Sunday, December 30, 2007

Remember this one? “There you go again!”

Dear Iowan Democratic Voter,

Yes, you’re right! I do not know you in person, but as a fellow Partybuilder I would like to share with you my thoughts.

1. Something very unpleasant and worrisome is brewing in Pakistan, and one can imagine this scenario: Bush’s people have been allowing the Taleban (read: with the help of Pervez Musharaff) to keep sick/dangerous bin Laden ‘safe’ in hard-to-reach Waziristan Province of Pakistan, until the very final few months before the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections, so that they can then use an elite joint Pakistani-and-American forces to capture bin Laden, dead or alive, and make it appear that Bush finally delivered on his post-9-11 ‘promise’! Thereby confusing America’s ‘swing voters’ and other voters, just enough so as to give a significant over-the-edge boost to whoever shall be the Republican candidate! And just in case that does not work; they’ll have a ‘Plan B’ in which it will appear, convincingly enough, that a major 9-11-style attack was just foiled!

2. If we Democrats choose Senator Clinton, then it will be very easy, if point ‘1’ happens (and, to some extent, even if it does not), for the Republicans to wipe out any advantage we Democrats have had so far! To a lesser extent the same is true is we choose Senator Obama, whose actual lack of experience and some superficial nonsense being concocted against him (as far as I am concerned Obama would actually make a fine President, even better than Senator Clinton…who, if she won, would try her very best to do what is good for our country, but would constantly face unfair opposition from our opponents)would be used against him. And Edwards is a mixed-bag candidate in terms of his style and manner of speech, which, my intuition tells me, would be too risky for us Democrats. The only choices left are Senator Joe Biden and Governor Richardson, because they both have serious international political experience, knowledge and wisdom. But Governor Richardson does have the baggage of being misperceived as weak on border security and related immigration issues (which is a shame, because he really is a nice guy). Basically, the conclusion I have is that Senator Joe Biden, who would probably choose Obama, Clinton or Richardson as his running-mate, is the candidate our political opponents most fear and can least manage to attack, without appearing nasty!

3. Senator Joe Biden and Senator Barack Obama would make a double-sure knockout election victory and would really deliver the goods to our fellow Americans and make our Democratic Party feel renewed, energetic and help prevent further damage to our Great Constitution and Ship of State! But the mass media, especially Fox, CNN and the Former ‘Big Three’ networks, many in the hands of such dangerous people like Rupert Murdoch (who practically handed Bush almost unlimited power to abuse authority and diminish Liberty), seem to WANT US TO IGNORE SENATOR JOE BIDEN! Why?!? Why should we let these irresponsible, selfish-minded, opportunistic, sensationalism-addicted, hype-spewing, corporate-interest-dependent, freedom-sell-out commercial mass media giants DICTATE TO US who should be Our President??? I see no reason why we should silently acquiesce to these monstrous machines of public opinion manipulation!

4. As I see it, by voting for Senator Joe Biden…even as a surprise final moment decision on your part ( hey…why not?!....go ahead and surprise yourself! ), we can send a clear message to all those who have been like vampires, feeding off the life-force of all decent, working-class and middle-class Americans! Throughout my life I have known how truly progressive Iowan Democrats can be! Now….I know you, as is true about many of your fellow Iowans, are not one to be fooled and played around with…so let me close by saying this: Yes, I have been a Biden and Obama supporter from the start, BUT I am NOT being paid up front by either of them for pushing these stated opinions of mine! And, yes, I hope that by sending you this thoroughly analytical letter you will think it over, a lot, and come to the same basic conclusion, and that you will let others know what I have to say. And, YES, I hope Senator Joe Biden, as President, will offer me a small job as an advisor to him!

Whatever you do, whoever you Caucus for and vote for, I wish you the very best always and hope that some day all of our children and all humanity will live in relative peace and prosperity!


Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher

(The Fixer was kind enough to forward this for me to you…given that I have been prevented from doing so myself, directly…by who knows who??).

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