Note, Disclaimer and Qualifying Statement: This article is meant for mature adults and contains concepts unsuitable for minors without parental guidance and consent. Also, I am not a medical doctor or lawyer and anything I state herein is my own personal opinion and not to be taken as a statement of fact upon which you can safely conduct your life. It is based on my understanding of what is currently known about STDs, and HIV-AIDS in particular, as well as observations about sexuality, politics, economics and ethics. I am an advocate of safe-sex practices, methods and technology, as well as protecting The Constitutionally implied sexual freedoms and liberties of adults.
If there were just one reason only why any decent human being should not vote for the pseudo-Republican Party (real Republicans hardly exist) it is this: it was the New Fascists, more often called the Reaganite New Right...Remember? Those 'wonderful' people who brought you the miracle of Trickle Down Economics, a.k.a. The Lean Mean Government Machine That Loves To Destroy The Lives Of Liberal Arts Professors and True Intellectuals...who deliberately allowed HIV-AIDS to devastate unsuspecting innocents, including Homosexuals, substance abusers, many other people, especially poor people unable to afford condoms, and perhaps politically most importantly intelligent sophisticated people who enjoy their sexual lives! Why? History shows us countless examples that serve as evidence of the fact that when sexual freedom is prevalent, especially among the lower classes and intellectuals, that the socio-economic political reality becomes more and more just and fair to the working lower and middle classes! History shows us that those who control and limit sexual freedom gain tremendous political power and financial benefits!! History shows us that when mature adults are not feeling that their lives are empty and unfulfilling, because their sexual needs and desires are sufficiently satisfied, that they are more calm, relaxed, less stressed-out, less likely to buy junk, junk food and junk everything else, less likely to value material things, less likely to want to compete for money, wealth and luxury nonsense items meant to give the illusion of security and self-control!
History shows us that when people are sexually liberated and free to explore themselves that they become much more philosophical about life, the meaning of it all and begin to see the absurdity of initiating and glorifying war, of engaging in sick, destructive, anti-social criminal activities, unethical business practices and other behavior that is selfish and unkind towards our fellow human being, such as nationalism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, racism, familial mafianism, sexism and ageism! History shows us all the evidence we need in order to realize that while sexually free and liberated communities and eras had their obvious risks, such as the deadly risks of Venereal Diseases (because of the need to sell Digital Video Discs, abbr. DVDs, the pharmaceutical industry collaborated with the electronics industry in discouraging this term and prefers STD, abbr. for Sexually Transmitted Diseases), the overall number of health-related deaths combined with deaths due to un-natural causes (war, violent crime, corporate callousness in the production of consumer goods) dropped as compared to when sexual freedom and related liberties have been discouraged and even punished by government and private sector policies!
Mind you, for those of you purists, I am not talking about the obvious exceptions. I do not include in my list of natural, healthy, human sexual freedoms and liberties any obviously sick, extremely harmful and definitely unethical acts against minors; people who are not yet mature enough to truly make their own consensual decisions with regards to sexual conduct, people at great risk of being inhumanly exploited and abused by pedophiles and other persons with serious personality disorders and mental illnesses who selfishly seek gendrical stimulus without regards to the emotional, psychological and physical welfare of their victims! Nor do I include in my list of acceptable human sexuality people who rape or molest other adults, using the threat or reality of force to get their way! Nor do I include in my list people who truly cheat on those intimates they claim to love by going behind their backs and having sexual relations without their initial partners' full knowledge and consent! Nor do I include people who deliberately hide their Venereal Diseased condition(s) and are willing to expose others to their viruses and/or germs! Because whatever we do do sexually with others must always be based on honesty and some form of real love for the other persons we with to share our intimate pleasures and emotions with.
Anyway, the point is undeniably true to me; the policies of the Reagan Administration and subsequent pseudo-Republican Administrations, have sought to discourage sexual freedoms and liberties in the general population, have used excessive fear-mongering tactics, such as exaggerating the dangers and risk levels of sexual activity with others, and getting the mass media to over-emphasize the actual reality of crimes involving gendrical gratification at the expense of non-consensual others (i.e. rape, molestations, child abuse and other such horrors), all for the obvious social control factors, the obvious political gains and the obvious financial gains for the elite they serve and to some extent are part of!
The United States of America has become, for the most part, very unhealthy and extreme in its reaction to those mature adults who seek alternative sexual relations and intimacies with other adults and towards other kinky people within the GLBT communities. Too many Americans who were hippies and liberals in the 60s and 70s tend to be hypocrites when it comes to the liberal sex lives of those liberated adults today! They secretly cherish the knowledge that they had very rich sex lives, both physically and emotionally, while even being at the forefront of political activism against sexual freedom and liberty! And yes, there were some unhealthy excesses and sick things that happened amidst the so-called liberated sexual communes and group homes and social circles of those hippies, but those were actually exceptions! Of course, watching the History Channel and other mass media documentaries about the so-called "Free Sex Era" of hippies, yippies, kinky playpeople (60s and 70s) and what not, as well documentaries about the excesses that were the result of the dangerous mix of illegal substances and the sexterntainment industry (porno film producers) as well as the deliberate spread of illicit substances by para-governmental agencies working for the extreme Right (real pseudo-Americans who are Fascists and even Nazis) within minority communities, especially within the GLBT community and the Black, Hispanic and Asian American communities, watching all that it is no wonder that you would get the impression that the "Free Sex Era" was a terrible thing, a great failure that is 'evidence' of how relatively ideal utopias are human impossibilities, extremely costly social experiments not worth ever trying again, and that sexual freedoms and liberties are dangerous for the health and welfare of society in general!
Well, these semi-truthful lying documentaries, cleverly devised to appear relatively politically neutral, are actually meant to destroy every vestige of pro-social human behavior and every chance that some day Social Democracy, which is the only truly healthy socio-economic politics, will ever become reality here or, for that matter, anywhere else in the world! Never mind that in Sweden, The Netherlands and a few other European countries, plus New Zealand and to a lesser extent the UK and Canada, Social Democracy has been proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, to work to the overall benefit of practically every citizen of those Social Democracies! And a key element in each of those Social Democracies is a relatively healthy social and political (i.e. government) attitude towards human sexual freedoms and liberties!
Because they understand that when the people are relatively happy, less stressed-out, spending less money on medications to cover the symptoms of excess stress-related illnesses, then they are wiser consumers and producers and quality consumer goods are more desired and sought and the economy is progressive both in terms of protecting the real interests of the wealthy and in protecting the social and environmental interests and needs of everyone!
America is an unhealthy, greedy pharmaceutical industry's paradise of unethical profiteering off the many illnesses, diseases and chronic health conditions caused by excess stress, which is in great measure caused by the fearification of society and the lack of healthy sexual satisfaction and lack of emotional honesty and affection in human relations! Americans should do their research on those European Social Democracies, especiallu Sweden, and discover the shocking truth! In those relatively healthy societies rape, child abuse and Veneral Diseases are less common and fearification of society is almost non-existent! In those societies the glorification of initiated wars, of fortuitous, senseless violence (especially in movies, violent crime and unethical (unhealthy) corporate social and evironmental practices (i.e. Stealth Terrorism) are seriously discouraged and thus relatively uncommon. Sure, they are not as Social Democratic and perfect as they may yet become, but most of their shortcomings are the result of the overwhelming influence of the global economic reality as it is greatly influenced by the Socio-Economic, Corporate and Political conditions, realities, within the world's most influential country: Our United States of America!
Our current economy is very unhealthy, as it is based on an excess of unhealthy consumer goods, including food products that contain too many toxins, fats, sugars, and other junk stuff, as well as being a society that feeds off suffering and unhealthy social, personal and political conditions. In a Social Democracy the working middle class is the majority, and the majority is relatively educated, fairly well informed and intelligently knowledgeable, thus capable of making the right political decisions and openly protesting any moves to even begin to undo the core policies of their country's governmental and social system. Unfortunately, the overwhelming influence of The United State's current reactionary and elitist social, economic, employment, trade and financial policies, on the entire global market reality has had a growing detrimental effect on these relative social paradises! The Nouveau Riche (New Rich) have forgotten the hard lessons once learned by the Old Rich, most now gone, about how and why The Great Depression happened, and for the past 30 years, with exception to the Clinton Era, which almost entirely succeeded in reversing the damages, the United States has been hijacked by reactionary political forces, the Neo-Cons, The New so-called-Christian Right, the corrupted Republican Party of pseudo-Republican Fascists (being manipulated, without them realizing it, by actual Nazis behind the scenes) and policies deliberately meant to destroy or significantly alter the Liberal Arts (especially the lives of Professors of History, Anthropology, Sociology and Social Psychology as well as Ethics and Philosophy), to weaken and reduce the number of the Educated Middle Class, as well as to exterminate (by economic means of employment-denial) Progressive Intellectuals and Artists, and to do all this most effectively by turning society and government agencies against sexual freedoms and liberties!
All of this reactionary anti-social policy-making serves the very interests of our most obvious enemies; the sick pseudo-Islamic terrorists who attacked US on 9-11-2001, whose goal is to impose their twisted, demented, convoluted, horrendously sick anti-social, inhuman, Nazi-like ultra-Fascist pseudo-Islamic (fake-Muslim) Caliphacy!
If we Americans truly want to defeat the terrorists, both the obvious enemies of The True American Way of Individual and Social Democracy based on True Liberty and Freedom, the terrorists based abroad, and the Stealth Terrorists based here at home who pretend to be for Democracy and Freedom but who are anti-social ultra-Elitist Fascists being puppeteered by real remnant Nazis, those War-Profiteering Neo-Cons and their pseudo-Republican supporters, then we must never accept the great falsehood that says, 'in order to secure our homeland we must sacrifice some of our cherished liberties and freedoms'! That is the biggest lie ever! Not only was Benjamin Franklin (at least the quote is commonly attributed to our great forebear)right in saying what I now will paraphrase: "Those who would sacrifice a single liberty or freedom in the name of security deserve neither liberty, freedom nor security", but the fact of the matter is this: the very goal, the very objective of sick bin Laden and al-Qaeda is to either and/or destroy us economically or socially (in the end, that is one and the same thing) by seeing to it that we undo our freedoms and liberties!!!
In fact, we can actually have greater security, albeit not perfect security one, no matter what is done, can provide you total security and safety from terrorists and their cowardly attacks on humanity and human civilization ... by encouraging great personal and social freedom, especially greater sexual freedom!
HIV-AIDS is, and once more increasingly so (no thanks to the reactionary, stupid, deadly policies of the Bush Administration), a very serious threat to all humanity, and any decent, intelligent, educated, well-meaning Progressive Liberal will encourage all adults, of all sexual identities and/or lifestyles, to use realtively safe-sex methods and cautious sexual conduct techniques. There are plenty of books on that and some non-governmental organizations you can find through the Internet who will gladly provide you the information you request. That said, HIV-AIDS is hard, if not impossible, to acquire (get) if you use quality non-sheep-skin condoms and do not engage in the exchange of bodily fluids with people or persons you do not really know well enough (in terms of their activity level, condition and safe-sex sense). Still, it is very interesting to note that those adults who are relatively sexually active with multiple partners but really use safe-sex methods, practices and technology, are less likely to get HIV-AIDS than those who hold back their freedoms and liberties until the occasional, once in a drunken night, mindless, careless sexual encounter, or those who do not use safe-sex methods.
And many more people are dying because of the excess stress-related diseases caused in part by almost total abstinence! Also, you get sicker and older faster the sooner you give up on your sexual interests and freedom!
To be succinct: enjoy more relatively safe sex with other consensual adults, and make an effort to create a closed circle of adults friends with whom you would enjoy intimacy and affection. Last but not least: in order to avoid any risk at all of getting any STD or VD abstain from all sexual relations with other persons, but remember that you will then have a greater risk of getting non-STD-related cancers, heart diseases, ulcers and strokes! I am not a medical doctor or lawyer, so consult your own or any medical doctor or lawyer before doing anything on the basis of what I have written herein. And do not be too surprised if she or he touts the current official line and suggests to you to abstain or seek a strictly monogamous relationship.
Had HIV-AIDS been reacted to the way Ebola is back in 1982, and those showing the symptoms of the then yet-unidentified disease had been placed in otherwise comfortable, luxury sexual isolation from the rest of society (medical quarantine) and had the government provided a program of encouraging safe-sex practices, methods and provided the technologies for adults and juveniles to protect themselves, we could have significantly limited the spread of HIV-AIDS and by no later than 1990, prevented the spread entirely! And we are not talking about putting people in hospital wards that are cold, inhumane places for long-term sexual isolation. Besides it being too late now anyway, I am strictly talking about how we could have built really nice "Health Resort"-type communities, free of charge and with the best possible food provisions, amenities and food (imagine a place with the same provisions as a most expensive luxury hotel and resort in Vegas or Monaco!), where all those infected would be required to live and would only be allowed to leave to temporarily (two time two weeks a year) visit places in the rest of the world (including organized international trips...all first class!) under the strict supervision of special health workers. They would also have the full right to engage sexually with other patients in the same condition. Mind you, the total number of people worldwide who would receive this special quarantine would not have been more than 40,000 in 1982 and 1983. The cost would have been worth the price many, many times over! And the patients would not perceive it as any less unjust than how governments treat those who have Ebola or those who have Leprosy! Even the GLBT community, which is falsely identified by many uneducated people as being the source of the disease, would have welcomed this effort and encouraged people, both GLBT and others, to participate in the program, which would have had one single legal alternative; that the individual concerned would agree to have someone official by their side at all times with sexual contact allowed only with other such persons. Mind you, the majority of people with AIDS got it through Heterosexual contact. There are around 40 Million people alive today with HIV-AIDS, and already 25 Million have died from the Combinational Disease. The second largest population is made up of intrevenous drug abusers and people who got stuck by infected needles and sharp objects, as well as person exposed to contaminated blood. Estimated costs of this Responsibly Progressive Emergency Disease Control Program: $400 Million Dollars per year (at $100 K per annum per person) and around $4 to $10 Billion dollars for the entire life of the program, which would also have included $2 Billion for an Intensive Research Program in pursuit of a full understanding of the disease and the development of therapies and cure(s).
Another important point is this: HIV-AIDS can be outlived with the right diet, low-stress life conditions and sufficient peasure experience! The most famous example of outliving HIV-AIDS is that of basketball star Magic Johnson. And there are people who somehow have a natural antigen to AIDS, which suggests that the retrovirus that is at the core of the syndrome has affected us before, sometime in past history and that HIV-AIDS is not 100% fatal, albeit it is more than 90% fatal for sure, especially among the poor and lower income brackets. Furthermore, there is evidence that many of the pharmaceuticals supposedly meant to combat AIDS actually did more harm by weakening the patient's immune system! The same as with many Cancer treatments. And then there are special alternative treatments for HIV-AIDS that combine dietary controls and exposure to controlled temperatures, low and high (you can find them on the Internet).
Last but not least, there are other STDs or VDs that are now just as lethal as HIV-AIDS, such as new resistant forms of Syphillis and Gonorrhea, as well as non-venereal diseases like Hepatitis-C. Which, again, is why you should use safe-sex practices until you are relatively certain that your partners are safe and you should seriously consider creating a closed circle of intimates.
Friday, October 5, 2007
"How AIDS Served The Political Interests Of The New Fascists."
Sexual Freedom
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