Sunday, September 7, 2008

Senator Barack Obama Admits He Is A Muslim...NOT!

IMPORTANT! This Sunday (Sept. 7. 2008) Obama mispoke and in a context that can easily be understood, if you watch the whole interview on This Week with Stephanopolous (ABC-News), said what only seemed to be either a Freudian slip or an inadvertent admission to being a Muslim! Obama's many enemies will only want you to see their edited version and not the whole interview, because that way you will fall for their dirty tricks. Truth be said, once and for all: Senator Barack Obama is a Freemason, exactly in the tradition of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and many of our Founding parents, and as such he recognizes, as do all Freemasons, that all three Monotheisms, Judaism, Christianity and Islam contain truth concerning the nature of G-D and our Human Universality! And George Stephanopolous (ABC News, This Week with...) is well known for his high-pressure interviewing tactics and has caused many to speak in oversimplistic ways that can easily be taken way out of actual context! The enemies of Obama will not show the full interview, because then people would see that Obama was nervous (Stephanopolous is not a Bill Beutel or Ted Koppel!), that he was referring to his exposure to Islam during his childhood, at which time he had a positive experience and developed a natural affinity for its better aspects, and they would see that Obama has trouble hiding his interfaith Freemason ideals, which are and have always been Liberal, Progressive and relatively non-Dogmatic! Obama is not a Muslim, but like all Freemasons he shares many things in common with non-Christians, especially with Jews and Muslims! In fact, as a Spiritual Jew I find more in common with peaceful forms of Islam than I do with Christianity in general (in terms of dietary health/rules and attitudes about sexuality), but all extremists, whether they are pseudo-Islamic fanatic extremists who hijacked Islam, or pseudo-Christian fanatic extremists who want to cause World War Three, or even pseudo-Jewish fanatic extremists who don't see the real danger in what they are doing...all fanatic sickos who think they have a right to murder people in the name of G-D, are abhorrent to me and to Senators Biden and Obama! So, in closing, rest assured that Obama is not a Muslim fanatic pretending to be a Christian! He is a Liberal, relatively non-religious, but Spiritual and G-D-respecting/loving, moderate Social Democrat and Progressive Capitalist! I think that during the course of the next two months Obama will err in his speech, but there is absolutely nothing in all his years of hanging out with rich and educated Chicago businesspersons, quite a few who are Jewish, or with any other people, that indicates the slightest chance he is anything but a Progressive Liberal Patriotic American Democrat! Last but not least, I'd have no problem with a moderate Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist American for President, provided their whole life and personal connections were not an issue. Obama's life and connections ARE A+ CLEAN and SAFE! He was vetted by Chicago's Pro-Israel Jewish community, vetted by Biden, who is very Pro-Israel (as I am), and vetted by a Special Federal Security Task-Force set up since 9-11! Obama could never have come this far up if he was not the Altruistic Semi-Hedonist every U.S. President should be!

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