Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stop all this hating of people! Immediatly!

I think it is just as abhorrent to hate those who truly seek to follow the teachings of Yoshua, as it is to hate those who truly seek to follow the teachings of Moses or Mohammed. In fact, I think hating people, personally or in terms of their group identity, is wrong, illogical and only leads to greater injustices, suffering and strife. We must not hate individuals or groups of individuals, even though we have the right to hate the wrongful things they might do! I do not hate anyone, but I vehemently oppose and dislike (you could say 'hate') all forms of anti-social, anti-environmental behavior, especially racism, violent intolerance of non-violent persons, and attitudes which are opposed to the idea of Unity-in-Diversity and Tolerance towards tolerant others. Life is too precious and short to waste living in perpetual hate and in the perpetuation of the perpetration of hate! We must abandon all those things which divide us as humans and unite on the basis of all that is wonderfully common to all human beings!

Note: Those who hate others and use violence to harm and/or murder others are clearly going totally against the actual principles and ideals of The Spiritual Teachers Moses, Yoshua and Mohammed.

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