Thursday, October 18, 2007

Advice On What Is Ab-Normal, Not Normal and What is Normal Sexuality!

1. Pretending to be truly monogamous and then cheating and lying behind the person you claim to love. That's just evil.

2. Deliberately doing anything involving sex whereby the other person suffers harm that they did no really agree to or even would have risked had they known what you had in mind. Also evil.

3. Harming (exploiting for selfish gender gratifiation that I would not call real sex) people who are not yet, of an age, of sufficient physical, emotional, psychological maturity to be able to make serious decisions about what they want and with whom they want it (meaning: ABUSING MINORS AND OTHER NON-MATURE PERSONS...which is sick and inexcusably wrong). Clearly sick and totally unacceptable.

True sex is about sharing, mutual respect, exploring the whole person, and establishing a true friendship.


1. Anything two or more adults do with one another that is fully consensual and which does not cause unnexpected harm, including anything GLBT, anything non-GLBT, any experience and relationship that is loving and caring, even if just on the basis of warm friendship. Any adult polyamorous relationships.

2. Allowing minors (not inhibiting and harming their natural personal and social development) to learn and explore through other minors (only), so long as they are at the same phase of sexual development, such that, for example, a minor who is already in puberty should not have anything sexual to do with a minor who is not yet in puberty.

3. Anything that does not violate the principle of the law concerning minors. That is to say, no adult should have anything sexual to do with a minor, period! I, for one, would change the laws a bit to accomodate those people who are truly exceptions to the average. Evidence does exist that some people as early as 16 are already sufficiently adults and no longer minors. As there is for driving there should be a test and license for sexual maturity, such that becoming an adult is not fixed to simply an age. Many so-called adults would not pass this test! And most people under 18 would not pass it either!

As for MARRIAGE, which is another matter altogether:

1. No religion which is opposed to GLBT people should be forced to marry them. But a Constitutional ban on Civil Unions and marriage ceremonies outside of traditional religious institutions (those which are opposed to GLBT identity) would actually be in violation of Separation of Church and State, i.e. Unconstitutional.

2. GLBT persons should have the right to form their own religions and/or communal center for the performing of marriage ceremonies as fully licensed marriages by the state. The state should also sanction marriages between four persons and any even number further up, so long as those marriages are not strictly heterosexual!!! That way the State would not have to violate the Federal Prohibition on classical Polygamy! After all, a marriage between one man and several women and not between one woman and several men is clearly about power-play in favor of men. I would be for the abolition of that Federal Law if women were also allowed to marry several men what would be an otherwise heterosexual situation.

As for what to do with sick people who rape, molest and harm other adults and/or minors.

First Time Offense Which Did Not Involve Murder: put that person on a special, minimum security, health farm resort where there are absolutely no minors and where consensual sexual relations between adults is encouraged! These places would also be inhabited by adult women and men whose crime was not violent (in terms of causing any serious physical injury or death), and who volunteer to be there in order to help these sick people discover the beauty of healthy emotional and/or sexual relationships with other mature persons. As for those who are totally amoral and have no limits either way, regardless of age, such individuals need only one single chance to get their lives together again. ONE ONLY!

Second Time Offense (after having already had the farm experience): to prison with non-violent offenders. No parole until ones labor pays for the symbolic compensation for the victim (around, at current economy, $200 K).

Second Time Offense Which Involved Serious Bodily Harm or Death (i.e. Violence): to regular prison with hardcore violent offenders! No parole for over 20 years.

As for those who cause serious injury or death: off to regular prison.

On the other hand, all laws prohibiting and inhibiting any form of adult-on-adult sexual contact and/or any type of sexual relationship that is consensual, should be banned!

Just as there is supposed to be separation of Religion and State, there should also be separation of Adult Sexual Freedom and State!!!

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