Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Why All This Anti-Israel Crap Should Be Stopped Or Ignored By Everyone Intelligent.
Given the current barrage of lies against Israel I have decided to provide everyone with simple, logical, easy to understand facts that clearly prove that Israel-bashing is totally wrong and totally unjustified, not to mention totally unethical and contrary to serious efforts at bringing about a relatively just, fair, viable peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians, and Arab Muslims and Israeli Jews in general.
1. Israel does not directly or even indirectly control or overwhelmingly influence US of A. foreign or domestic policy, not even US of A. policy towards Israel or towards the Arab League nations as Israel relates to them and US. Those who say that Israel has such incredible power are either seriously misinformed or intentionally trying to misinform the American public. Proof: Simple! If Israel had such overwhelming influence or direct control it would force the US of A. to tell the Arab League nations to: a. Force the hands of the Palestinians to accept a viable peace settlement which would be of benefit to all parties concerned, all currently threatened by this catastrophic tragedy that has nothing to do with the true will of most of the people on either side, Palestinian or Israeli. The ongoing conflict is a huge and harmful burden on Israelis and Jews elsewhere in the world.
2. Israel and the majority of American Jews who support the historical and geno-political right of Israel to exist and to continue existing more or less in its current geographic parameters, have significant, albeit not dominant, influence on US of A. policy in The Middle East. However, this limited influence is balanced against the very significant influence of The Arab League nations, OPEC and other entities which tend to champion the overall stance (one could argue; against their own real interests) of those who continue to attempt to undermine Israel, Israeli-American relations, and inadvertently the overall peace process intended to bring about a relatively just, fair, viable, i.e. meaningful, peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians in specific, and Arab Muslims and Israeli Jews in general. That said, there are many examples of incidents or efforts made on the part of many of the pro-Israel entities, including lobbies, which have proven counter-intuitive and/or counterproductive and sometimes blatantly harmful to true Israeli interests, the interests of a sensible Israel-America relations, and to the overall movement intended to bring about a meaningful and viable peace.
3. Jews in general and Israelis in specific do not run the world, nor do they run or control the majority of its most important and significant (i.e. key) financial and mass media institutions, corporations and other entities. Obviously if such an incredible thing were true (and the logical evidence conclusively shows that it is not true, i.e. not the case) then not one single Israeli or Jew who is supportive of Israel (not all Jews support Israel) would ever have to fear another single violent attack, not one single serious anti-Jewish anti-Semitic terrorist attack or conventional military attack! Because if they had such incredible power and influence they would already have been able, had they ever really wanted to, to wipe out any and all enemies, practically everywhere on Earth! Or at least they would be able to create a truly impenetrable Fortress Israel and other Totally Secure Jewish Enclaves the world-over. But the actual reality clearly shows how truly vulnerable Israelis and Jews are, throughout the entire world! At best Israel serves as a significant, albeit imperfect, deterrent against any attempt to commit total genocide against Jews (which would then be followed by a total genocide against another ethno-religious or ethnic group, until even the last standing group on Earth would turn against itself). Anyone who cannot fathom these logical observations of fact, based on truly sound reasoning, is unqualified to make any seriously respectable pronouncements concerning efforts at establishing a peaceful Palestinian State, side-by-side with Israel.
4. Israel would be at a huge and very dangerous disadvantage were it not for its technological military superiority, which is not entirely due to US of A. financial and military assistance. In terms of population, Israel has a less than 1 to 30 disadvantage when compared to the total Arab Muslim population! In terms of military manpower, Israel has roughly a 1 to 100 disadvantage (against a united Arab force)! In terms of territory, Israel's entire land mass is less than 1% of the entire landmass of all the Arab Muslim nations! As for its total economic viability in comparison to the Arab nations, Israel is truly dwarfed! The combined global economic weight and influence of Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait alone is 200 times greater than that of Israel and all Jewish economic interests worldwide! When you add North and South Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Egypt, and all the North African Arab Muslim states, then the total Arab economic leverage and influence is around 300 times greater! So, one may reasonably ask this: if the nations of the Arab League are truly so keen on pressuring the Europeans, Americans and others to abandon Israel, why don't they use that leverage and influence?? The answer is simple: a. Such an action would risk causing a global economic meltdown and that would obviously lead to a final total chaos and ultimate world conflagration and b. The very existence of Israel is actually quite useful (beneficial) to the Arab Muslim nations, in so far as it serves several significant purposes, including that of being a means to distract citizens from the injustices of their own governments and for the purpose of being able to bribe the US of A. and the EU and others who do not want to see an all-out conflict in The Middle East or anything that might easily lead to a final showdown!
5. Israel is not perceived by the majority of Arab leaders as a real threat to their overall interests and their OPEC interests are more threatened by efforts, previously easily sabotaged (by OPEC-originated patent buy-ups and company buy-outs), on the part of the US of A. and the EU to develop alternative transportation and energy technologies! Which is to say that even if it were possible (which for obvious reasons it actually is not possible) to have Israel removed (abandoned and drowned-out of existence) by the EU and the US of A., nothing would seriously change for the better in terms of regional and global security. It is more than likely that the contrary would be true: that an Israel-free Middle East would erupt into chaos and pseudo-Islamic fascist terrorists would use their immense ability to wreck economic havoc, by means of their ability to cut the flow of oil, given that there would no longer be the presence of a nuclear armed state (as Israel is capable of being at a moments notice!) that would obviously feel threatened to the point of having to use its nuclear arsenal! In fact, that is why the EU and the US of A., and even to some extent China and India (perhaps Russia too) will not allow Iran to attain a true nuclear deterrent ability! The very obvious role of Israel is to serve as a forced-by-geopolitical-circumstance state that knows that its own existence is very much dependent on the economic welfare of the West, of the US of A. and the EU!!! Just imagine the likely scenario of an Iran with full nuclear missile attack ability! Imagine how they could sink a few oil tankers and cut the free shipment of oil through the Straight of Hormuz! And then be able to prevent Israel from being able to launch its own truly deterrent last-resort nuclear arsenal! That's exactly why the US of A. and the EU need Israel much more than Israel needs the financial backing of either! But superficial persons will fail to see the total logic of this point I am proving! There it is! Voilas! The actual reason why many in the world are naive and even foolish to think that Israel is some kind of senseless burden that serves no purpose other than to seemingly harass and humiliate the Arab Muslim nations! Israel has never had and never will have the slightest intention of truly harassing and humiliating anyone, let alone its Arab Muslim adversaries! His late Majesty King Hussein, a man I knew in person, knew this fact all too well, which is why he sought peace with Israel! Think about a lot and it will dawn on you that I am 100% right! Israel is not a problem, but is part of a greater solution!
Aside from Israel's penultimate usefulness to the economic stability of the world, here are some other facts about Israel:
1. Israel has always wanted a full and viable peace with all the Arab Muslim nations, including the Palestinians. Otherwise it would not curtail itself, hold back, restrain itself at all, and would already have launched a geno-suicidal world campaign to eradicate the Palestinians. And that is something Israel will never ever do! Israel needs peace more than ever, just as Palestinians need peace more than ever, and it is not really Israel, against all superficial appearances of behavior, that is preventing peace from taking hold! There are a minority of nasty interests, on both sides, including war-profiteering, conflict-leeching weapons-dealers, fanatic pseudo-religious zealots, and fascists on both sides, whose actual total numbers are less than 20% of the total population of each side, who are preventing the majority from reaching a viable, meaningful peace settlement! Just ask Peace Now or One Voice Movement and they will, in their own words, express the same basic truth!
2. Although many (perhaps 60%) Israelis have more non-Semitic ethno-geneticity than most Arabs (both originally Semitic peoples), no thanks to the fascist Roman Empire and what it did to force Jews out of their two Holy Land Kingdoms (Judah and Israel, of which I belong to the former), most Israelis, even the Khazars who intermmaried with Semitic Jews and converted to Judaism, have significant Semitic ethno-genetic origins! So, it is a falsehood when many on the Arab and pro-Arab side claim that Israel's Jews are mostly Europeans and have no right to live in The Middle East! Fact is, most Palestinians are not entirely Semitic and few are truly Philistinians! Most Palestinians are a mix of Arab, European, Greek, Phoenician and Egyptian ethno-genecies! Thus, neither side has more of a right to live in what are the lands of Canaan, Philistia, Israel and Judeah than the other side! So, it is illogical to continue the bloody myth and outright sick lie that Israel is a racist European Imperial State!
3. Yes, while it is true that many (albeit not all, and definitely not the majority) Israelis have unhealthy prejudices against Arabs and many (perhaps 30%) predominantly Europeanized Jews have prejudices and racist attitudes against Semi-Arab Jews, such as Yemenites, Palestinian Jews, Egyptian Jews, Jordanian Jews, Syrian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Sephardic and towards North African Jews, Ethiopian Jews and Turkic Jews most Israelis are absolutely against all forms of racism! Israel is far from the truly homogenuous country that most people in the world assume it to be! In fact, a few Semi-Arab Jews are even more hostile towards Arab Muslims than most Ashkenazi (North European/Germanic) Jews, in the false hope that by being so anti-Arab Muslim their loyalty to Israel will not be called into question and they will be able to overcome many disadvantages that a few Europeanized Jews have imposed upon them!
4. Most Jews, an estimated 60%, throughout Israel and the world are living in lower income socio-economic reality and are either lower middle-class, poor or near poverty level! But the world sees the disproportionate number of Jews who are very wealthy, who make up roughly 5% of all Jews as compared to the only 2% of Christians who are that wealthy and the only 1% of Muslims who are that wealthy , and so most non-Jews tend to fall for the anti-Jewish anti-Semitic propaganda (i.e. defamatory lies and fabrications) that claims that almost all Jews are wealthy and that they live off the backs of poor Christians and Muslims, as well as other people! In other words, more socio-economic exploitation, by far, is perpetrated by so-called Christians and Muslims on their fellow Christians and Muslims than by anyone who is a so-called Jew. In its elementary form Judaism prohibits socio-economic exploitation! But the world always pays more negative attention to the minority who is the easy target! The fact is that of the very few Jews in the world who are very wealthy many are actually great philanthropists and humanists like George Soros, working to prevent world conflict and bring about greater peace and prosperity for all humanity! All in all, Jews have brought more good and wonders to the world than the total of harm done by a few bad apples in our midst!
5. The Holocaust is not the only reason Israel came into existence, and unbeknownst to most non-Jews today is the fact that prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, which was immediatly attacked, both European and Palestinian Semi-Arab Jews had been buying up land from Palestinians and other Arabs for serious money over a period of hundreds of years! Much of that land was actually originally in Jewish ownership at the time when the Roman Empire brutally robbed Jews of their land rights! True, history shows that the early Jews invaded Canaan and Philistia and made their kingdoms out of the lands they had invaded, but that all happened at a time when the Arab peoples had not yet moved into the region alongside the Meditteranean which is today Israel and Palestine. In other words, the Canaanites (many decided to join and even marry the Babylonian and Mesopotamian Jews) and the Philistini were not Arabs! But Arab expansion, which came as a result of Roman Empirical population displacements and increased later on during the heyday of The Prophet Muhammad's conquers, gives many non-Semites the impression that the Jews are a foreign people in Arab lands. A lot of today's conflict in the region is made worse by this misimpression many non-Jewish Europeans and Americans have!
So to all Israel-bashing Jew-hating liars I say: cut the crap, please!
Arab League,
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