Wednesday, September 3, 2008

For all those who are not sure who to vote for this year.

What Republican, Independent & Swing Voters Should Know

By Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher, a.k.a. The Original New York City Free Advice Man.

First of all, regardless of what I write here you’re going to vote for whomever you are convinced will best defend America from her enemies, domestic and foreign, and I wouldn’t want you to do otherwise, because America does have enemies, truly dangerous enemies, sick people who hate everything decent and good in the world, who hate our Democratic Republic’s Constitution and the Freedoms, Liberties and Responsibilities it entails! Our enemies want nothing less than to be able to totally hijack Islam and in its name to impose a pseudo-Islamic global fascist, Nazi-like monstrosity of an empire, in which women and children are constantly terrorized and all who do not give up their human rights and subjugate themselves to their sick ways will be tortured and murdered in gulags and gas-chambers. I have no doubt about it, myself. Which is why The Global Fight Against Terrorists (which cannot be waged in the form of a conventional war), with our brave Special Forces and elite Ninja-like precision surgical strike anti-terrorist units, with help from our allies who cherish similar democratic values, and who love their families, friends and fellow human beings as The Lord commands us in The TORAH, must continue until the day that we can be sure that their number and ability to harm us is so diminished that they are nothing more than a small band of rogue goat herders hated more by their own relatives and country-folk than even by us! For our fight is in defense of all that is truly decent, all that is respecting of the privacy, property and liberty of all individuals, all that is respecting of the freedom of all persons to choose their own way of life within their own private residencies and lands, and is against all those sick monsters who share the sick ideas of those who attacked our Homeland on 9-11, and who attacked our friends in England on 7-7, who attacked our friends in Spain, in The Netherlands, in Africa and elsewhere! We must not elect anyone who would, even by accident or neglect, fail to protect our great country, America, home of the brave, land of the free. Nor elect anyone who would jeopardize our security interests abroad, as those interests would also jeopardize our safety at home. We must not elect anyone who would fail to come to the defense of our friends in Israel and in parts of Europe, and elsewhere in the world. We must not elect a bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberal or, for that matter a megalomaniac who would confuse our real enemy with all those true Muslims in the world who did not attack us on 9-11 and who have also come to understand, over time, that those sick monsters who hijacked their religion and misrepresent its true message, are just as much a serious danger and threat to their religion, safety and security as ours! We must not elect either of these extremes, because then we will have forsaken the promise made by our founders, great men and women like Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Abigail Adams, Martha Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington; a promise that is embodied in Our Great Constitution and our Noble Democratic Republican American Way of Life!

Now, you may be convinced that our current President, George W. Bush, though not that great at handling our economy, never failed us in protecting us from our enemies, domestic and foreign, and you would seem to be right if we only look at how our government, and the many brave, noble and loyal federal agents who work so hard to keep us safe, have managed to prevent further 9-11 type and scale attacks. Granted, regardless of what your opinion of George W. Bush may be, one cannot fault him for sincerely wanting to protect us from serious danger and harm. But the measure of security and safety cannot be based only on how things seem to be working inside America, as the cost to our economy, having managed to alienate so many of our traditional, historic allies and other friendly countries, has itself put us in very, very great danger of self-destructing! The costs of our current global military, economic and political strategy, which even some hardcore Republicans will admit has been a terrible failure, have been very steep indeed! In actual reality what the Bush Administration, perhaps inadvertently (and dangerously foolishly), has managed to do is to use the wrong global and domestic tactics to fight terrorists, because though these tactics have indeed managed to prevent large-scale single-act attacks on our Homeland, they have actually caused way too many more, individually unnoticed, attacks on our economic security, our infrastructure, our liberties and our freedoms and our safety abroad!!! The actual reality as I see it is this: the fear-mongering, color-coded and bold rhetoric ‘the enemy is right behind you…could be your own neighbor…is anyone who does not share your version of American life…is anyone who is not a Neo-Conservative Republican’ method of fighting our enemies is actually playing right into their goal of destroying us! Perhaps with the best of intentions, perhaps not, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and a plethora of other naïve ultra-conservative idealists have actually caused severe and utterly dangerous internal divisions in our own country, among our fellow American citizens, including patriotic Democrats and Republicans, and all along our enemies have probably, in all likelihood, sat back in the darkest corners of their filthy caves and, getting DVDs from supporters who live down in the villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan, have been watching news reports about our daily lives in America and about our many, many new and very, very dangerous conflict points arising throughout the world, especially with regards to the situation in Pakistan, Afghanistan, The Middle East, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, and the list goes on and on and on! And maybe those sick bastards hiding in their caves may only be inheritors of the monster bin Laden’s legacy, maybe he is already dead (who knows for sure), but I have no doubt that he and his sick brood trained newer generations of sick, primitive-minded fools into becoming dangerous terrorists, and he told them to wait, watch and only strike when America is finally busy at war with other nations of the world, over economic interests, over water resources, over oil and what not! And to watch us Americans turn against one another, little by little, day by day, eroding every vestige of Our Constitution’s rights and creating a nightmarish Country of Paranoiacs that Stalin would have been proud to rule! After all, that sick monster bin Laden (I would have even nastier words to describe him, safe for the fact that I wrote this for a broader audience) was a very clever man, albeit totally lacking any real wisdom and any sense of human decency and kindness, trained by our own mixed-bag CIA in rogue warfare tactics and what not, and he knew that even more Americans would die in the aftermath of 9-11 from the cummulative effect of having driven us into the direction of senselessly self-destructive divisiveness over otherwise benign issues. He knew that Bush, under the malicious influence of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney, would use the occasion, the excuse (Casus Belli) of the 9-11 horrors to eventually launch an attack on Saddam Hussein and Iraq, knowing that by doing so we would manage to turn even some of the most sympathetic Arab and other Muslim national leaders and peoples against us, some who actually were just as angry and disgusted at those assaults against humanity as we ourselves were. Sick bin Laden knew that Bush was very likely to fall into his trap and thereby ruin decades of hard, serious diplomacy and friendship-building in Europe, Asia, The Middle East, and elsewhere! And, to our great disadvantage and terrible loss, he was right! Now, hold on a sec, don’t get me wrong; getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his regime, which really was a threat to relative stability in the Persian Gulf and The Middle East, was something his (Bush's) father should have done in the first place, during the First Gulf War! But, given the complexity of the world situation, and the fact that the world’s economic stability has since, as a result of 9-11, suffered a major and almost totally lethal shock to the market-economy system, had I been President I would have done the right thing! I would have realized that sick bin Laden actually wants me to fall into his trap and attack Saddam Hussein and Iraq, thereby inflaming and outraging the Arab nations, and this also angering our friends in Europe who are even more heavily dependent on the flow of Arab and Persian oil! I would have thought to myself; ‘Hah! That bastard bin Laden thinks I’m such a fool! Well, I’m not going to take his bait, and fall into his clever trap by starting a full-scale conventional military invasion of Iraq! No way Jose! Nope. I’m going to build the world’s largest coalition ever and I’m going to sweep down on Afghanistan and there won’t be a cave in any mountain, a hole under the floor of any mud-brick house, or any place where a single terrorist can hide, and I’m going try to capture bin Laden himself alive, and then put him in a special holding cell where for the rest of his life he will be shown, high up on the white walls, images, at least every day for eight hours straight, of the horrors and aftermath of what he did to my beloved Americans and our friends, and there will be the sounds and odors of the horrors recreated for him to hear, and then the words, the pleading of all those wonderful people, decent human beings, begging for help to find their lost ones, in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years after he managed to murder so many wonderful, innocent mothers, children, fathers, and managed to wreck the lives of countless many more thousands and hundreds of thousands of lives, and the suffering, the extreme poverty, death and destruction his cowardly indefensible monstrous acts caused upon the least of nations, who were dependent on our great charitable efforts! And I will have scientists make special devices to insure that during those eight hours each day he cannot close his eyes or shut his ears, or clog his nose, and I and the world, after giving him the fairest of trials, will continue to watch him every now and then, as he is forced to face his evil ways! And I will have the same done to any of his close confidants and any who would dare follow in his path! And the greater number of the world’s nations will have united against all terrorists, and the majority of the world will have eventually helped create special circumstances that would allow for the relatively peaceful, precision target, removal of any and all murderous leaders who terrorize their own people! And then I would have put due pressure on all parties concerned to finally make a fair, just, comprehensive, lasting peace for Israel and a Palestinian State and for all The Middle East! And then the world would have by now begun to create the kind of alternative transportation and energy technologies which actually exist, mostly hidden from public view, that will liberate all humanity from the caustic fumes of burning oil, the deathly stench of fossil fuels, and oil would simply be used in preciously priced small amounts as lubrication for motors, and we would provide very decent alternative business models for OPEC nations, so that they may get away from having to produce fossil fuel gasoline, and benefit from those alternative energy and transportation technologies, that would eventually free humankind from greater environmental degradation, from pollution that actually kills many, many more people every day than the total of those murdered by sick bin Laden and Company on 9-11! For I would have been wise enough to understand, to see in my mind’s eye that bin Laden is actually working for the Dark Side of OPEC and their Oil Peddling Billionaires Club in Texas! And I would see that, as our great President Ike (Eisenhower) so wisely warned us, we need to tame the beast of The Military Industrial Complex and make it serve humanity, producing defensive weapons and alternative transportation and energy technologies, that we need to make the MIC moderate and cure it from its addiction to senseless violent conflict and terrible wars! For I would be wise enough to know that America’s stability and security, financial and in every other sense, would be jeopardized if we were foolish enough to destroy the source of much of our economic strength and security, the MIC! I would be wise enough to do what Ike wanted us to do; tame the MIC and gradually convert it into a total force for good! But did Bush do any of these wise things? Noooo! Not only did he and his cronies fail to do the right things and rise to the occasion, but they managed to severely damage our world standing and our overall economic security, even harming the MIC so severely that most of the MIC’s industrialists wished he had never been President!

So, in closing, you must be wondering what I am getting at, who I would like you, my fellow American patriot, to vote for this November?!? Simple! Do not vote for McCain, because the world’s so pissed-off at us already that unless we vote for someone they, the world, the world of other nations who would otherwise like to once more buy our goods in greater quantities than ever, really sense means real change, then we’ll be wasting another painful four years that we and the world really cannot any longer afford! (Not as if the world could have afforded the past 8 years already!)

But then, who am I asking you to vote for?

The bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberal Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden?!? ‘You can’t be serious now?!’, you’re probably asking (or something to that effect).

Well, I myself will not vote for the bleeding-heart naïve neo-liberals! No way Jose! And I am as serious as one can be! I will only vote for the wise, brave, patriotic, Constitutional lawyer who will not hesitate to defend America from her enemies, even if it may sometimes mean going to war, the Constitutional lawyer whose Presidential platform is loaded with very responsible, fairly conservative economic ideas, but who will finally also save so many millions of working-class Americans from total disaster and premature death! I will vote for the Constitutional expert lawyer who knows that Ike was right, that Washington was right, that Lincoln was right, that Kennedy was right; I will vote for the man who can best unite us Americans, Black and White, and all others too! I will vote for the man who has the wisdom to know whom to seek advice from, including another great American patriot, a man who wants our Military Industrial Complex to be strong and healthy and to be a force for good! I will vote for a Constitutional lawyer who knows that America was actually founded by men and women who understood, all too well, how dangerous, wrong and evil it is for government to serve the specific ideological and/or religious interests of one set of Americans against another! I will vote for a man who really does, like Lincoln did, come from the ranks of the hardest working Americans, whose grandmother worked to make the weapons we needed to defeat the evil enemies of humanity, the enemies of freedom and liberty, the anti-Democratic, anti-Republican Fascists and Nazis who threatened to destroy human civilization! I will vote for the man who, against so many odds, managed to pull himself up and out of the hardships of poverty in America to become the best candidate, at this time, for President of The United States! I will vote for a man whose very message includes a straightforward admission of being as imperfect as the best of us Americans, and whose own family life exemplifies the very true family values that a healthy America needs to respect! I will vote for a man who has had his weaknesses and made his mistakes and thus who is truly willing to seek the wise counsel and experienced advice of wiser men like Senator Joe Biden! I will vote for someone who is very human, and very realistic and never seeking to impose his own ideas on others, Senator Barack Obama! I will vote for him because he truly understands the everyday hardships so many wonderful working-class and middle-class Americans, and even some wealthy Americans, now face! I will vote for a man who is of the people, for the people, by the people! And I will vote for him even though I already know that he will sometimes disappoint me, and that though he will be a great American President loved as much abroad as at home, he will not always do as wisely a thing as I would have done! And I will look back four years later and know that he did great for America’s image abroad, that he gave the world renewed hope and faith in America, in an America not afraid of healthy, patriotic, Democratic Republican change! And maybe, if he as wise as I sense him to be, he will give Joe Biden the chance to be President in 2012, so that his legacy will not be tarnished by what tends to happen in a second term! And I will see America once more a beacon of hope and a glorious light of reason and love among the nations of the world! And America will truly be the home of the brave and land of the free, a place for you, me and everybody, everybody regardless of their particular ideology, religion, way of life, race, sexual orientation, gender, age, whatever! Because the only colors in America that we should be truly conscious of is the green of money (noticed lately how un-green our money has been getting?! Hhm?!), the green of nature, and the Red, White and Blue of the great symbol of Our Constitution, unfortunately often abused, our American Stripes & Stars, Our Old Glory! God Bless You! And now do the right thing: go to Senator Obama’s official web-site and read his platform and speeches, and think very deeply about what I have written here and why I am convinced voting for McCain, even if he really is such a nice guy, would do NOTHING, NILL, ZILCH, ZERO to help change the world’s bad opinion of us! And without much of the rest of the world, without better, greater markets to sell our fine products (and some of our crap and junk, too!), without our ability to relatively safely travel and live abroad, for business, pleasure and what not, we Americans will only lose out BIG TIME to CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA and The Lord knows who! So do the right thing and make a wise decision not based on simple ideological preferences only! Keep in mind this: Ike’s Republican daughter is for Obama, over 80% of Chicago’s Jewish community, many prominent citizens, fully support Obama, especially given his pro-Israel record (go to if you doubt Obama is safe and properly vetted), and Palin belongs to a fanatic group that believes Jews will burn in Hell! As an American I find McCain’s choice, regardless of her being a woman, offensive! Whereas Biden has been on the political forefront in our Global Fight Against Terrorists!

Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, The Original New York City Free Advice Man, a proud American Original McCoy!