Sunday, September 28, 2008


By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo (David Moshe), Philosopher.

I think it was a rather boring debate, but that Senator Obama did not have much choice. One has to keep in mind that the debates are almost exclusively meant for the Undecided and Swing voters, and not for the base or even those who are pretty sure about who they're voting for. Unfortunately 'race' does have a major role to play in this RACE for the 'White' House. Here you have a relatively young 'Black' man (on 'race' issues I am personally rather color-blind, as I am myself a mutt and proud of factor I am happy Senator Obama shares with me) here you have a young African-American male having to debate a much older 'White' male, and one who could easily be many American's beloved Uncle Bob or Grandpa Henry. If Senator Obama in a direct debate were to appear as verbose and blunt as he is on the campaign trail then that could very easily backfire in what we Social Scientists (I'm a Philosopher with a strong background in Socio-Psychology) call the Subconscious Zone and in an election that is likely to be very close that kind of risk is too great to take! So Senator Obama wore kids gloves and even kept on reminding himself not to raise his voice as loud as he actually is able to, or to be too strong in rejecting Senator McCain's attempts to misrepresent Senator Obama's actual stances, past and current. One can clearly see that the next morning, out on the trail, Senator Obama was strong and sharp as ever and had no qualms of doing at a distance what would have been fatal in the proximity of a direct debate! Fatal for either or both sides! Imagine poor old McCain getting a heart-attack in a direct debate with Senator Obama, just because Obama landed a few well deserved verbal judo punches?! That would risk killing both of their chances of being President, and leave the door very open for that Ap-Paling quasi-woman Alaskan demi-Governor, whose appearances are so easily deceptive. And Senator Biden would also get the brunt of the blame for ever being a partner to Senator Obama! So, all in all, it was a very good thing that Senator Obama, especially in the very first debate, seriously refrained from letting the debate get exciting!

As for concerns over Senator Obama's debate tone on Israel; no worries there whatsoever! One must remember that there is absolutely nothing in Senator Obama's actual views and record, not even from his earliest days at Columbia or even before, that could indicate the slightest risk to U.S.-Israel relations! In fact, if you closely examine McCain's record you will find some very troubling things vis-a-vis Israel! Also, we have a double guarantee in Senator Biden as Senator Obama's V.P. running-mate. Senator Biden is one of the top ten Senators to have the highest possible favorable rating with various pro-Israel lobbies and groups! Ofcourse, Senator Obama is wise in not over-stating his support for Israel, especially given the fact that many Undecided and Swing voters are actually cold on Israel's Jewish reality, even as they tend to support Israel for their own pseudo-Christian neo-Evangelical pro-Rapture purposes! Remember that the vast majority of those so-called Christians who have given huge amounts of money to Right-wing Israeli political parties, and to violent extremist Settler Movements (MIND YOU: not all Settlers are extremists)...the vast majority of these pseudo-pro-Israel types are actually serious anti-Semites and seriously believe that all Jews who do not convert will end up in Hell and deserve the worst possible path to Hell!!! In other words, Senator Obama has to be pro-Israel but seem a bit neutral on the Jewishness of Israel! And also he has to avoid alienating the Arab-American community, many of whom have very strong mixed-up feelings about Israel and many of whom are hesitant voters! When you add the Arab-American factor and the anti-Semitic pseudo-Christian factor, then Senator Obama's debate stance was VERY WELL DEVISED and GOOD! Mind you, exactly because of the horrors of what happened months after Bush Jr. stole into office, there is an unfortunately strong under-current of mixed anti-Muslim anti-Jew anti-Arab anti-Israel sentiment prevalent in America today!! And this troubling under-current, that sometimes boils to the fore, cuts across traditional political party lines! I'd venture to say that both major parties have their significant and gradually growing share of anti-Semites! That is, anti-Israeli and anti-Arab anti-Semites! And the only real way that we are going to be able to reverse this dangerous trend is if Senator Obama wins and if we Democrats can begin to seriously undo, untangle the knots of excessive suspicion, distrust and fear that all these seven-plus Color-coded years have managed to tie us up in! Which is why I am totally convinced that a McCain victory...thank H'SH'M that this is apparently HIGHLY UNLIKELY...would spell final disaster for all humanity! Just imagine a world where America is truly the Fallen Empire that these pseudo-Republicans would have managed to create?!?! Even Europe would not be able to stand against the pressure from the emerging Economic Superpowers...what with China and Russia having such a deficit in Individual Rights, and Democratic and Humanist values! So, let's not worry about Senator Obama tip-toeing through the tulips on issues related to Israel. Let's only worry about both worrying too much and becoming complacent as we reach the final ten yards! Let's remember that given the horrendous economic and fiscal State of Our thanks to these professional pirates and unscrupulous thugs pretending to be Patriotic Republicans....this elections is ours to lose!

Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo (H.N. David Moshe), a Scientific & Spiritual Philosopher, is also known as The Original New York City Free Advice Man (see The New Yorker magazine of August 17, 1987), and correclty foresaw Senator Obama's nomination and choice of V.P. runningmate! (See DNC Partybuilder BLOG records and mock Rollingstone mag cover). He currently resides in London, England and is working double-hard to convince the British Jewish communities to accept and support future President Obama (another prognostication of his: Democratic Victory '08).

If you find the above article useful please feel free to forward it! Thank you. L'Shana Tova! 5769!

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