Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Predictions, Future-Seeing, Visions, Prognostications for 2009!

In some ways 2008 was a year of unprecedented things and overall change towards better times ahead, in other ways it was a year of disappointments and shortcomings!
For me and the world!

The election of Senator Barack Obama to be the next, the 44th, President of The United States of America, was something I was absolute right about! As well as predicting his choice for V.P.: Senator Joe Biden, whom I consider my favorite choice! I was also right about the severe economic crisis, and the fact that we are heading into a Mini-Depression that could, if not dealth with properly, become a Final Economic Collapse, which would obviously lead to a Final Global Geo-Political and Military Mega-Conflict and Total Disaster! I was right about NASA and ESA and other Space Exploration entities finding significant evidence in favor of there being Life elsewhere and in many places throughout The Known Universe! Finding actual frozen Water (H2O)on Mars, finding vast amounts of complex sugars (Carbon-based chemical building blocks of life) throughout parts of our own Galaxy, finding Exo-Planets in great abundancy, and a dramatic increas, once more, in reported UFO spottings, all of which indicates that those who think Life is the exception are simply put: DEAD WRONG! The Known Universe seems to be teaming with Life!

Here is what I foresee for 2009 (the remainder of 5769):

1. Obama's first months of Presidency will be full of sensational near-disasters for him politically, full of controversy, but he will weather it all out magnificently and his public popularity poll rating will remain high!

2. Due to super-vigorous, proper and wise actions taken by The Obama Administration and The E.U. the Global Economic Crisis will begin to come to an end by June, 2009! That said, this good news will not mean much to all those individuals, couples and families who will end up losing almost everything. It will take another 2 years to undo much of the immediate damage caused by Housing Mortgage and Banking Crisis! There will be a significant increase in the Jobless and Homelessness rates and numbers in much of the post-Industrial World!

3. George Soros will convene a major International Summit and Symposia comprised of world leaders in business, government and finance, as well as including the participation of NGOs and private individuals concerned about a wide array of related issues, from Socio-Economic and Investment Ethics to Alternative Energies and Pro-Ecological Businesses. The Summit will include a brief appearance by President Obama. It will take place in Switzerland, as an extension of The Annual Davos Summit. Some major reports will be published and some serious initiatives will be agreed to!

4. Israel and much of The Arab World and the broader Islamic World, excluding Iran and a few other nations, will begin to end their most volatile conflict, as a comprehensive Peace Settlement is reached between Israel and The Palestinian Authority, and between Israel and Syria and Israel and Lebanon! This will take place in late June or by mid-July.

5. The first solid scientific and publically announced evidence for Life Beyond Earth or even a Non-Terrestrial Intelligence will be announced by the end of 2009! And either in late 2009 or early 2010 President Obama will announce some incredibly wonderful new joint NASA-ESA Space Exploration and Space Technologies initiatives and programs! Including the first manned landing on The Moon since the 70s, by six US and EU astronauts, who will set up the first phase construction of a permanent manned Moonbase, the first phase of the construction of a mechanism to protect Earth from threats from Outer space, and a joint Mission to Mars by 2012!

(Jean-Pierre is PROVEN RIGHT AGAIN! I predicted that 2009 will be the year we confirm the existence of Life Beyond Earth! >> http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2009/jan/HQ_M09-005_Mars_Update.html ) !!!

6. New, powerful and also affordable therapies and treatments and campaigns against AIDS and other STDs and other Major Public Health Concerns will be announced in 2009!

7. A totally new, responsibly progressive liberal Adult Sexual Movement will become popular throughout Europe and The Americas and elsewhere, but will be banned in China, Russia, and India. It will incorporate many of the best aspects of The Hippie Era, The Beatnik Era and post-Marxist-Communalism!

8. President Obama will announce the establishment of a New United Nations Super-Hi-Tech, Ultra-Compact (relative small units), Surgically-Pin-Point-Accurate Strike-Force against Terrorist Groups, Pirates and Human Traffickers/Slavemasters! Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad and most of al-Qaeda and The Taliban will be gone! Pakistan will split into two distinct parts; one pro-West and pro-Peace, the other (bordering Afghanistan) the opposite! Afghanistan will also split, with the Pakistani-bordering side becoming part of a new psedo-nation that will not be recognized by any of the other nations of world!