the State of Israel, any Two State solution that allows for the formation of a modern sovereign Palestinian State must not be able to present a serious military or existential threat to Israel. But, as the wise old saying goes; “good fences make for good neighbors”! Thus Israel must somehow accept that a Palestinian State alongside its borders must have its own reasonable means of self-defense in order to feel safe and secure from the risk of any future Israeli government coming to power that might simply decide to end any previous agreement, perhaps using the excuse of a freak incident in which, say, some fringe minority terrorist group were able to launch a few missiles into Israel from Palestinian territory, that is to say as a casus belli , an excuse to invade and occupy territory. But the exact nature and type of such means of self-defense can be determined and agreed upon, such that the actual result does not effectively mean a fully ‘demilitarized’ Palestinian State, because, face it Bibi, the Palestinian leadership will never agree to sign a deal with Israel on the basis of having its right to self-defense denied. I seriously doubt that our side, we Jews and Israelis, would agree to such a ridiculous idea, were the shoe on the other foot! Good fences do tend to help make for good neighbors, and no sensible Palestinian leader would ever sign a peace agreement based on having to fully trust in the good will of its former enemy! We wouldn’t and they won’t. Mind you, we’re not talking about a Palestinian State that would be allowed to have the kind of weaponry (massive amounts of tanks, cannons, heavy artillery, missiles and planes, etc.) that any of the co-signers (USA, Russia, EU, etc.) would have to concede could easily present a serious offensive threat to Israel. That would be out of the question, just as would be any agreement that would deny Israel’s special right to keep its ability to maintain full defensive parity with the entire Arab World. The self-defense needs of Israel cannot be compared with those of any future Palestinian State, and Israel cannot forsake its nuclear deterrent and its ability to thwart any massive conventional military threat on the part of its future former enemies becoming enemies again. The History of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shows that Israel would need generations of peace in order to finally feel safe enough to consider full multilateral disarmament. In fact, chances are much greater that by that time the whole World might abandon nationalism and all forms of tribalism and inhumanity (ethnocentrism, racism, unjustified intolerance, ignorant behavior, violence, war, crime and corruption), and then, in all probability, the last nation on Earth to become a full part of a future One Diversely United World would be Israel! Not because we Jews are less willing to be part of such a One Diversely United World, but because we would probably be the most skeptical of all! But then again; are we not Jews because we truly trust in the Peaceful Coming of The Peace-Loving Messiah, who will bring peace to all The World and to All Humanity (not just to us Jews)?!? Reasonable compromise, Bibi, reasonable compromise; it’s Real Peace’s middle name!
3. As for Jerusalem; oh Yerushalayim, may I turn into a pillar of salt before I ever forget you! The idea of keeping Jerusalem fully united as the sole Capital of The State of Israel, is nice, but it is not at all realistic in so far as achieving a viable, lasting peace with the Palestinians. Let’s face it Bibi; only when The Messiah is truly declared (when a Jew becomes Anointed King of The Kingdom of Judah) will we Jews be able to reclaim all of Jerusalem (and much more) as ours. Every decent Muslim knows this and will have to contend with this when such a time should actually arise. But, until such a time, the Jewish people need peace more than anything else, and preventing such peace on account of one’s inability to wait, ever-so-patiently, for The Messiah, is nothing less than endangering the lives of all Jews, and if you are truly Jewish Bibi, then you should know this! The life of any and every single Jew is sacred (just as sacred as are the lives of all those who do not threaten the lives of Jews), and to endanger our lives because you would play the unrealistic politics of delaying tactics that would prevent a viable, lasting peace is just as wrong as it would be for the rest of us Jews to agree to join you in such folly, thereby also endangering the lives, the safety and security, of all the other nations of The World! For it is already a certainty, beyond all reasonable doubt, that any Palestinian leader who would sign such an unrealistic, ‘flawed peace agreement’ would not be able to remain in power long enough to deliver the very results needed! Furthermore, we must keep in mind that practicing Jews are forbidden to go up to Mount Moriah where both destroyed Holy Temples stood, that Islam’s Third Holiest site (where, as they understand, their Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven) is up there, and that every leader acceptable to the Palestinian people has promised that Jerusalem will, at least in part, be part of any future Palestinian State. Given all these facts, and much more, there can be no doubt that you (should) know that any Two State solution, any truly viable peace settlement, based on any realistic understanding of what is at stake and what is minimally required, must include some kind of an odd-ball compromise solution whereby Jerusalem remains united in terms of access (for Jews, Muslims and Christians) but, with the exception of the Christian, Armenian and Jewish Quarters (as well as West Jerusalem and a few parts of East Jerusalem) the rest of Jerusalem, including Mount Horiah (for us The Temple Mount), the Muslim Quarter and much of the rest of East Jerusalem would have to be part of their Palestinian State, in such a way that there is an international entity able to insure peace and security. Such would probably be made up of United Nations, US, Jordanian and EU officers (it could be known as The Jerusalem International Security Force) in all parts of Old Jerusalem, helping insure that Jerusalem somehow becomes the first City in The World to be semi-united semi-divided, being both the Capital of Israel and the Capital of Palestine! All of Greater Jerusalem would have to be demilitarized and a joint Israeli-Palestinian Security Force, supervised by the Commander of The Jerusalem International Security Force (and his Deputies), would also have to be established to help prevent incidents such as people throwing stones and other missiles down towards Jews praying at The Kotel (The Western Wall) and people going up to The Temple Mount area seeking to incite the anger of Muslim worshippers. Only by such an intricate, sophisticated and yet realistic solution to the Grand Question of Jerusalem can the final piece to ‘the puzzle of peace’ be put into place!
4. Only when there is also a viable (potentially everlasting) peace agreement and settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, that brings about a Two State Solution, will it also be possible, and to some extent necessary, for Israel to finally be able to make peace with Syria and Lebanon, which will almost surely result in a broader peace between Israel and The Entire Arab World, which will eventually translate into peace between Israel and the rest of The Islamic World, which would most likely include peace with a new Iran! Only when there is such a Pan-Arab-Israeli peace will there be fantastic business trade opportunities for all of The Middle East and The Mediterranean, and only then will the rest of The World witness the overall beauty and benefits of viable realistic peace based on reasonable compromise and justified tolerance! For without peace Israel will continue to become more and more isolated and forced into a senseless, eternal and self-destructive Massada-style Fortress Complex! Israel, and for that matter its allies in the European Union and The United States, cannot afford to risk delaying the inevitable peace any longer! If anything the recent violent events in Gaza show that things can really get way out of hand throughout all of the Middle East with mortally dire consequences for the rest of The World too! The last thing we Jews want is to be misperceived as the very people who, having helped bring about The Ten Commandments and The Law of Love of G-D (i.e. “Do unto others as they really want to be done unto and do nothing unto anyone that they don’t want done!”), end up being the cause of the final, most horrific destruction of The World! So, Bibi, listen up, because even if I, a Jew, am not The Messiah, I have a very good idea what Our Future King, before becoming Anointed, would advise you to do, right now and not later; make peace while the going is still good! Make peace before the world begins to doubt that we are true Jews! Make peace for the sake of the children of both our peoples! Make peace for the sake of all good Jews, Muslims and Christians, and all other good peoples on Earth! Make peace, because that is exactly what being Jewish is all about! Do it!
So, there! There you have it Bibi: do the right thing and reap the rewards or end up being just another Israeli leader who failed to make History and who inadvertently put us all one step closer to another Shoah! G-D forbid! NEVER AGAIN! NEVER!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, whose Hebrew name is David, has been involved, in one way or another, to some extent, in The Peace Process for the past 33 years. He is a Philosopher, a Writer, an Artist, and has given serious advice to some of the most important and influential people in The World, including U.S. Vice-President Biden, President Shimon Peres and George Soros, to name just a few. He helped get President Obama elected and indirectly advises him. He resides between Washington, D.C. and London, England. He is the author of “The Most Important Thought” (Silver Aleph Books), and was made famous in the late 80s as The Original New York City Free Advice Man (see The New Yorker, August 17, 1987 issue).
By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher
“We want to live with you in peace as good neighbors”, said Israel’s current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
And by “good neighbors” it turns out he meant a Palestinian entity, something not quite a fully sovereign national state, that would not have the means to discourage and defend itself against an otherwise possible, unjustified invasion and occupation.
Apparently Bibi Netanyahu wants the rest of us Jews to believe that the Palestinian side, and for that matter the predominantly Muslim Arab side, would ever accept such a precondition! Who does he think he is kidding? You know Bibi; it’s bad enough if you think it is wise to try and fool the Arab World, but to do that to the Jewish World is deeply offensive. Sure, most of Israel, left and right, seems to want to believe in fairytales (or maybe not really), or at least believe in tactics meant to postpone the inevitable, because, let’s face it (sarcastically speaking): there is scant evidence that there are enough people on the Palestinian side who will be able to deliver on a full peace, based on full parity of national sovereignty. After all, Gaza was proof enough of just how unreliable and weak the Palestinian moderates are. Or was it??
Enough of the fancy word-play and rhetoric Mr. Netanyahu! The Gaza Strip is not The West Bank, and Mahmoud Abbas’s Fateh is not Hamas, nor is the Arab World today the same Arab World it was during the Bush years. Things have changed, and not just because there is a Democrat in The White House whose middle name is Hussein (the late King Hussein al-Hashemi was a good friend to Israel…and many Jews include the word ‘hussein’ in their daily prayers), but because The World, like it or not, has been made a far more dangerous place by the dangerously foolish policies of the previous U.S. administration, especially for us Jews!
I will now proceed to advise you, point by point, in the slightest hope that you or someone with influence over you will heed my advice:
1. Israel, without the slightest doubt, must be recognized, by the legitimate and recognized Palestinian leader(s), as a state, first and foremost, established for the sake and purpose of protecting the Jewish people from any serious risk of annihilation; thus Israel must be recognized as a Jewish-ruled state, but one in which all other Israeli citizens, be they Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist or whatever (except for anti-Semites and Fascists), be they Arab or not, Semitic or not, are provided the same kind of human rights and dignity that one would expect of any nation-state that is at least semi-democratic! Ben Gurion's dream was just that kind of Israel. That is to say this; Israel should not expect to be accepted and recognized as a strictly Jewish State, but it should have a Constitution that provides a special set of protections to persons who are definitely Jewish (generally as determined by Orthodox Jewish Law) including specific protections that insure that Israel’s Jews forever have the ability and right to destroy any nation that would dare to attempt to commit genocide against the Jewish people! After all, this is really what we Jews want to be sure of! Even if there were only one real Jew remaining within the borders of the State of Israel, she or he should be guaranteed the ability and right to launch nuclear missiles at any nation who would dare to attempt to commit genocide on his or her fellow Jews! Seriously! And perhaps the day will come when there will be a sovereign Gypsy nation with the same ability, and they too will seek the ability and right to do the same. Seriously! Because, let’s face it, what happened to millions of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and many others, including millions of decent Christians too, during World War Two, must NEVER, ever, happen AGAIN! On all other issues all other Israelis would have the same legal, human and democratic rights, such that any Palestinian Arab currently in exile, who would still want ‘their (supposed) right to return’, would have to fulfill certain reasonable things and meet certain sensible qualifications to be able to apply and receive full Israeli citizenship. Because, and in this sense the estimated majority of Israelis today who support Netanyahu’s concerns have a valid point, there is no way that Israel can afford to let most, let alone all, Palestinians who once lived in areas now inside the modern borders of Israel, and their descendants, simply return. There can be no doubt about it; Israel would seize to exist, seize to serve its most important purpose, if it were foolish enough to agree to a full right of return to all those Palestinians. It would be a compromise solution, whereby some Palestinians (we’re not talking about millions, but only about thousands), especially the elderly who were actually born in areas that now make up the modern borders of Israel, would get assistance in applying for citizenship. And, over time, when peace proves sustainable, Israel will make it easier for Palestinian relatives to visit their fellow Israeli Palestinian relatives for reasonably limited periods of time. Bibi; it’s that simple and that easy!
2. As part of the same fundamental purpose for the existence of the State of Israel, any Two State solution that allows for the formation of a modern sovereign Palestinian State must not be able to present a serious military or existential threat to Israel. But, as the wise old saying goes; “good fences make for good neighbors”! Thus Israel must somehow accept that a Palestinian State alongside its borders must have its own reasonable means of self-defense in order to feel safe and secure from the risk of any future Israeli government coming to power that might simply decide to end any previous agreement, perhaps using the excuse of a freak incident in which, say, some fringe minority terrorist group were able to launch a few missiles into Israel from Palestinian territory, that is to say as a casus belli , an excuse to invade and occupy territory. But the exact nature and type of such means of self-defense can be determined and agreed upon, such that the actual result does not effectively mean a fully ‘demilitarized’ Palestinian State, because, face it Bibi, the Palestinian leadership will never agree to sign a deal with Israel on the basis of having its right to self-defense denied. I seriously doubt that our side, we Jews and Israelis, would agree to such a ridiculous idea, were the shoe on the other foot! Good fences do tend to help make for good neighbors, and no sensible Palestinian leader would ever sign a peace agreement based on having to fully trust in the good will of its former enemy! We wouldn’t and they won’t. Mind you, we’re not talking about a Palestinian State that would be allowed to have the kind of weaponry (massive amounts of tanks, cannons, heavy artillery, missiles and planes, etc.) that any of the co-signers (USA, Russia, EU, etc.) would have to concede could easily present a serious offensive threat to Israel. That would be out of the question, just as would be any agreement that would deny Israel’s special right to keep its ability to maintain full defensive parity with the entire Arab World. The self-defense needs of Israel cannot be compared with those of any future Palestinian State, and Israel cannot forsake its nuclear deterrent and its ability to thwart any massive conventional military threat on the part of its future former enemies becoming enemies again. The History of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shows that Israel would need generations of peace in order to finally feel safe enough to consider full multilateral disarmament. In fact, chances are much greater that by that time the whole World might abandon nationalism and all forms of tribalism and inhumanity (ethnocentrism, racism, unjustified intolerance, ignorant behavior, violence, war, crime and corruption), and then, in all probability, the last nation on Earth to become a full part of a future One Diversely United World would be Israel! Not because we Jews are less willing to be part of such a One Diversely United World, but because we would probably be the most skeptical of all! But then again; are we not Jews because we truly trust in the Peaceful Coming of The Peace-Loving Messiah, who will bring peace to all The World and to All Humanity (not just to us Jews)?!? Reasonable compromise, Bibi, reasonable compromise; it’s Real Peace’s middle name!
3. As for Jerusalem; oh Yerushalayim, may I turn into a pillar of salt before I ever forget you! The idea of keeping Jerusalem fully united as the sole Capital of The State of Israel, is nice, but it is not at all realistic in so far as achieving a viable, lasting peace with the Palestinians. Let’s face it Bibi; only when The Messiah is truly declared (when a Jew becomes Anointed King of The Kingdom of Judah) will we Jews be able to reclaim all of Jerusalem (and much more) as ours. Every decent Muslim knows this and will have to contend with this when such a time should actually arise. But, until such a time, the Jewish people need peace more than anything else, and preventing such peace on account of one’s inability to wait, ever-so-patiently, for The Messiah, is nothing less than endangering the lives of all Jews, and if you are truly Jewish Bibi, then you should know this! The life of any and every single Jew is sacred (just as sacred as are the lives of all those who do not threaten the lives of Jews), and to endanger our lives because you would play the unrealistic politics of delaying tactics that would prevent a viable, lasting peace is just as wrong as it would be for the rest of us Jews to agree to join you in such folly, thereby also endangering the lives, the safety and security, of all the other nations of The World! For it is already a certainty, beyond all reasonable doubt, that any Palestinian leader who would sign such an unrealistic, ‘flawed peace agreement’ would not be able to remain in power long enough to deliver the very results needed! Furthermore, we must keep in mind that practicing Jews are forbidden to go up to Mount Moriah where both destroyed Holy Temples stood, that Islam’s Third Holiest site (where, as they understand, their Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven) is up there, and that every leader acceptable to the Palestinian people has promised that Jerusalem will, at least in part, be part of any future Palestinian State. Given all these facts, and much more, there can be no doubt that you (should) know that any Two State solution, any truly viable peace settlement, based on any realistic understanding of what is at stake and what is minimally required, must include some kind of an odd-ball compromise solution whereby Jerusalem remains united in terms of access (for Jews, Muslims and Christians) but, with the exception of the Christian, Armenian and Jewish Quarters (as well as West Jerusalem and a few parts of East Jerusalem) the rest of Jerusalem, including Mount Horiah (for us The Temple Mount), the Muslim Quarter and much of the rest of East Jerusalem would have to be part of their Palestinian State, in such a way that there is an international entity able to insure peace and security. Such would probably be made up of United Nations, US, Jordanian and EU officers (it could be known as The Jerusalem International Security Force) in all parts of Old Jerusalem, helping insure that Jerusalem somehow becomes the first City in The World to be semi-united semi-divided, being both the Capital of Israel and the Capital of Palestine! All of Greater Jerusalem would have to be demilitarized and a joint Israeli-Palestinian Security Force, supervised by the Commander of The Jerusalem International Security Force (and his Deputies), would also have to be established to help prevent incidents such as people throwing stones and other missiles down towards Jews praying at The Kotel (The Western Wall) and people going up to The Temple Mount area seeking to incite the anger of Muslim worshippers. Only by such an intricate, sophisticated and yet realistic solution to the Grand Question of Jerusalem can the final piece to ‘the puzzle of peace’ be put into place!
4. Only when there is also a viable (potentially everlasting) peace agreement and settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, that brings about a Two State Solution, will it also be possible, and to some extent necessary, for Israel to finally be able to make peace with Syria and Lebanon, which will almost surely result in a broader peace between Israel and The Entire Arab World, which will eventually translate into peace between Israel and the rest of The Islamic World, which would most likely include peace with a new Iran! Only when there is such a Pan-Arab-Israeli peace will there be fantastic business trade opportunities for all of The Middle East and The Mediterranean, and only then will the rest of The World witness the overall beauty and benefits of viable realistic peace based on reasonable compromise and justified tolerance! For without peace Israel will continue to become more and more isolated and forced into a senseless, eternal and self-destructive Massada-style Fortress Complex! Israel, and for that matter its allies in the European Union and The United States, cannot afford to risk delaying the inevitable peace any longer! If anything the recent violent events in Gaza show that things can really get way out of hand throughout all of the Middle East with mortally dire consequences for the rest of The World too! The last thing we Jews want is to be misperceived as the very people who, having helped bring about The Ten Commandments and The Law of Love of G-D (i.e. “Do unto others as they really want to be done unto and do nothing unto anyone that they don’t want done!”), end up being the cause of the final, most horrific destruction of The World! So, Bibi, listen up, because even if I, a Jew, am not The Messiah, I have a very good idea what Our Future King, before becoming Anointed, would advise you to do, right now and not later; make peace while the going is still good! Make peace before the world begins to doubt that we are true Jews! Make peace for the sake of the children of both our peoples! Make peace for the sake of all good Jews, Muslims and Christians, and all other good peoples on Earth! Make peace, because that is exactly what being Jewish is all about! Do it!
So, there! There you have it Bibi: do the right thing and reap the rewards or end up being just another Israeli leader who failed to make History and who inadvertently put us all one step closer to another Shoah! G-D forbid! NEVER AGAIN! NEVER!
Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, whose Hebrew name is David, has been involved, in one way or another, to some extent, in The Peace Process for the past 33 years. He is a Philosopher, a Writer, an Artist, and has given serious advice to some of the most important and influential people in The World, including U.S. Vice-President Biden, President Shimon Peres and George Soros, to name just a few. He helped get President Obama elected and indirectly advises him. He resides between Washington, D.C. and London, England. He is the author of “The Most Important Thought” (Silver Aleph Books), and was made famous in the late 80s as The Original New York City Free Advice Man (see The New Yorker, August 17, 1987 issue).
Friday, June 5, 2009
President Barack H. Obama's Historic Speech: Between The Words Breaths of Wisdom
by Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, a Philosophical Advisor to The President.
London, England - June 5, 2009.
There should be no doubt about it, the Historic speech made in Cairo, Egypt by President Barack H. Obama and delivered with great confidence to the Islamic Nations and peoples of the World, and to Arab Muslims in particular, had a lot more nuance and purpose in it than one would first sense by only listening to its words!
Every breath between every thought uttered by President Obama held in it an air of deep wisdom whose purpose is greater than the sum of the words contained in his speech. The tone and the facial expressions of President Obama were like the invaluable markers used in the Hebrew Alef-Bet to denote specific sounds, vowels and consonants, without which it would be impossible to be even relatively sure what the author meant to write or the speaker really meant to say!
Mind you, I will not go into a detailed analysis of what exactly was meant by every gesture, expression, intonation, word, sentence, etc., for that could really take up a lot more time and space than is needed to make my point in this article. Suffice it to say, President Barack H. Obama's speech held in it both great promise and a stern warning, as well as what might be considered a coded sub-message! The great promise was one of almost infinite hope and faith in the principle that has been President Obama's legacy thus far: that almost every Human Being in the world, every child of the Great Spirit of H'SH'M, including the vast majority of Muslims, Jews and Christians, desire exactly the same basic things in this Life, World and from each neighbor and stranger! In effect, that almost all of us really do understand that there is a need, and thus a compelling possibility, for true compromise and tolerance based on the principle that without such we will never see an end to all the senseless extreme fear, irrational hatred, dehumanizing injustice, barbaric brutality, insensible threats and horrific violence that has plagued the world for millennia and might continue to plague us till we either come to our best senses or end up, unfortunately sooner than later, causing a world conflagration and final man-made disaster that will wipe out virtually everyone and every ounce of beautiful art, artistic design and imaginative creation we humans have ever produced! And also included in that great promise was an understanding that H'SH'M (G-D All-Loving) would not want us to murder one another in the name of any system of belief, faith or dogma, and that the true essence of what binds all the major religions and Spiritual Philosophies of the world must be the commonality of the Law of Love of H'SH'M; "Do Unto Others As They Truly Want To Be Done Unto and Do Nothing Unto Anyone That They Do Not Really Want To Have Done Unto Them!" True, President Obama inadvertently used the old and inaccurate version of what he really meant to say (he used the "Do unto others as you would want unto thyself!") as someone who I know cherishes the best of True Free-Masonic Ideals (mind you; not to be confused with the current mish-mash abusing the good name of Freemasonry!), as one who has studied the wisdom and compassion of Saladin (Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb), a wisdom that gave rise to The Knights Templar and eventually to the Freemasonry that helped bring about such great individuals as His Majesty King Charles The Second (King Charles II of England), Baruch Spinoza and Sir Isaac Newton (forgive me for not mentioning the Islamic and Jewish scholars of Islam's Golden Scientific Age, whom we should trouble ourselves to learn more about) who were very much part of The Rennaisance and The Age of Enlightenment, without which we would probably have gone into extinction by now!
In essence, President Barack H. Obama was actually invoking the memory of the Clash of Civilizations known mostly as The Crusades, which could easily have caused the collapse of all civilization in the World, had it continued and spread its megalomania elsewhere! And therein lies also President Obama's warning! For his predecessor, probably not fully aware of it, had almost served the full interests of those who almost succeeded in igniting another Worldwide Clash of Civilizations that would have caused a permanent and irrevocable divide, leading to all manner of megalomania and violence, between one side and the Islamic World, which numbers over 1.3 to 1.5 Billion people...over one-fifth of the World's total population at present!!! Anyone in their right mind can clearly see what that would have meant! No religion on Earth, no dogma or ideology, Spiritual or otherwise, can manage to dominate the world by force or even by gradual efforts at full conversion! Like it or not, we're going to have to accept that H'SH'M is above traditional religion, and that the True Way to Live by G-D's Golden Law of Love is to be found in our own individual, special, self-realized connection to H'SH'M!
We must be steadfast in our resolve to support President Obama and his efforts, through his Administration and as CEO of The United States of America, to bring about the Peaceful World Order he and most people in the World desire, need and should already have had ages ago!
Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo is an Independent Philosopher, Writer and Political Scientist, famous for being The Original New York City Free Advice Man in the late 1980s. He is the author of several books, including “The Most Important Thought” and “Infinitism: Secret Key To The Doors of Wisdom”, and was the first Democrat to accurately predict almost a year in advance the Obama-Biden ticket and its subsequent victory at the US National Elections of 2008. He currently resides in London, England, where he is busy with various new projects, and writing a book about Eccentrics and their Indispensable Role in Healthy Democracies. A movie about his life as The Free Advice Man is in the works He has advised thousands of people directly, including famous celebrities and other VIPs, such as George Soros, Vice President Joe Biden, former President Bill Clinton, former Vice-President Al Gore, The Obama Campaign, Actor and Director Woody Allen, the late Actor and Song & Dance Man Andy Kaufman, and many others. His ideas and indirect advice have influenced the lives of millions.
London, England - June 5, 2009.
There should be no doubt about it, the Historic speech made in Cairo, Egypt by President Barack H. Obama and delivered with great confidence to the Islamic Nations and peoples of the World, and to Arab Muslims in particular, had a lot more nuance and purpose in it than one would first sense by only listening to its words!
Every breath between every thought uttered by President Obama held in it an air of deep wisdom whose purpose is greater than the sum of the words contained in his speech. The tone and the facial expressions of President Obama were like the invaluable markers used in the Hebrew Alef-Bet to denote specific sounds, vowels and consonants, without which it would be impossible to be even relatively sure what the author meant to write or the speaker really meant to say!
Mind you, I will not go into a detailed analysis of what exactly was meant by every gesture, expression, intonation, word, sentence, etc., for that could really take up a lot more time and space than is needed to make my point in this article. Suffice it to say, President Barack H. Obama's speech held in it both great promise and a stern warning, as well as what might be considered a coded sub-message! The great promise was one of almost infinite hope and faith in the principle that has been President Obama's legacy thus far: that almost every Human Being in the world, every child of the Great Spirit of H'SH'M, including the vast majority of Muslims, Jews and Christians, desire exactly the same basic things in this Life, World and from each neighbor and stranger! In effect, that almost all of us really do understand that there is a need, and thus a compelling possibility, for true compromise and tolerance based on the principle that without such we will never see an end to all the senseless extreme fear, irrational hatred, dehumanizing injustice, barbaric brutality, insensible threats and horrific violence that has plagued the world for millennia and might continue to plague us till we either come to our best senses or end up, unfortunately sooner than later, causing a world conflagration and final man-made disaster that will wipe out virtually everyone and every ounce of beautiful art, artistic design and imaginative creation we humans have ever produced! And also included in that great promise was an understanding that H'SH'M (G-D All-Loving) would not want us to murder one another in the name of any system of belief, faith or dogma, and that the true essence of what binds all the major religions and Spiritual Philosophies of the world must be the commonality of the Law of Love of H'SH'M; "Do Unto Others As They Truly Want To Be Done Unto and Do Nothing Unto Anyone That They Do Not Really Want To Have Done Unto Them!" True, President Obama inadvertently used the old and inaccurate version of what he really meant to say (he used the "Do unto others as you would want unto thyself!") as someone who I know cherishes the best of True Free-Masonic Ideals (mind you; not to be confused with the current mish-mash abusing the good name of Freemasonry!), as one who has studied the wisdom and compassion of Saladin (Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb), a wisdom that gave rise to The Knights Templar and eventually to the Freemasonry that helped bring about such great individuals as His Majesty King Charles The Second (King Charles II of England), Baruch Spinoza and Sir Isaac Newton (forgive me for not mentioning the Islamic and Jewish scholars of Islam's Golden Scientific Age, whom we should trouble ourselves to learn more about) who were very much part of The Rennaisance and The Age of Enlightenment, without which we would probably have gone into extinction by now!
In essence, President Barack H. Obama was actually invoking the memory of the Clash of Civilizations known mostly as The Crusades, which could easily have caused the collapse of all civilization in the World, had it continued and spread its megalomania elsewhere! And therein lies also President Obama's warning! For his predecessor, probably not fully aware of it, had almost served the full interests of those who almost succeeded in igniting another Worldwide Clash of Civilizations that would have caused a permanent and irrevocable divide, leading to all manner of megalomania and violence, between one side and the Islamic World, which numbers over 1.3 to 1.5 Billion people...over one-fifth of the World's total population at present!!! Anyone in their right mind can clearly see what that would have meant! No religion on Earth, no dogma or ideology, Spiritual or otherwise, can manage to dominate the world by force or even by gradual efforts at full conversion! Like it or not, we're going to have to accept that H'SH'M is above traditional religion, and that the True Way to Live by G-D's Golden Law of Love is to be found in our own individual, special, self-realized connection to H'SH'M!
We must be steadfast in our resolve to support President Obama and his efforts, through his Administration and as CEO of The United States of America, to bring about the Peaceful World Order he and most people in the World desire, need and should already have had ages ago!
Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo is an Independent Philosopher, Writer and Political Scientist, famous for being The Original New York City Free Advice Man in the late 1980s. He is the author of several books, including “The Most Important Thought” and “Infinitism: Secret Key To The Doors of Wisdom”, and was the first Democrat to accurately predict almost a year in advance the Obama-Biden ticket and its subsequent victory at the US National Elections of 2008. He currently resides in London, England, where he is busy with various new projects, and writing a book about Eccentrics and their Indispensable Role in Healthy Democracies. A movie about his life as The Free Advice Man is in the works He has advised thousands of people directly, including famous celebrities and other VIPs, such as George Soros, Vice President Joe Biden, former President Bill Clinton, former Vice-President Al Gore, The Obama Campaign, Actor and Director Woody Allen, the late Actor and Song & Dance Man Andy Kaufman, and many others. His ideas and indirect advice have influenced the lives of millions.
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