Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Presidential candidate who stood mighty calm above the juvenile fray!

Watching the debate that took place in Philadelphia this Tuesday, October 30, 2007 was like watching a bunch of mavericks and spoiled brats taunting and dissing one another! In the city of brotherly love there was little to be seen this night. Only one candidate, aside from the unelectable Dodd, behaved with the maturity, warmth, gentleness and sophistication that this country should yearn for, and that was Senator Joe Biden of The First State of Delaware! Of all the candidates Biden is the most mature, experienced, intelligent and Presidential. His only problem, like my own, is that he is perceived as being too intelligent and too much of an intellectual for the job! Hah! As if America needed another maverick, or worse yet, another spoiled brat or bumkin for President!

Click here for a picture of me and Biden!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SICKO! is more than just a MUST-SEE documentary!

"SICKO!" is a very powerful and intelligent documentary produced by a man whose face may yet be carved into a stone-topped mountain! It is not perfect and does make some of the few mistakes we have come to expect from Mr. Moore, but all in all SICKO! is the real opening shot, the spark that will ignite a peaceful revolution in American political reality...or so we must hope! SICKO! shows us Americans that we should incorporate the best of what exists in the national health systems of Canada, the UK, France, Norway and even Cuba (which is one country that has more negative social and political realities than Mr. Moore cares to show), but SICKO! does make one serious mistake: it fails to inform us Americans that the kind of relatively decent public health systems found in those relatively progressive countries cannot be made reality here in America without also incorporating their overall Social Democratic social and political reality! America has only one true choice: become a relatively progressive liberal Social Democracy or implode under the excessive weight of a failed corporate-controlled health-denying monstrosity!

Whatever you do this Winter Holiday Season be sure to buy as many copies of SICKO! you can afford and give them as gifts to those you love and care for!

I, Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man, strongly advise everyone to watch SICKO! by Michael Moore NOW! And do something, anything reasonable, to end our national health and wealth crisis TODAY!

Relevant Links:

Why All This Anti-Israel Crap Should Be Stopped Or Ignored By Everyone Intelligent.

Given the current barrage of lies against Israel I have decided to provide everyone with simple, logical, easy to understand facts that clearly prove that Israel-bashing is totally wrong and totally unjustified, not to mention totally unethical and contrary to serious efforts at bringing about a relatively just, fair, viable peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians, and Arab Muslims and Israeli Jews in general.

1. Israel does not directly or even indirectly control or overwhelmingly influence US of A. foreign or domestic policy, not even US of A. policy towards Israel or towards the Arab League nations as Israel relates to them and US. Those who say that Israel has such incredible power are either seriously misinformed or intentionally trying to misinform the American public. Proof: Simple! If Israel had such overwhelming influence or direct control it would force the US of A. to tell the Arab League nations to: a. Force the hands of the Palestinians to accept a viable peace settlement which would be of benefit to all parties concerned, all currently threatened by this catastrophic tragedy that has nothing to do with the true will of most of the people on either side, Palestinian or Israeli. The ongoing conflict is a huge and harmful burden on Israelis and Jews elsewhere in the world.

2. Israel and the majority of American Jews who support the historical and geno-political right of Israel to exist and to continue existing more or less in its current geographic parameters, have significant, albeit not dominant, influence on US of A. policy in The Middle East. However, this limited influence is balanced against the very significant influence of The Arab League nations, OPEC and other entities which tend to champion the overall stance (one could argue; against their own real interests) of those who continue to attempt to undermine Israel, Israeli-American relations, and inadvertently the overall peace process intended to bring about a relatively just, fair, viable, i.e. meaningful, peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians in specific, and Arab Muslims and Israeli Jews in general. That said, there are many examples of incidents or efforts made on the part of many of the pro-Israel entities, including lobbies, which have proven counter-intuitive and/or counterproductive and sometimes blatantly harmful to true Israeli interests, the interests of a sensible Israel-America relations, and to the overall movement intended to bring about a meaningful and viable peace.

3. Jews in general and Israelis in specific do not run the world, nor do they run or control the majority of its most important and significant (i.e. key) financial and mass media institutions, corporations and other entities. Obviously if such an incredible thing were true (and the logical evidence conclusively shows that it is not true, i.e. not the case) then not one single Israeli or Jew who is supportive of Israel (not all Jews support Israel) would ever have to fear another single violent attack, not one single serious anti-Jewish anti-Semitic terrorist attack or conventional military attack! Because if they had such incredible power and influence they would already have been able, had they ever really wanted to, to wipe out any and all enemies, practically everywhere on Earth! Or at least they would be able to create a truly impenetrable Fortress Israel and other Totally Secure Jewish Enclaves the world-over. But the actual reality clearly shows how truly vulnerable Israelis and Jews are, throughout the entire world! At best Israel serves as a significant, albeit imperfect, deterrent against any attempt to commit total genocide against Jews (which would then be followed by a total genocide against another ethno-religious or ethnic group, until even the last standing group on Earth would turn against itself). Anyone who cannot fathom these logical observations of fact, based on truly sound reasoning, is unqualified to make any seriously respectable pronouncements concerning efforts at establishing a peaceful Palestinian State, side-by-side with Israel.

4. Israel would be at a huge and very dangerous disadvantage were it not for its technological military superiority, which is not entirely due to US of A. financial and military assistance. In terms of population, Israel has a less than 1 to 30 disadvantage when compared to the total Arab Muslim population! In terms of military manpower, Israel has roughly a 1 to 100 disadvantage (against a united Arab force)! In terms of territory, Israel's entire land mass is less than 1% of the entire landmass of all the Arab Muslim nations! As for its total economic viability in comparison to the Arab nations, Israel is truly dwarfed! The combined global economic weight and influence of Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait alone is 200 times greater than that of Israel and all Jewish economic interests worldwide! When you add North and South Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Egypt, and all the North African Arab Muslim states, then the total Arab economic leverage and influence is around 300 times greater! So, one may reasonably ask this: if the nations of the Arab League are truly so keen on pressuring the Europeans, Americans and others to abandon Israel, why don't they use that leverage and influence?? The answer is simple: a. Such an action would risk causing a global economic meltdown and that would obviously lead to a final total chaos and ultimate world conflagration and b. The very existence of Israel is actually quite useful (beneficial) to the Arab Muslim nations, in so far as it serves several significant purposes, including that of being a means to distract citizens from the injustices of their own governments and for the purpose of being able to bribe the US of A. and the EU and others who do not want to see an all-out conflict in The Middle East or anything that might easily lead to a final showdown!

5. Israel is not perceived by the majority of Arab leaders as a real threat to their overall interests and their OPEC interests are more threatened by efforts, previously easily sabotaged (by OPEC-originated patent buy-ups and company buy-outs), on the part of the US of A. and the EU to develop alternative transportation and energy technologies! Which is to say that even if it were possible (which for obvious reasons it actually is not possible) to have Israel removed (abandoned and drowned-out of existence) by the EU and the US of A., nothing would seriously change for the better in terms of regional and global security. It is more than likely that the contrary would be true: that an Israel-free Middle East would erupt into chaos and pseudo-Islamic fascist terrorists would use their immense ability to wreck economic havoc, by means of their ability to cut the flow of oil, given that there would no longer be the presence of a nuclear armed state (as Israel is capable of being at a moments notice!) that would obviously feel threatened to the point of having to use its nuclear arsenal! In fact, that is why the EU and the US of A., and even to some extent China and India (perhaps Russia too) will not allow Iran to attain a true nuclear deterrent ability! The very obvious role of Israel is to serve as a forced-by-geopolitical-circumstance state that knows that its own existence is very much dependent on the economic welfare of the West, of the US of A. and the EU!!! Just imagine the likely scenario of an Iran with full nuclear missile attack ability! Imagine how they could sink a few oil tankers and cut the free shipment of oil through the Straight of Hormuz! And then be able to prevent Israel from being able to launch its own truly deterrent last-resort nuclear arsenal! That's exactly why the US of A. and the EU need Israel much more than Israel needs the financial backing of either! But superficial persons will fail to see the total logic of this point I am proving! There it is! Voilas! The actual reason why many in the world are naive and even foolish to think that Israel is some kind of senseless burden that serves no purpose other than to seemingly harass and humiliate the Arab Muslim nations! Israel has never had and never will have the slightest intention of truly harassing and humiliating anyone, let alone its Arab Muslim adversaries! His late Majesty King Hussein, a man I knew in person, knew this fact all too well, which is why he sought peace with Israel! Think about a lot and it will dawn on you that I am 100% right! Israel is not a problem, but is part of a greater solution!

Aside from Israel's penultimate usefulness to the economic stability of the world, here are some other facts about Israel:

1. Israel has always wanted a full and viable peace with all the Arab Muslim nations, including the Palestinians. Otherwise it would not curtail itself, hold back, restrain itself at all, and would already have launched a geno-suicidal world campaign to eradicate the Palestinians. And that is something Israel will never ever do! Israel needs peace more than ever, just as Palestinians need peace more than ever, and it is not really Israel, against all superficial appearances of behavior, that is preventing peace from taking hold! There are a minority of nasty interests, on both sides, including war-profiteering, conflict-leeching weapons-dealers, fanatic pseudo-religious zealots, and fascists on both sides, whose actual total numbers are less than 20% of the total population of each side, who are preventing the majority from reaching a viable, meaningful peace settlement! Just ask Peace Now or One Voice Movement and they will, in their own words, express the same basic truth!

2. Although many (perhaps 60%) Israelis have more non-Semitic ethno-geneticity than most Arabs (both originally Semitic peoples), no thanks to the fascist Roman Empire and what it did to force Jews out of their two Holy Land Kingdoms (Judah and Israel, of which I belong to the former), most Israelis, even the Khazars who intermmaried with Semitic Jews and converted to Judaism, have significant Semitic ethno-genetic origins! So, it is a falsehood when many on the Arab and pro-Arab side claim that Israel's Jews are mostly Europeans and have no right to live in The Middle East! Fact is, most Palestinians are not entirely Semitic and few are truly Philistinians! Most Palestinians are a mix of Arab, European, Greek, Phoenician and Egyptian ethno-genecies! Thus, neither side has more of a right to live in what are the lands of Canaan, Philistia, Israel and Judeah than the other side! So, it is illogical to continue the bloody myth and outright sick lie that Israel is a racist European Imperial State!

3. Yes, while it is true that many (albeit not all, and definitely not the majority) Israelis have unhealthy prejudices against Arabs and many (perhaps 30%) predominantly Europeanized Jews have prejudices and racist attitudes against Semi-Arab Jews, such as Yemenites, Palestinian Jews, Egyptian Jews, Jordanian Jews, Syrian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Sephardic and towards North African Jews, Ethiopian Jews and Turkic Jews most Israelis are absolutely against all forms of racism! Israel is far from the truly homogenuous country that most people in the world assume it to be! In fact, a few Semi-Arab Jews are even more hostile towards Arab Muslims than most Ashkenazi (North European/Germanic) Jews, in the false hope that by being so anti-Arab Muslim their loyalty to Israel will not be called into question and they will be able to overcome many disadvantages that a few Europeanized Jews have imposed upon them!

4. Most Jews, an estimated 60%, throughout Israel and the world are living in lower income socio-economic reality and are either lower middle-class, poor or near poverty level! But the world sees the disproportionate number of Jews who are very wealthy, who make up roughly 5% of all Jews as compared to the only 2% of Christians who are that wealthy and the only 1% of Muslims who are that wealthy , and so most non-Jews tend to fall for the anti-Jewish anti-Semitic propaganda (i.e. defamatory lies and fabrications) that claims that almost all Jews are wealthy and that they live off the backs of poor Christians and Muslims, as well as other people! In other words, more socio-economic exploitation, by far, is perpetrated by so-called Christians and Muslims on their fellow Christians and Muslims than by anyone who is a so-called Jew. In its elementary form Judaism prohibits socio-economic exploitation! But the world always pays more negative attention to the minority who is the easy target! The fact is that of the very few Jews in the world who are very wealthy many are actually great philanthropists and humanists like George Soros, working to prevent world conflict and bring about greater peace and prosperity for all humanity! All in all, Jews have brought more good and wonders to the world than the total of harm done by a few bad apples in our midst!

5. The Holocaust is not the only reason Israel came into existence, and unbeknownst to most non-Jews today is the fact that prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, which was immediatly attacked, both European and Palestinian Semi-Arab Jews had been buying up land from Palestinians and other Arabs for serious money over a period of hundreds of years! Much of that land was actually originally in Jewish ownership at the time when the Roman Empire brutally robbed Jews of their land rights! True, history shows that the early Jews invaded Canaan and Philistia and made their kingdoms out of the lands they had invaded, but that all happened at a time when the Arab peoples had not yet moved into the region alongside the Meditteranean which is today Israel and Palestine. In other words, the Canaanites (many decided to join and even marry the Babylonian and Mesopotamian Jews) and the Philistini were not Arabs! But Arab expansion, which came as a result of Roman Empirical population displacements and increased later on during the heyday of The Prophet Muhammad's conquers, gives many non-Semites the impression that the Jews are a foreign people in Arab lands. A lot of today's conflict in the region is made worse by this misimpression many non-Jewish Europeans and Americans have!

So to all Israel-bashing Jew-hating liars I say: cut the crap, please!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Advice On What Is Ab-Normal, Not Normal and What is Normal Sexuality!

1. Pretending to be truly monogamous and then cheating and lying behind the person you claim to love. That's just evil.

2. Deliberately doing anything involving sex whereby the other person suffers harm that they did no really agree to or even would have risked had they known what you had in mind. Also evil.

3. Harming (exploiting for selfish gender gratifiation that I would not call real sex) people who are not yet, of an age, of sufficient physical, emotional, psychological maturity to be able to make serious decisions about what they want and with whom they want it (meaning: ABUSING MINORS AND OTHER NON-MATURE PERSONS...which is sick and inexcusably wrong). Clearly sick and totally unacceptable.

True sex is about sharing, mutual respect, exploring the whole person, and establishing a true friendship.


1. Anything two or more adults do with one another that is fully consensual and which does not cause unnexpected harm, including anything GLBT, anything non-GLBT, any experience and relationship that is loving and caring, even if just on the basis of warm friendship. Any adult polyamorous relationships.

2. Allowing minors (not inhibiting and harming their natural personal and social development) to learn and explore through other minors (only), so long as they are at the same phase of sexual development, such that, for example, a minor who is already in puberty should not have anything sexual to do with a minor who is not yet in puberty.

3. Anything that does not violate the principle of the law concerning minors. That is to say, no adult should have anything sexual to do with a minor, period! I, for one, would change the laws a bit to accomodate those people who are truly exceptions to the average. Evidence does exist that some people as early as 16 are already sufficiently adults and no longer minors. As there is for driving there should be a test and license for sexual maturity, such that becoming an adult is not fixed to simply an age. Many so-called adults would not pass this test! And most people under 18 would not pass it either!

As for MARRIAGE, which is another matter altogether:

1. No religion which is opposed to GLBT people should be forced to marry them. But a Constitutional ban on Civil Unions and marriage ceremonies outside of traditional religious institutions (those which are opposed to GLBT identity) would actually be in violation of Separation of Church and State, i.e. Unconstitutional.

2. GLBT persons should have the right to form their own religions and/or communal center for the performing of marriage ceremonies as fully licensed marriages by the state. The state should also sanction marriages between four persons and any even number further up, so long as those marriages are not strictly heterosexual!!! That way the State would not have to violate the Federal Prohibition on classical Polygamy! After all, a marriage between one man and several women and not between one woman and several men is clearly about power-play in favor of men. I would be for the abolition of that Federal Law if women were also allowed to marry several men what would be an otherwise heterosexual situation.

As for what to do with sick people who rape, molest and harm other adults and/or minors.

First Time Offense Which Did Not Involve Murder: put that person on a special, minimum security, health farm resort where there are absolutely no minors and where consensual sexual relations between adults is encouraged! These places would also be inhabited by adult women and men whose crime was not violent (in terms of causing any serious physical injury or death), and who volunteer to be there in order to help these sick people discover the beauty of healthy emotional and/or sexual relationships with other mature persons. As for those who are totally amoral and have no limits either way, regardless of age, such individuals need only one single chance to get their lives together again. ONE ONLY!

Second Time Offense (after having already had the farm experience): to prison with non-violent offenders. No parole until ones labor pays for the symbolic compensation for the victim (around, at current economy, $200 K).

Second Time Offense Which Involved Serious Bodily Harm or Death (i.e. Violence): to regular prison with hardcore violent offenders! No parole for over 20 years.

As for those who cause serious injury or death: off to regular prison.

On the other hand, all laws prohibiting and inhibiting any form of adult-on-adult sexual contact and/or any type of sexual relationship that is consensual, should be banned!

Just as there is supposed to be separation of Religion and State, there should also be separation of Adult Sexual Freedom and State!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions Crisis Intelligence Analysis

Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions Crisis Intelligence Analysis

By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher

a.k.a. The Original New York City Free Advice Man


Whatever the United States policy on Iran shall be, it must not inadvertently cause World War Three or any situation that would definitely lead to World War Three. While the nuclear ambitions of the minority of fanatic pseudo-Islamic fascists who currently lead Iran is obvious and should not be taken lightly, those ambitions can be discouraged and Iran’s fanatic leaders can be persuaded to pursue policies which are definitely in the better interests of the peoples of Iran and the rest of the world. A preemptive military attack on Iran is both unwise and absolutely unnecessary, especially under the current circumstances. Here’s why.

Iran Is Not Iraq

As bad as the Iraq Fiasco is, and it is definitely a disaster by any measure, much due to an administration that is run by a group of people who seem unable to appreciate the need for caution, sophistication and real-politic thinking, attacking Iran in any significant and obvious manner would push Iran to the brink of risking all-out global conflict. Before we examine the analysis behind the aforementioned conclusion, let us take into account the most basic, known, proven differences between the late Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq and that of the Ayatollahs and fanatic fascists in Iran.

First of all, Iran has almost three times the population of Iraq, and its territorial size is almost four times that of Iraq, making Iran both the 18th largest country in the world in terms of population and geographic size, making Iran slightly larger than Alaska and roughly one-sixth the size of The United States of America! Plus Iran’s territorial features are far more diverse than that of Iraq, which is mostly sandy arid desert and rolling hills, whereas Iran’s is made up of everything from sandy deserts to rocky flat and barren lands, to high and rocky mountain ranges, from rich sub-tropical forests to pine forests. In terms of its military strength and technological reality, Iran has a military that is much larger and better equipped than Iraq was at the time America invaded Iraq! Also, the Iraqi population is much more united, less diverse and much more willing to form countless cells of resistance fighters who would stop at nothing to make lie as miserable, dangerous and deadly for anyone who would dare invade her! Also keep in mind that Iran is not only at a vital geo-strategic intersection between Asia, Africa and Europe, but unlike Iraq, which is almost split into three ethno-sectarian communities, 89% of its population is of the same sect of Islam, the Shiite, and at least half the population is also made up of loyal ethnic Persians. Taking all these factors into account and you begin to get the right picture: if invading, occupying and trying to control Iraq has turned out to be next-to-impossible for the U.S.; Iran will be three to five times as difficult and more deadly and dangerous to attack and invade than Iraq was! And Iranian business and family relational connections throughout the world, including some 700,000 living in the US, makes attacking Iran even more dangerous than attacking Iraq was, with only around 50,000 Iraqis living in the US! Attacking Iraq has caused significant and almost irreversible damage to the image of America and Americans throughout over 90% of the world, and has ruined decades of hard diplomacy and cautious international relationship building, and so it would be that massively attacking and invading Iran would most likely convince the vast majority of people in the world that the United States, which once stood for democracy, freedom of expression and the land of great financial opportunity, was for all intents and purposes as good as dead, a relic of some bygone era, never to be trusted again!

Iran’s Threat Is Serious

Iran’s nuclear ambition is a serious and urgent matter, and poses a very serious threat to the relative balance of power in The Middle East! Regardless of what top Iranian leaders try in vain to do in their efforts to convince the world and the IAEA that its nuclear interests are strictly for peaceful power generation, there should be no doubt about the fact that Iran already has some crude dirty bomb nuclear devices and knows that were it to acquire full nuclear weapons capacity it could easily get away with efforts to seriously undermine Israel’s regional and domestic security interests, until the day Israel would feel pushed too far into a corner from which it must escape, no matter what!

Here’s the very hypothetical scenario Israel, The United States of America, and even the European Union, can imagine:

1. Iran has managed to play games until one day in 2008 it announces that it has at least three nuclear warheads ready to be missile launched at strategic targets in Israel away from Jerusalem.
2. Iran builds a secret massive pipeline system for future oil supply to the Black Sea!
3. Iran then manages to secretly stock up on its own vast oil reserves and makes huge food and technology purchases, from Russia and other countries nearby.
4. Iran then manages to supply even deadlier and more accurate missiles to Hezbollah and Hamas, including some tipped with non-lethal but economically disruptive viral and bacterial agents!
5. Iran then fabricates a fake attack on its own territory and claims that it was an attack by agents of Israel and/or The United States.
6. Iran sinks several large oil tankers in such a way as to block the all-vital sea-lane in the middle of the Straight of Hormuz and this begins the week-long process of causing massive economic problems and the near-collapse of world markets.
7. The United States threatens to attack Iran if it in any way prevents U.S. efforts to remove the sunken tankers.
8. Iran in turn threatens to launch its nuclear missiles at Israel if the U.S. dares to attack, but makes an offer which, given Iran’s surprise Ace up its sleeves, The United States would be foolish to refuse! Iran offers to cooperate with the U.S. if it forces Israel to unconditionally hand over all territories it took in 1967!
9. The United States hesitantly agrees, especially given mounting pressure from other nations negatively affected by the massive oil shortage!
10. Israel is forced to return lands without any guarantees of future security!
11. The Arab nations experience massive street demonstrations in praise of Iran’s victory over Israel and The United States.
12. For the next 24 months things begin to calm down in The Middle East, although the aftermath of this entire affair has caused serious economic harm to much of the world and because of massive sudden unemployment many nations, with exception to Russia and China, which are willing to use draconian measures to keep their workers quiet, enter a Greater World Depression, which wrecks all vestiges of democracy and the rule of law!
13. As a result The United States no longer has the means to provide Israel and relatively moderate Arab nations the financial assistance they need and have come to expect!
14. Massive popular uprisings topple the governments of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and others, and pseudo-Islamic extremists, i.e. anti-Israeli, anti-peace fascists establish Islamic Republics in those former allies of The United States.
15. Israel becomes totally isolated and life in Israel becomes so unbearable for most Israelis that a majority of Israelis leave Israel as economic migrants to nations in the E.U., Australia, Canada, America, South Africa and elsewhere!
16. After a two year interim period the Iranians give the orders to Hezbollah and Hamas to launch their missiles at Israel, and these cause the Israeli economy to collapse entirely!
17. Israel is forced into a corner, and is desperately trying to decide what it should do! It has only two options! One is to seize to exist, something that would have been unthinkable before Iran’s nuclear threat, and the other is to launch its missiles and risk World War Three!!!
18. All bets are off!
19. But, let us suppose that Israel simply moves itself to a large swath of land offered by South Africa, an old friend. Let us suppose that the Arabs and Persians temporarily create a huge pan-Islamic Dual-Caliphate. How long that would last before their ancient historic differences and animosity does not begin to set the Sunnites against the Shiites?? How long till there is such instability once more in The Middle East that threatens to cause World War Three?? And without a nuclear Israel, how will Jews ever feel safe from the threat of annihilation by a world that is once more heading into a direction where Jews are once more the target of preference for anti-Semitic leaders??
20. Again, all bets are off!

Obviously, if The United States had found some truly effective way to put an end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions then the above scenario could never happen!

Enough Reason For A Preemptive Strike?

While some so-called experts are arguing in favor of a preemptive military strike against Iran (immediately!), in the hope of causing a situation that would lead to a popular uprising against the Ayatollahs, most experts, me included, think comparing Iran to Nazi Germany and suggesting that we should attack Iran preemptively as we should have done to Nazi Germany, in the hope of preventing World War Three, is absolutely wrong, and would actually be the very thing that would trigger World War Three! Clearly what is really needed is a truly wise, sophisticated, multi-faceted and intelligent approach that would involve a combination of efforts, including the creation of a strong pan-Sunnite Alliance of relatively moderate Arab nations against Iran’s meddlesome influence in the region, a final, truly viable, peace settlement between Israelis and Palestinians, which would first require that Syria distance itself from Iran and make a deal with Israel, which would only be possible if The United States removed most of its military from Iraq and admit that invasions are generally wrong,

Just so that you get the point here’s a hypothetical scenario that shows what would happen if we did launch a preemptive military strike:

1. Intelligence reports convince President Clinton (2009) (or President Gore, Biden, etc.) that Iran is within three months of acquiring the means to tip and launch nuclear-tipped missiles, and she decides to give the green light to the Pentagon to launch a massive air attack on Iran, along with a massive Naval action in the Persian Gulf, with instructions to hold Iran’s oil hostage!
2. The preemptive attack is launched!
3. Iran cleverly holds back on any defensive efforts and begins melting away on purpose a large number of its elite forces, who have already, long ago, received instructions that they are to use massive funds, some in secret Swiss and other European and offshore accounts, to organize and finance dozens of major terrorist attacks on American and American-friendly European targets throughout the world.
4. While the preemptive U.S. military attacks will have destroyed the major facilities of Iran’s nuclear efforts, a few dirty bombs were previously stored in secret locations elsewhere.
5. Iran plays the peaceful victim card, with great success on the Arab streets! And soon enough relatively moderate Arab governments are toppled!
6. Now Iran has enough support at OPEC from Arab oil producers and from Venezuela cut the flow of oil so severely that within days A Final Greatest Depression is triggered.
7. A combination of devastated Western economies, massive street protests, and what not causes the world to turn against their governments and against the easy, false scapegoat, Israel!
8. The United States government is forced to declare a national emergency and America begins to collapse under the weight of its own injustices and paranoia!
9. Utter chaos, destruction and eventually total social meltdown in the U.S. forces America’s elite rich few to allow martial law and a dictatorship of plutocracy to happen.
10. Life in Israel also becomes unbearably difficult for most Israelis, and most begin an Exodus to Europe, America and Africa.

Or, in an even worse case:

1. Iran is about to develop full nuclear weapons capacity, the U.S. strikes Iran preemptively, destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities.
2. Iran launches chemical and biological warheads into Israel. A large percentage of Israelis and Palestinians are killed!
3. Israel retaliates with both nuclear and chemical weapons. Many uneducated Palestinians celebrate, even as they bury their own dead “martyrs”!
4. Iran and Syria are decimated!
5. Governments are toppled by angry Arabs throughout the region, and a massive missile attack is launched by all Arab nations.
6. The flow of oil from The Middle East stops!
7. Within weeks the most negatively affected nation is the U.S., with massive internal strife, panic, chaos and violence never before experienced!
8. With the end of democracy in the U.S. and the collapse of the world financial system the world is in chaos, with food riots and violence everywhere.
9. With basic amenities shutting down contagious diseases pop up and spread all over the world!
10. The instability in what is left of Syria and Iran threatens their neighbors, who end up going to war!
11. China is desperate for energy and launches a massive invasion of the region!
12. Total economic and social collapse spreads throughout the whole world!
13. The End of The World!

But neither of those things is likely to happen because of the threat by Israel’s top secret agencies and spies no longer providing vital intelligence to the U.S., and also a possible threat to release information harmful to US politicians! Which would be fair, because what kind of signal would that send the rest of the world about America? It would mean that since the U.S. was able to back-stab its most important ally in the world that America’s word means nothing at all!!! That is why this will never happen! Contrary to the common misperception that most Americans have; the U.S. needs Israel more than Israel needs the U.S.! No other nation on Earth has the kind of intelligence abilities that Israel has! And sufficient intelligence and infiltration of the intelligence services of other nations is key to national survival in today’s most dangerously intelligence/information-dependent world! Israel is a nation that unlike any other nation in the world knows that its very survival depends on having the best of everything a nation needs to have, and that were it not for its military, technological and intelligence superiority it would be vulnerable to relatively easy forms of blackmail and would face the so-called “Massada Question”, which is: should it risk World War Three in order to overcome any serious threat(s) or should it dissolve itself and risk another Holocaust, i.e. another time when Jews would be the scapegoat for the world’s problems and the target of monstrous lies, of virulent anti-Semitism, , of persecution and eventually a final Holocaust?! Obviously Israel would be right to risk World War Three! Because anti-Jewish anti-Semitism is not as many would like to think only because of the existence of The State of Israel, but is once more a common threat because of the fact that actual remnant Nazis have cleverly, by means of all their stolen loot-based investments and subsequent profits, been re-seeding the world with their sick anti-Jewish anti-Semitic lies and attitudes! And it is another big lie that Israel has been more wrong than right, less justified and more offensive and oppressive than not! The actual facts clearly show that Israel has been bending backwards over and over again in its desire and willingness to establish a meaningful, viable peaceful resolution, based on fair compromise and necessary cooperation, of the Israeli-Palestinian and Arab-Israeli conflict(s)! The facts, which I will discuss later in this article, show that Israel, in spite of many mistakes, miscalculations, and even some incorrect behavior, has been much more the victim and has been forced by circumstances, including Arab intransigence and unfairness, to do things it really would have preferred not to have had to do in order to survive! And the historic reality is that Israel not only has as much, if not more, legitimacy to exist, as does a Palestinian State (peacefully coexisting as a relatively friendly neighbor to Israel), but that most of Israel’s land (within the 1967 boundaries) was legally purchased from those Arabs who had inhabited those lands since the Romans forced most Jews to leave their lands! More on Israel later, since resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is very much a major requirement, key, to handling the Iranian Nuclear Ambitions Crisis!

What, Then, Can and Should be Done?

The idea that Iran is just a bigger, slightly harder version of Iraq is totally wrong and even if The United States had a military twice as big and powerful, the fact of the matter is this; Iran should not be attacked by massive conventional military force. The relatively wise real-politik solution would be the following:

1. The United States must do everything possible, by diplomatic and economic means/incentives, to convince Syria to come back into the predominantly Sunnite, relatively moderate Arab mainstream, in order to be able to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian and thus Arab-Israeli conflicts! But for Syria to feel secure enough, politically, economically and strategically, The United States needs to do several things: a. remove move of its forces from the region (i.e. Iraq), reposition/relocate a significant number of troops (around 10% of the current numbers there) away from Iraqi population centers, to the border region with Turkey and Iran; b. The United States needs to in some subtle way admit that the previous U.S. foreign policy of invading nations without proper international support was totally wrong and that The United States will no longer use massive conventional military force in the region without either a U.N. mandate or the full support/request of the Arab nations; c. The United States needs to provide Syria with many important economic, financial, and other incentives to make it possible for Syria to severe ties with Iran without suffering economic collapse, and to stop supporting all terrorist groups and organizations without being able to show benefits and advantages for its own people, such as a serious commitment on the part of the U.S. to broker and help implement a fair compromise deal over The Golan Heights, that would be equally acceptable to both Syria and Israel!
2. With Syria back and finally at peace with Israel, which can be accomplished within a few months, both Lebanon and the Palestinians will get the message and come round and agree to a final compromise peace settlement with Israel! Hezbollah will have been reduced to insignificance and possibly wiped out were it to make any more trouble as their massive stockpile of missiles will definitely have been confiscated by the Lebanese Army, with actual help from Syria! And Syria will also agree to a compromise deal vis-à-vis Lebanon, helping insure and strengthen Lebanese sovereignty without harming legitimate Syrian security and economic interests! A byproduct will be the end of most terrorist attacks within Lebanon!
3. Once there is a meaningful, viable peace settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians of the West Bank, Hamas will be toppled and Gaza will also enjoy the benefits of peace with Israel! This will diffuse most of the anti-Israeli sentiment and reduce the currently rising anti-Jewish anti-Semitism throughout the world, especially throughout the Arab World and the greater Islamic World!
4. Within days of an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Settlement The Arab League will fully recognize Israel and establish full normal relations with Israel, thereby allowing the formation of a strong, powerful, impressive joint-Arab-Israeli political, economic and even military front to isolate and pressure Iran to stop meddling in the region and to be realistic about its ambitions. Iran will either get the message and change course or economic hardships and other international pressure will make the current Iranian leadership very unpopular and eventually they will be removed by the Iranian people through democratic means or even another Iranian Revolution!
5. A new Iran will go out of its way to work with the international community and provide the means to insure that Iran does not develop the nuclear weapons threat that Israel, the U.S. and the E.U. do not want Iran to have! Problem solved without a single serious military conflict between the U.S. and Iran! World saved!

But what if at point number 4. Iran does not change its course? What then? Simple; The United States will have no problem getting sufficient International and pan-Arab support for the first phase of a potential military eventuality against Iran! And the first phase would involve the following steps: 1. The pan-Arab-U.S.-Israeli forces secure the Straight of Hormuz and the steady flow of oil, i.e. the lifeblood of world economic stability!; 2. Though it is most likely that Turkey would decide to remain neutral, Iraq’s border with Iran would be the scene of a massive build-up of pan-Arab-Israeli-U.S. forces ready to pounce within weeks (most of the actual troops would be Arab, with special technological support from Israel and the U.S.).; 3. Iran would be given an ultimatum: give up its nuclear ambitions or face a massive military attack on its border, which would easily cripple the Iranian economy!; 4. Iran would most likely finally give in.

But in the worst case scenario Iran would go to war and within weeks it would lose without major disruption to the flow of oil! World saved, Iran decimated!

Israel Has Never Been The Problem

Somehow the Big Lies Machine of the remnant Nazis has managed to distort the truth about Israel, about its legitimate ancient historical basis, about Roman Imperial anti-Semitism followed by classical European pseudo-Christian anti-Semitism (against both Arab Muslims and Jews), about the pre-1948 reality of Jews legitimately acquiring lands that actually would be their historical right to have returned free of charge, about Arab leaders launching attacks on vulnerable Jewish communities before the establishment of The State of Israel in 1948, about Israeli Jewish retaliations that sometimes went way too far and violated the very principles of Judaism!, about how the actual Nazis and then, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, i.e. The Third Reich, actual remnant Nazis easily managed to turn the Arab leaders against the idea of peaceful partition of Palestine into two states, about how Israel was forced to be even harsher in its military responses to Arab invasion attempts and how both the Israelis and The Palestinians became the ultimate victims of a conflict fueled by the conflicting interests of the two Superpowers, of the Arab nations and others! Somehow much of the world fails to admit that it has a very double-standard vis-à-vis Israel as compared to other similar situation elsewhere! Somehow much of the world is totally illogical about who is the real underdog and overall victim at risk between the two sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict! Somehow much of the world feels incredible sympathy for The Palestinians, who identify themselves as Arabs first when it is convenient and Palestinians first when it is not convenient for them to be perceived as part of the Arab fold! Somehow much of the world fails to recognize that even current Israel exists in less than 22,000 square kilometers of land versus the total Arab lands, which make up roughly 13,000,000 square kilometers!
This means that a very small drop of a country is being argued and fought for by an Arab World that is hundreds of times larger than the only Jewish nation on Earth! Now, do not get me wrong, while I think Israel has every right and even need to exist, so do the Palestinians have a right to a viable Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza, and some parts of Jerusalem, and Jordan is not a Palestinian State (as some Israeli extremists wish to suggest), but Israel has never been the real obstacle to the formation! The main obstacle to peace between Israelis and Palestinians is the perpetuation by most Arabs and Palestinians of the myth, the illogical idea, which is that violence can ever lead to the creation of a greater Palestinian State and the destruction of Israel! As well as the dangerous tendency of Palestinians to teach their children these myths and to teach lies about and hatred towards Jews and Israelis! This is the first and most important obstacle to peace between these two peoples and nations! Again, there is good reason to think that remnant Nazis are actually behind the deepest source of these hateful and harmful dangerous myths and lies! Just as remnant Nazis are probably behind the minority of Israeli extremists and their hateful lies and myths about Arabs and Palestinians!!! And the second major obstacle are the Mafiosi-like arms dealers and merchants of death and destruction who profit from the status quo, the continuation and perpetuation of the Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts! And the third most significant obstacle is the failure of both the Israeli and Palestinian peace-seeking, peace-desiring, compromise- and cooperation-willing leaders, and their supporters, to realize and recognize the first two reasons, i.e. obstacles, I have just mentioned! The fourth major obstacle to peace comes from the ability of the pseudo-Islamic fascist terrorists (under the influence of ages of Big Lies planted in their minds by actual remnant Nazis!), to set back any peace efforts by suicide bombings which are actually anathema to True Islam! The fact of the matter is this; the only ones really benefiting from the suffering and killing are actual remnant Nazis, Mafiosi-like arms dealers, pseudo-Islamic fascist terrorists, pseudo-Jewish fascist terrorists, and anti-Arab, anti-Jewish anti-Semites throughout the world, such as pseudo-Christian Evangelical fanatics and traditional pseudo-Catholic anti-Semites!!!

It is perfectly reasonable to conclude, as most Israelis have, that were it not for the existence of the modern-day State of Israel, the real danger and threat of another, this time final, Holocaust would come into existence and there would be no one able to pressure the leaders of the non-Jewish world to bring their peoples to their senses and prevent any and all major anti-Jewish anti-Semitic attacks and attempts at genocide! Furthermore, it is fair to say that Israel, were the Arabs and Palestinians in particular to finally live fully at peace with Israel, would be a great economic and even social blessing to all Arabs and eventually to all Muslims! On the one hand the enormous positive economic trade benefits would, in of themselves, bring great prosperity to all Palestinians and most Arabs, and on the other hand Islam would be able to show clear, unequivocal evidence of how truly tolerant and reformed Islam can and should be, and Islam would finally evolve into the “Way of G-D” that The Prophet Muhammad would really have wanted! This would bring about a world where the three Monotheisms are no longer in competition and conflict, and the rest of the non-Monotheistic World, such as the Hindu, Buddhist and atheist worlds would also no longer live under the constant threat and fear of a Final Clash of Civilizations. Ultimately only a few would be strict adherents of traditional religion and a new World Spiritual Order would emerge, that would be tolerant of all persons, regardless of their personal beliefs or absence thereof! Would not that world be a threat to the interests of the leaders of the major religions? Well, if peace and prosperity, if justice and freedom, if spiritual love and scientific awareness are threats to these leaders, then maybe they have no longer G-D’s true interests in mind! The idea that a peaceful world will see a decline in religious fervor is incorrect. True, traditional religious conduct will dwindle, but in its place will rise a Great Spiritual Enlightenment that is not in conflict with science and which does not threaten the core values of the great monotheistic religions!

Does Ahmadinejad Represent Iran And Should We Be Seriously Concerned??

When the leader of any significant nation on Earth actually threatens to wipe out and recommends the destruction of any other significant nation on Earth that leader can no longer legitimately be considered a voice of reason and peace! When Iran’s fanatic pseudo-peace-loving, pseudo-spiritual President, Ahmadinejad, openly suggested that Israel is the only real obstacle to peace everywhere and that Israel is an illegitimate nation that must be wiped off the map, he totally discredited any other statements that were intended to suggest that an Iran under the leadership of his type of Iranian can be trusted when it states that it does not seek to make or acquire nuclear weapons! But what is the real situation at the top of Iran’s political leadership, which is not represented by Ahmadinejad? Are the Ayatollahs who rule Iran really intent on seeking to destroy Israel? The answer is yes and no! Yes, they would if they thought they really could, but no when they know that they cannot! So, then why do they tolerate Ahmadinejad? They do so because they need his kind of populist rhetoric that feeds into the ignorance of the majority of Iranians, with definite exception to the educated middle class of Iran who vehemently oppose Ahmadinejad and actually would like to reduce the power and influence of The Ayatollahs! Ahmadinejad’s virulent rhetoric serves, for now (although there are clear signs that that is beginning to change), to steer Iranian public attention away from internal problems and injustices towards an easy scapegoat enemy: Israel! Many Arab leaders have done the same in the past, but never as cleverly and effectively as Ahmadinejad has. Ahmadinejad represents the very views he and his ilk have created in the minds of many Iranians, but there is a sizeable number of Iranians, perhaps as much as 30%, who actually favor the real-politik world line on Israel: that peace between Israel and The Palestinians is possible and desirable! Insofar as Israel is concerned it has a very strange behind-the-scenes relationship with Iran and its leaders! That relationship is far more complicated and controversial than I am able or willing to address herein. Suffice it to say that Iran’s leaders are probably not willing to let the likes of Ahmadinejad to actually attack Israel! At least, not as long as their power is not seriously threatened! Israel has managed over the years to make odd deals with Iran in the past and may yet be able to get Ahmadinejad removed from his high-profile podium. So, all in all, while the sick hate-mongering nonsense spewed by Ahmadinejad does harm the overall interests of all peace-makers, not just those concerned for the real welfare of both Palestinians and Israelis, but elsewhere where tolerance of minorities is at risk or non-existent, he is not a Hitler able to launch World War Three. On the other hand if the relatively moderate Palestinians and Arabs really want peace, which I think and hope they do, then they should be much more vocal in condemning any and all statements that in any way threaten Israel and Jews. In fact, the Arab mass news media would serve the interests of peace were they to stop using inflammatory and malicious expressions like “Zionists” and “Jewish Extremists” in referring to what they should call them “those reactionary Zionists who are not progressive and peace loving unlike those progressive Zionists who are for peace” and “pseudo-Jewish fascists who do not represent most Jews”. And the same principle applies to the mass news media here in America and Europe; they must stop using incorrect, imprecise, inflammatory, offensive, dangerous words, terms, expressions like “Islamo-Fascists”, Islamists”, Islamic Terrorists” when they supposedly are referring to “pseudo-Islamic fascist terrorists”. Any truly intelligent person can clearly see how words and expressions matter everything, that using the right terms, matters very much, and that using the wrong terminology and words has already been the cause of wars, including World War One!

Words matter everything and on that level Ahmadinejad is a serious troublemaker. He needs to be made totally irrelevant, unless if by some miracle he were to have an epiphany and admit that he was being misled by the mechanism of Evil when he said those horrible things!


The United States of America needs to heed the wise and sound advice of Senator Joe Biden and General Wesley Clark when it comes to The Iraq Fiasco and The Iran Nuclear Ambitions Crisis. All-out war with Iran is not yet necessary and should be averted by all legitimate means possible. The world needs truly intelligent, informed and sophisticated policy makers and not the kind of idiotic pseudo-cowboys like Bush and the naïve and dangerous Neo-Cons who put him in power and could still push America and the world into the abyss of a Final & Short Dark Age!

About The Author. Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo is a Philosopher whose works are based in part on the ideas of Spinoza, The Concord Group, as well as Einstein’s and Gandhi’s humanistic and spiritual ideas. He gained some limited fame in the late 1980s as New York City’s Original New York City Free Advice Man, and has two books to his name, as well as dozens of articles about social, political and general philosophical ideas. He is an autodidact and currently holds no formal higher education credentials. He is fluent in six languages and has traveled extensively and lived in many nations. He is the Founder & Director of The Infinity Society, a small, independent NGO that serves as a think-tank and networking organization for progressive intellectuals, academics and artists. He lives with his wife in the Washington, D.C. area.

Monday, October 8, 2007

"David Horowitz: The Ultimate Meshugeh Political Troublemaker!"

By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher.

If you are a college or university student in America there is a good chance you have come across the following campaign titled, "Terrorism Awareness Campaign" and a petition titled "Islamo-Fascism Petition". These are the efforts of The Horowitz Freedom Center, but do not be misled by David Horowitz's organization's name; it is as much about freedom as Neo-Cons are about peace and tolerance!

David Horowitz is one of the most successful Neo-Cons around, and is probably responsible for spreading and hardening dangerous misconceptions about Muslims, Islam, Arabs and anyone who dares to speak out in defense of the religious rights and freedoms of Muslims. He has a way of cleverly twisting truths and creating semi-truthful lies which serve his overall agenda of disenfranchising and to that extent virtually eradicating progressive liberals and any academics who hold left-of-center and left-wing views. With that right-wing objective in mind he created a student-based organization named Students for Academic Freedom, which serves to intimidate and harass progressive liberal and left-wing academics! All these things from a man who was once an outspoken Marxist and founding member of the New Left movement in the 1960s America.

He is often invited to talk at right-wing forums and has appeared on Fox News as someone they consider to be qualified to talk about terrorism and Islam. The fact of the matter is this; he takes a few exceptions and makes them sound like they are not exceptions but commonly occuring incidents that show the dark side of Islam, he takes things out of context and distorts things so cleverly that unless you are sufficiently well informed and educated you are likely to be convinced that he must be right. We will examine specific examples later.

When it comes to progressive liberal and left-wing academics he often points out that it is actually, as he claims, the fault of the liberals and lefties that there is so much poverty, and failed social welfare programs. He compares liberals and left-wing university professionals to Nazis and Fascists! And in one of his more popular books, titled "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America", he mixes genuine progressives with reactionary revisionists and apologists who are known for being pseudo-liberals and other riff-raff. He takes advantage of the fact that indeed many left-wing academics in America during the Cold War idealized the Soviet Union and other so-called Communist nations.

In terms of his stance on Israel, he is nothing short of an extreme hawk and someone who champions the unrealistic "the Palestinians already have their own country in Jordan" and "all Muslims are a out to destroy Israel and commit genocide against the Jews" attitude of the pseudo-Jewish right-wing ultranationalist sizeable minority in Israel (such as the Likud and Kahanists). He is convinced that the whole peace process is futile and is also to blame for most of the terrorist attacks on innocent men, women and children.

He is convinced that the United States can and must win the War in Iraq, otherwise the Iranians will gain further strategic advantage in the region and peace will be even more elusive. Never mind the fact that Iran actually benefitted from the destruction of Saddam's regime, and both the failure to do the right things in the early days of the invasion and the very presence of U.S. troops in Iraq has also helped terrorist groups find more new recruits, willing to take up arms against America and the rest of The West.

(to be continued)

Friday, October 5, 2007

"How AIDS Served The Political Interests Of The New Fascists."

Note, Disclaimer and Qualifying Statement: This article is meant for mature adults and contains concepts unsuitable for minors without parental guidance and consent. Also, I am not a medical doctor or lawyer and anything I state herein is my own personal opinion and not to be taken as a statement of fact upon which you can safely conduct your life. It is based on my understanding of what is currently known about STDs, and HIV-AIDS in particular, as well as observations about sexuality, politics, economics and ethics. I am an advocate of safe-sex practices, methods and technology, as well as protecting The Constitutionally implied sexual freedoms and liberties of adults.

If there were just one reason only why any decent human being should not vote for the pseudo-Republican Party (real Republicans hardly exist) it is this: it was the New Fascists, more often called the Reaganite New Right...Remember? Those 'wonderful' people who brought you the miracle of Trickle Down Economics, a.k.a. The Lean Mean Government Machine That Loves To Destroy The Lives Of Liberal Arts Professors and True Intellectuals...who deliberately allowed HIV-AIDS to devastate unsuspecting innocents, including Homosexuals, substance abusers, many other people, especially poor people unable to afford condoms, and perhaps politically most importantly intelligent sophisticated people who enjoy their sexual lives! Why? History shows us countless examples that serve as evidence of the fact that when sexual freedom is prevalent, especially among the lower classes and intellectuals, that the socio-economic political reality becomes more and more just and fair to the working lower and middle classes! History shows us that those who control and limit sexual freedom gain tremendous political power and financial benefits!! History shows us that when mature adults are not feeling that their lives are empty and unfulfilling, because their sexual needs and desires are sufficiently satisfied, that they are more calm, relaxed, less stressed-out, less likely to buy junk, junk food and junk everything else, less likely to value material things, less likely to want to compete for money, wealth and luxury nonsense items meant to give the illusion of security and self-control!

History shows us that when people are sexually liberated and free to explore themselves that they become much more philosophical about life, the meaning of it all and begin to see the absurdity of initiating and glorifying war, of engaging in sick, destructive, anti-social criminal activities, unethical business practices and other behavior that is selfish and unkind towards our fellow human being, such as nationalism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, racism, familial mafianism, sexism and ageism! History shows us all the evidence we need in order to realize that while sexually free and liberated communities and eras had their obvious risks, such as the deadly risks of Venereal Diseases (because of the need to sell Digital Video Discs, abbr. DVDs, the pharmaceutical industry collaborated with the electronics industry in discouraging this term and prefers STD, abbr. for Sexually Transmitted Diseases), the overall number of health-related deaths combined with deaths due to un-natural causes (war, violent crime, corporate callousness in the production of consumer goods) dropped as compared to when sexual freedom and related liberties have been discouraged and even punished by government and private sector policies!

Mind you, for those of you purists, I am not talking about the obvious exceptions. I do not include in my list of natural, healthy, human sexual freedoms and liberties any obviously sick, extremely harmful and definitely unethical acts against minors; people who are not yet mature enough to truly make their own consensual decisions with regards to sexual conduct, people at great risk of being inhumanly exploited and abused by pedophiles and other persons with serious personality disorders and mental illnesses who selfishly seek gendrical stimulus without regards to the emotional, psychological and physical welfare of their victims! Nor do I include in my list of acceptable human sexuality people who rape or molest other adults, using the threat or reality of force to get their way! Nor do I include in my list people who truly cheat on those intimates they claim to love by going behind their backs and having sexual relations without their initial partners' full knowledge and consent! Nor do I include people who deliberately hide their Venereal Diseased condition(s) and are willing to expose others to their viruses and/or germs! Because whatever we do do sexually with others must always be based on honesty and some form of real love for the other persons we with to share our intimate pleasures and emotions with.

Anyway, the point is undeniably true to me; the policies of the Reagan Administration and subsequent pseudo-Republican Administrations, have sought to discourage sexual freedoms and liberties in the general population, have used excessive fear-mongering tactics, such as exaggerating the dangers and risk levels of sexual activity with others, and getting the mass media to over-emphasize the actual reality of crimes involving gendrical gratification at the expense of non-consensual others (i.e. rape, molestations, child abuse and other such horrors), all for the obvious social control factors, the obvious political gains and the obvious financial gains for the elite they serve and to some extent are part of!

The United States of America has become, for the most part, very unhealthy and extreme in its reaction to those mature adults who seek alternative sexual relations and intimacies with other adults and towards other kinky people within the GLBT communities. Too many Americans who were hippies and liberals in the 60s and 70s tend to be hypocrites when it comes to the liberal sex lives of those liberated adults today! They secretly cherish the knowledge that they had very rich sex lives, both physically and emotionally, while even being at the forefront of political activism against sexual freedom and liberty! And yes, there were some unhealthy excesses and sick things that happened amidst the so-called liberated sexual communes and group homes and social circles of those hippies, but those were actually exceptions! Of course, watching the History Channel and other mass media documentaries about the so-called "Free Sex Era" of hippies, yippies, kinky playpeople (60s and 70s) and what not, as well documentaries about the excesses that were the result of the dangerous mix of illegal substances and the sexterntainment industry (porno film producers) as well as the deliberate spread of illicit substances by para-governmental agencies working for the extreme Right (real pseudo-Americans who are Fascists and even Nazis) within minority communities, especially within the GLBT community and the Black, Hispanic and Asian American communities, watching all that it is no wonder that you would get the impression that the "Free Sex Era" was a terrible thing, a great failure that is 'evidence' of how relatively ideal utopias are human impossibilities, extremely costly social experiments not worth ever trying again, and that sexual freedoms and liberties are dangerous for the health and welfare of society in general!

Well, these semi-truthful lying documentaries, cleverly devised to appear relatively politically neutral, are actually meant to destroy every vestige of pro-social human behavior and every chance that some day Social Democracy, which is the only truly healthy socio-economic politics, will ever become reality here or, for that matter, anywhere else in the world! Never mind that in Sweden, The Netherlands and a few other European countries, plus New Zealand and to a lesser extent the UK and Canada, Social Democracy has been proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, to work to the overall benefit of practically every citizen of those Social Democracies! And a key element in each of those Social Democracies is a relatively healthy social and political (i.e. government) attitude towards human sexual freedoms and liberties!
Because they understand that when the people are relatively happy, less stressed-out, spending less money on medications to cover the symptoms of excess stress-related illnesses, then they are wiser consumers and producers and quality consumer goods are more desired and sought and the economy is progressive both in terms of protecting the real interests of the wealthy and in protecting the social and environmental interests and needs of everyone!

America is an unhealthy, greedy pharmaceutical industry's paradise of unethical profiteering off the many illnesses, diseases and chronic health conditions caused by excess stress, which is in great measure caused by the fearification of society and the lack of healthy sexual satisfaction and lack of emotional honesty and affection in human relations! Americans should do their research on those European Social Democracies, especiallu Sweden, and discover the shocking truth! In those relatively healthy societies rape, child abuse and Veneral Diseases are less common and fearification of society is almost non-existent! In those societies the glorification of initiated wars, of fortuitous, senseless violence (especially in movies, violent crime and unethical (unhealthy) corporate social and evironmental practices (i.e. Stealth Terrorism) are seriously discouraged and thus relatively uncommon. Sure, they are not as Social Democratic and perfect as they may yet become, but most of their shortcomings are the result of the overwhelming influence of the global economic reality as it is greatly influenced by the Socio-Economic, Corporate and Political conditions, realities, within the world's most influential country: Our United States of America!

Our current economy is very unhealthy, as it is based on an excess of unhealthy consumer goods, including food products that contain too many toxins, fats, sugars, and other junk stuff, as well as being a society that feeds off suffering and unhealthy social, personal and political conditions. In a Social Democracy the working middle class is the majority, and the majority is relatively educated, fairly well informed and intelligently knowledgeable, thus capable of making the right political decisions and openly protesting any moves to even begin to undo the core policies of their country's governmental and social system. Unfortunately, the overwhelming influence of The United State's current reactionary and elitist social, economic, employment, trade and financial policies, on the entire global market reality has had a growing detrimental effect on these relative social paradises! The Nouveau Riche (New Rich) have forgotten the hard lessons once learned by the Old Rich, most now gone, about how and why The Great Depression happened, and for the past 30 years, with exception to the Clinton Era, which almost entirely succeeded in reversing the damages, the United States has been hijacked by reactionary political forces, the Neo-Cons, The New so-called-Christian Right, the corrupted Republican Party of pseudo-Republican Fascists (being manipulated, without them realizing it, by actual Nazis behind the scenes) and policies deliberately meant to destroy or significantly alter the Liberal Arts (especially the lives of Professors of History, Anthropology, Sociology and Social Psychology as well as Ethics and Philosophy), to weaken and reduce the number of the Educated Middle Class, as well as to exterminate (by economic means of employment-denial) Progressive Intellectuals and Artists, and to do all this most effectively by turning society and government agencies against sexual freedoms and liberties!

All of this reactionary anti-social policy-making serves the very interests of our most obvious enemies; the sick pseudo-Islamic terrorists who attacked US on 9-11-2001, whose goal is to impose their twisted, demented, convoluted, horrendously sick anti-social, inhuman, Nazi-like ultra-Fascist pseudo-Islamic (fake-Muslim) Caliphacy!

If we Americans truly want to defeat the terrorists, both the obvious enemies of The True American Way of Individual and Social Democracy based on True Liberty and Freedom, the terrorists based abroad, and the Stealth Terrorists based here at home who pretend to be for Democracy and Freedom but who are anti-social ultra-Elitist Fascists being puppeteered by real remnant Nazis, those War-Profiteering Neo-Cons and their pseudo-Republican supporters, then we must never accept the great falsehood that says, 'in order to secure our homeland we must sacrifice some of our cherished liberties and freedoms'! That is the biggest lie ever! Not only was Benjamin Franklin (at least the quote is commonly attributed to our great forebear)right in saying what I now will paraphrase: "Those who would sacrifice a single liberty or freedom in the name of security deserve neither liberty, freedom nor security", but the fact of the matter is this: the very goal, the very objective of sick bin Laden and al-Qaeda is to either and/or destroy us economically or socially (in the end, that is one and the same thing) by seeing to it that we undo our freedoms and liberties!!!
In fact, we can actually have greater security, albeit not perfect security one, no matter what is done, can provide you total security and safety from terrorists and their cowardly attacks on humanity and human civilization ... by encouraging great personal and social freedom, especially greater sexual freedom!

HIV-AIDS is, and once more increasingly so (no thanks to the reactionary, stupid, deadly policies of the Bush Administration), a very serious threat to all humanity, and any decent, intelligent, educated, well-meaning Progressive Liberal will encourage all adults, of all sexual identities and/or lifestyles, to use realtively safe-sex methods and cautious sexual conduct techniques. There are plenty of books on that and some non-governmental organizations you can find through the Internet who will gladly provide you the information you request. That said, HIV-AIDS is hard, if not impossible, to acquire (get) if you use quality non-sheep-skin condoms and do not engage in the exchange of bodily fluids with people or persons you do not really know well enough (in terms of their activity level, condition and safe-sex sense). Still, it is very interesting to note that those adults who are relatively sexually active with multiple partners but really use safe-sex methods, practices and technology, are less likely to get HIV-AIDS than those who hold back their freedoms and liberties until the occasional, once in a drunken night, mindless, careless sexual encounter, or those who do not use safe-sex methods.
And many more people are dying because of the excess stress-related diseases caused in part by almost total abstinence! Also, you get sicker and older faster the sooner you give up on your sexual interests and freedom!
To be succinct: enjoy more relatively safe sex with other consensual adults, and make an effort to create a closed circle of adults friends with whom you would enjoy intimacy and affection. Last but not least: in order to avoid any risk at all of getting any STD or VD abstain from all sexual relations with other persons, but remember that you will then have a greater risk of getting non-STD-related cancers, heart diseases, ulcers and strokes! I am not a medical doctor or lawyer, so consult your own or any medical doctor or lawyer before doing anything on the basis of what I have written herein. And do not be too surprised if she or he touts the current official line and suggests to you to abstain or seek a strictly monogamous relationship.

Had HIV-AIDS been reacted to the way Ebola is back in 1982, and those showing the symptoms of the then yet-unidentified disease had been placed in otherwise comfortable, luxury sexual isolation from the rest of society (medical quarantine) and had the government provided a program of encouraging safe-sex practices, methods and provided the technologies for adults and juveniles to protect themselves, we could have significantly limited the spread of HIV-AIDS and by no later than 1990, prevented the spread entirely! And we are not talking about putting people in hospital wards that are cold, inhumane places for long-term sexual isolation. Besides it being too late now anyway, I am strictly talking about how we could have built really nice "Health Resort"-type communities, free of charge and with the best possible food provisions, amenities and food (imagine a place with the same provisions as a most expensive luxury hotel and resort in Vegas or Monaco!), where all those infected would be required to live and would only be allowed to leave to temporarily (two time two weeks a year) visit places in the rest of the world (including organized international trips...all first class!) under the strict supervision of special health workers. They would also have the full right to engage sexually with other patients in the same condition. Mind you, the total number of people worldwide who would receive this special quarantine would not have been more than 40,000 in 1982 and 1983. The cost would have been worth the price many, many times over! And the patients would not perceive it as any less unjust than how governments treat those who have Ebola or those who have Leprosy! Even the GLBT community, which is falsely identified by many uneducated people as being the source of the disease, would have welcomed this effort and encouraged people, both GLBT and others, to participate in the program, which would have had one single legal alternative; that the individual concerned would agree to have someone official by their side at all times with sexual contact allowed only with other such persons. Mind you, the majority of people with AIDS got it through Heterosexual contact. There are around 40 Million people alive today with HIV-AIDS, and already 25 Million have died from the Combinational Disease. The second largest population is made up of intrevenous drug abusers and people who got stuck by infected needles and sharp objects, as well as person exposed to contaminated blood. Estimated costs of this Responsibly Progressive Emergency Disease Control Program: $400 Million Dollars per year (at $100 K per annum per person) and around $4 to $10 Billion dollars for the entire life of the program, which would also have included $2 Billion for an Intensive Research Program in pursuit of a full understanding of the disease and the development of therapies and cure(s).

Another important point is this: HIV-AIDS can be outlived with the right diet, low-stress life conditions and sufficient peasure experience! The most famous example of outliving HIV-AIDS is that of basketball star Magic Johnson. And there are people who somehow have a natural antigen to AIDS, which suggests that the retrovirus that is at the core of the syndrome has affected us before, sometime in past history and that HIV-AIDS is not 100% fatal, albeit it is more than 90% fatal for sure, especially among the poor and lower income brackets. Furthermore, there is evidence that many of the pharmaceuticals supposedly meant to combat AIDS actually did more harm by weakening the patient's immune system! The same as with many Cancer treatments. And then there are special alternative treatments for HIV-AIDS that combine dietary controls and exposure to controlled temperatures, low and high (you can find them on the Internet).

Last but not least, there are other STDs or VDs that are now just as lethal as HIV-AIDS, such as new resistant forms of Syphillis and Gonorrhea, as well as non-venereal diseases like Hepatitis-C. Which, again, is why you should use safe-sex practices until you are relatively certain that your partners are safe and you should seriously consider creating a closed circle of intimates.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

When our most important freedoms are violated then all others go out the window too!

The psychotic and brainwashed pseudo-Islamic fascist terrorists who attacked us on 9-11-2001, the opportunists who took advantage of these attacks in violation of our Great Constitution and all the wonderful liberties, freedoms and human rights we Americans should always be able to experience, cherish and share with those throughout the world who really ask for them, the fools of masses who allow themselves to be swayed one way or another (people who ignore Biden's and Gravel's wisdom and great ideas), are the enemies of every decent noble man and woman!

I'd rather live in a society at some risk of being attacked by external enemies than being destroyed from within by internal enemies. And yet it is a big lie that the only way to relatively strong domestic security is at the expense of even a single one of freedoms, liberties and/or rights.
In fact, only through more freedom and liberty, not less, can we also have greater domestic security!

The same principle applies to social values and norms of conduct. I'd rather live in a society that is sexually liberated, meaning a society where consensual adult relations of all types are not subject to stupid puritanistic laws and where minors are not threatened by sick adults and what minors do with other minors is handled with a respect for the need to avoid discouraging natural behavior, and thus a society that may have a slightly greater risk of social diseases (STDs) than a society that is as unhealthy, uptight, neurotic and self-destructive as we are now! I bet more Americans are dying as a result of living over-cautious lives and lives that are hollow, unsattisfying and unfulfilling, than did at the height of the stupidity that was prevalent in the era of hippies! Unfortunately too many, albeit not all, hippies went too far and mixed unhealthy chemical abuse with sexual liberation, and voila! we've got a society that is mostly boring, unhealthy, overweight and mediocre, caught between two major extreme groups; those who are hypocritical religious extremists and those who are pseudo-liberal chemical abusers!

Clearly a country's welfare is dependent on its political health and a country that is too conservative or pseudo-liberal is politically and socially unhealthy and unfit to advance the entire human species, scientifically, spiritually or sexually! Politics is very much about sex, and issues of tolerance of human differences vis-a-vis sex.

In a healthy country there is room for almost every type of adult: including adults who are totally asexual and celibate, adults who like to attend orgies (preferably ones where safe sex applies), adults who are strictly monogamous, adults who like adults of the same gender, adults who like both, adults who like even older adults, adults who like to change every few years.

As for sick people who would and/or actually do harm minors; the first time they are found guilty (beyond any reasonable doubt) they should be sent to special farm-like closed, minimum security reservations where adult men and women are encouraged to have sexual relations. This place would also be for all non-violent first time law violators who freely choose to participate, since there would otherwise be far too few women to make it work if only people guilty of crimes involving gender abuse of minors. Persons whose crime involved murder would not be eligible for this therapeutic alternative. And once these adult men and women would realize the beauty of healthy adult relationships then they would be eligible after enough time to move out to special communities set up at a distance from most other communities. This would be the cost-effective and humane way to deal with these people who are truly a danger to minors.

Again, the right-wing extremists are trying to create a full-fledged witch-hunt that will eventually be broadened to imprison and punish adults who engage in kinky consensual relations with other adults! Because these Nazis and fascists know that to control the sexual lives of adults is to have the ultimate political and economic power!

The death penalty is another thing we need to get rid of! It present too much of a risk to our Constitutional rights, liberties and freedoms since it can be abused for political and economic power by unscrupulous people willing to intimidate all political opponents with it! Not only that, but even if only 1% of those who are killed by law turn out innocent (the percentage is much higher!) it does too little if anything at all to really dissuade the kind of sick psychos whom it is intended to dissaude. And I'd rather see the real killers suffer life-long prison sentences forced daily to see images of their terrible crimes.

When we Americans restore our country to its most progressive liberal, as opposed to regressive liberal and destructive conservative, values and principles then we will have a country that is far better able to defend itself against external threats and more wlling and able to send out small-group special forces to wipe out the terrorist leaders, cutting of the snake's heads and giving more room and time for the Islamic reform movements to create Muslim societies able to live at peace with the secular world and other religions! Just as the non-Islamic knights of the Crusades eventually realized that they could not afford to fight endless wars against Islamic knights, we definitely cannot afford to have a global clash of civilizations! Islam can be reformed, as it was more or less successfully so in Morrocco and Lybia, and we need to support the relatively moderate reformists in order to defeat extremists, over there and at home too! The Neo-Cons and pseudo-Christian right are just as dangerous and a threat to democracy, to Our Constitution and to humanity as the pseudo-Islamic terrorists who hijack Islam and who seek their own Nazi-like convoluted Global Caliphate!